Consider the following questions regarding special anesthetic situations.

  1. What physiologic changes would you tell your pregnant friend she can expect during her pregnancy? Consider all systems: cv,resp,cns and gi.
  2. Unfortunately, at 20 weeks gestation, this friend needs urgent cholecystectomy. What are the anesthetic considerations? Are there any drugs to definitely avoid? Any special monitoring?
  3. This same pregnant friend is now about 30 weeks along and is feeling "puffy" and thinks she may be pre-eclamptic. How would you help her determine this? Fortunately, she isn't pre-clamptic. Help her to understand her labor analgesia choices. How do these work? What anesthetic technique would you use if she required a stat C-section.? Why?
  4. This same pregnant friend is now about 30 weeks along and is feeling "puffy" and thinks she may be pre-eclamptic. How would you help her determine this? Fortunately, she isn't pre-clamptic. Help her to understand her labor analgesia choices. How do these work? What anesthetic technique would you use if she required a stat C-section.? Why?
  5. A 55 year old male presents for craniotomy to remove a massive frontal lobe tumor. What tilings might you do to lower ICP before and during his anesthetic? How do cerebral perfusion pressure, cerebral vascular resistance, and cerebral blood flow interrelate?
  6. During a tonsilectomy on a 4 year old child, the expired CO2 begins to climb rapidly, tachycardia, hypertension and rigidity are also present. What might be happening? What should you do to confirm dx and begin rx.
  7. During a tonsilectomy on a 4 year old child, the surgeon asks for a cephalosporin antibiotic to be given. Shortly after giving the antibiotic, the child's heart rate climbs, bp drops and airway pressures are notably higher. What might be happening? What would you do to dx and rx?