Near-Miss Awards

DUE DATE: Wednesday, May 31, 2023

The goal of the Near-Miss funding program is to support the improvement of grant applications submitted for Federal type funding but were not funded. These applications are reviewed by an ad hoc review committee appointed by the ADR.

I.      Eligibility Highlights

  •  SIUSM faculty member must be at the instructor/lecturer level (including Research or Clinical Assistant Professor) or above.  Volunteer faculty members are not eligible.
  • An applicant must have submitted an original grant application to an external organization and have received a critique at the time of the application for Near-Miss funding.  Unscored applications are eligible as long as a critique has been received.
  • Eligible parent grants must meet all four criteria:
    • Generate full F&A (IDC) return (currently 47.5%).
    • Have an associated critique dated on or after May 31, 2022
    • Be eligible for resubmission to the parent agency. 
    • Have not been re-submitted as a revised or new application.

II.     Financial Support Highlights

  • A maximal budget of $25,000 can be requested.
  • Salary support for personnel such as post docs, researchers and graduate students is acceptable.  However, Near-Miss funding cannot be used to support faculty salaries.    
  • Equipment is defined as durable items costing over $5,000 and is not eligible for funding. 
  • An application must be re-submitted to the parent funding agency within 12 months after the start of the Near-Miss Award.
  • A grant final report will be due in the ADR Office within two months after the end of the Near-Miss funding period.

III.    Allocation Priorities

Applications will be evaluated and prioritized by an ad hoc Near-Miss Review Committee appointed by the ADR.  The Committee will be comprised of at least three faculty members who have current or have had recent NIH funding and/or are experienced at grant review.  Allocation of funding will be prioritized to those applications viewed as most likely to address critical concerns of the parent application critique to become more competitive upon resubmission. Reviewer comments will not be provided. The funding decision is final.

Internal Funding Guidelines

IV. Application Materials

Collate the below documents into one PDF and email to by 4 p.m. on May 31, 2023.

  1. Near Miss Cover Page (download form below)
  2. Application Introduction (2-page limit) explaining how the PI will use the Near Miss funds to address the concerns raised in the critique.
  3. Near Miss Excel Budget (one year itemized budget for a maximum of $25,000) (1 page) (download template below)
  4. Budget Justification (1 page)
  5. The critique for the original application dated on or after May 31, 2022
  6. The original application

For questions or concerns, please email


Near Miss cover page
Near Miss budget template