
Surgery Core Clerkship


  • Provide a clinically immersive experience with a designated faculty preceptor who will through direct observation and targeted feedback assist students to develop their clinical skills i.e. history and physical exam skills, differential diagnoses development, diagnostic justification, and development of diagnostic and therapeutic management plans.
  • Provide the opportunity for development of communication and interpersonal skills i.e. oral presentation skills, patients, families, caregivers and healthcare teams, and documentation skills.


  • To become familiar with the role and function of a surgeon
  • To determine if they have an interest in a career in a surgical specialty.
  • To be able to assess (i.e. preoperative management) a patient that presents with a potential surgical problem.
  • To be able to describe the indications for surgery vs other management options for the pathologies central to the student’s specific surgical rotation.
  • To be able to present patient findings on rounds and in clinic.
  • To be able to identify and understand the management of common postoperative complications. 
  • To be able to demonstrate proper OR Etiquette, including maneuvering the sterile field, scrubbing, gowning and gloving.
  • To become familiar with the roles and functions of all members of the healthcare team in a surgical environment.
  • To become familiar with how to perform simple suturing techniques.

Must see

  • Perform an evaluation of at least 2 surgical patients with H&P documentation.
  • Participate in suturing skills session, as well as, seek opportunities to practice suturing during procedures.
  • Participate in scrubbing, gowning, and OR etiquette skills session
  • Participate in at least 4 surgical procedures i.e. “scrub in” 
  • Participate in at least 2 clinics and perform the evaluation of at least 2 patients at each clinic.

Surgery PEP Selectives

  • Provide students opportunities to experience a wide variety of surgical specialties to assist students in determining their career paths.
  • Provide students who have chosen a career path with a deeper experience in surgery specialties to develop specific educational goals.

Required Clinical Experiences

Patient Type/Clinical Condition
Clinical Setting
Level of Student Responsibility*
Evaluation of Surgical Patient
History and Physical Documentation
Inpatient or Outpatient
Evaluation of Surgical Patient
Suturing Skills
Inpatient or Outpatient
Evaluation of Surgical Patient
OR Etiquette, 
maneuvering the sterile field, scrubbing, 
gowning and gloving
Inpatient or Outpatient
Evaluation of Surgical Patient
Minimum 4 surgical procedures (“scrub in”)
Inpatient or Outpatient
Evaluation of Surgical Patient
Minimum 2 surgery clinics
Inpatient or Outpatient
Evaluation of Surgical Patient
Oral Case Presentation of Surgical Patient
Inpatient or Outpatient