Year Two: ERG

Endocrine, Reproductive, and Gastrointestinal (ERG) Unit

Unit Co-Chairs

Nurse Educator

Goals and Objectives:

The general goals of the Endocrine, Reproductive and Gastrointestinal Unit are for the student to:

  1. Acquire an integrated basic knowledge base of the pathophysiological basis of endocrine, reproduction, and gastrointestinal disorders, including aspects related to pharmacology, immunology, genetics, neoplasia, evidence-based medicine, and population science.
  2. Reinforce core concepts of Year-One ERG unit and introduce pathophysiology, pharmacology, immunology, microbiology, population science, and clinical concepts related to endocrine, reproduction, and gastrointestinal disease processes.
  3. Reinforce learning skills through small group learning, self-directed study, and use of a variety of learning resources. 
  4. Apply clinical knowledge and skills to execute basic patient medical history taking and physical examination skills. 
  5. Acquire communication and professional skills through participation in mentoring program, clinical experiences, and elective clinical opportunities.