Office of Community Care Programs

Access to Care

The Access to Care program works to improve the well-being of Enos Park and Pillsbury Neighborhood community members by delivering compassionate patient and family-centered health care.

Assisted Outpatient Treatment Program

The Assisted Outpatient Treatment Program works with community members living with serious mental illness (SMI) who are interacting with the justice system to improve health and social outcomes.

Chronic Disease Prevention and Management Program (Lifestyle Medicine):

The Chronic Disease Prevention and Management Program (Lifestyle Medicine) supports community members in addressing the burden of Chronic Diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, asthma, and obesity. 

Indoor Radon and Whole House Health Education Programs

The Indoor Radon and Whole House Health Programs educate community members about the risks associated with environmental contaminants such as radon and help to reduce these contaminants in their homes.

Nurse-Family Partnership

Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) is an evidence-based community health program that provides a free personal nurse to qualifying first-time parents and their families in Sangamon County. Nurses provide client-centered support, information, and resources to parents from pregnancy until the child's second birthday. Nurses work with families to improve maternal health, child development, and economic self-sufficiency.

United Way Community Impact Program

The United Way Community Impact Program engages individuals living with severe mental illness, substance abuse and homelessness, and those living in high crime and violent neighborhoods to stabilize, build self-sufficiency, and connect them with area community programs.

For more information on our programs download a copy of our brochure, contact us at 217-545-2640 or