How to Apply

Here you will find the Illinois Doula Certification Guide and the steps to apply to become a Medicaid-Certified Doula.

Doula Guide (Coming Soon)

The Illinois Medicaid-Certified Doula Guide outlines the requirements that doulas must meet in order to become Medicaid-certified in the state. The guide also includes the doula Scope of Practice and the Code of Ethical Conduct. Doulas who apply for certification must read and agree to the stipulations in the guidebook.

Application (Coming Soon)

Applicants will provide their name, contact information, and the certification pathway that they wish to take (Training Program Pathway or Legacy Pathway) on the application form. Applicants may complete the application form online, or they may download the application form and submit it to the Office of Certification Strategies via email or traditional mail.

Experience Verification Form (Coming Soon)

All applicants must identify clients and/or healthcare professionals to serve as references by verifying the applicant’s experience working as a prenatal, labor and delivery, and postpartum doula. Applicants may download the experience verification form and email it to their references; each reference can then submit the form to the Office of Certification Strategies via email or traditional mail. Applicants may also provide their references with a link to complete the verification form online.

Training Verification Form (Coming Soon)

Training Program Pathway applicants who were trained by one of the approved training organizations must arrange for the organization to submit a training verification form on their behalf. Applicants may download the training verification form and email it to the training organization; the organization can then submit the form to the Office of Certification Strategies via email or traditional mail. Applicants may also provide the training organization with a link to complete the verification form online.

Ways to submit your application

When submitting your application and other required documents, please choose ONLY one of the three options below:


Email digital copy of application, verification of doula training and completed core trainings, birthing experience verification forms, and training verificaiton forms to the following email address:


Mail hard copy of application, verification of doula training and completed core trainings, birthing experience verification forms, and training verification form to the following to:
SIU School of Medicine
Office of Certification Strategies
Attn: George Houston
319 E Madison, Suite 4M, PO Box 19673
Springfield, IL 62794


The easiest and quickest way to apply is using the online forms listed below:

  • Doula Certification Application (Coming Soon)
  • Doula Experience Verification Form (Coming Soon)
  • Doula Training Experience Verification Form (Coming Soon)

About the Program

SIU School of Medicine's Office of Certification Strategies administers the Illinois Medicaid-Certified Doula Program with oversight and guidance by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services.

Pathways & Requirements

Pick either the Training Program Pathway or Legacy Pathway, and see requirements needed to apply.