Allison Spenner, MS

Assistant to the Chair
Population Science and Policy

    About me

    Primary Responsibilities: 

    My primary responsibilities include managing the operations of the Epidemiology and Biostatistics division in the Department of Population Science and Policy.


    I grew up in central Illinois in a rural community about 30 minutes outside of Springfield, IL. I received both my B.S. (2008) and M.S. (2010) in Exercise Science from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. While in Graduate School, I was lucky enough to be able to work as a Graduate Research Assistant in the Strong Survivors Exercise and Nutrition Program for Cancer Survivors and Caregivers, that experience ignited my passion for changing our rural communities’ health for the better. Exactly one week after graduation, I started with SIU Medicine, and I have loved every minute of it!



    Education & training

    Assistant to the Chair, Population Science and Policy
    Graduate Degree
    Master of Science in Exercise Science, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
    Undergraduate Degree
    Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, Southern Illinois University Carbondale

    Academic Location

    Academic Office

    201 E Madison Street Springfield, IL 62702
    Mail Code: 9664


    a.    Rogers, L. Q., Fogleman, A., Trammell, R., Hopkins‐Price, P., Spenner, A., Vicari, S., ... & Verhulst, S. (2015). Inflammation and psychosocial factors mediate exercise effects on sleep quality in breast cancer survivors: pilot randomized controlled trial. Psycho‐Oncology, 24(3), 302-310.

    b.    Rogers, L. Q., Vicari, S., Trammell, R., Hopkins-Price, P., Fogleman, A., Spenner, A., ... & Verhulst, S. (2014). Biobehavioral factors mediate exercise effects on fatigue in breast cancer survivors. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 46(6), 1077.

    c.    Hogan, P. G., Rodriguez, M., Spenner, A. M., Brenneisen, J. M., Boyle, M. G., Sullivan, M. L., & Fritz, S. A. (2018). Impact of systemic antibiotics on Staphylococcus aureus colonization and recurrent skin infection. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 66(2), 191-197.

    d.    Jenkins, W. D., Zahnd, W. E., Spenner, A., Wiley, C., Roles, R., Potini, Y., & Jones, L. S. (2016). Comparison of cancer-specific and general health literacy assessments in an educated population: correlations and modifying factors. Journal of Cancer Education, 31(2), 268-271.

    e.    Basnet, S., Komeswaran, K., Rodriguez, M., Schmitt, S., Spenner, A., Caprirolo, G., ... & Robbs, R. (2019). 1422: IMPLEMENTATION OF AN ANTIBIOTIC PROTOCOL IN A PEDIATRIC INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. Critical Care Medicine, 47(1), 687.