Christian Konopka, MD, PhD

Resident Physician

    About me

    Dr. Christian Konopka grew up in Glenview IL, he completed his Bachelors in biophysics at Loyola. He attended UIC of Medicine in Champaign where he pursued an MD/PhD in bioengineering designing a nanoparticle for molecular imaging of prostate cancer with PET/optical imaging. During that time he developed an interest in radiology and is thrilled to be joining SIU Radiology. 

    Dr. Konopka enjoys the technology, innovation and research in the field. During medical school, not only did he fall in love with radiology, he also married his wife who was an SIU Dermatology resident and is now an attending for SIU Dermatology. They have two kids and are expecting a third soon. 

    Recently, Dr. Konopka has been training for triathlons and will do the Springfield Half this year along with any co-residents, family or friends that he can coerce into joining. He feels very fortunate to be spending these next four years with such an amazing group of people.



    Education & training

    Medical School
    University of Illinois College of Medicine
    Resident Program
    Resident Graduation Year
    Glenview, IL
    I enjoy spending time with my two kids and wife. I also enjoy endurance sports so I am always trying to find a race to train for, whether it be a marathon, triathlon, or open water swim.
    I also like to play guitar, cook, and do some gardening/home improvement projects.
    Why they chose SIU

    I chose SIU because of their mission to care for the community in which we reside, and the integrity with which they carry out that mission. I also value the humanity I felt SIU as an institution would treat its residents, faculty and staff. Not to mention, Springfield a great little city to raise a family -  not too big, or too small with ample opportunities that are affordable.