John Flack, MD

Professor and Chair, Department of Internal Medicine, Chair, Population Science and Policy
Internal Medicine

    About me

    Professional Service
    • Vice President, American Society of Hypertension (ASH) Specialist Board 2014 – present
    • Member, AHA Scientific Statement Writing Group on Resistant Hypertension 2016 – 2017
    • Member, AHA Research Strategic Outcomes Committee 2017 – present
    • Member, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutional Training Mechanism Review Study Section 2014 – 2018
    • Member, Psychosocial Risk and Disease Prevention Study Section, Office of Behavioral and Social sciences Diseases (NIH) 2007 – 2011
    • President, International Society on Hypertension in Blacks (ISHIB) 2001 – 2001
    • Past member, Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Cardio-renal Advisory Panel

    Editorial Boards

    • Associate Editor, American Journal of Hypertension 2016 – present
    • Associate Editor, Cardiorenal Medicine
    • Editorial Board member, Metabolic Syndrome and Drug Therapy
    • Editorial Board member, Journal of Endocrine Disorders
    • Editorial Board member, Journal of Clinical Nephrology and Research
    • Annals of Clinical and Experimental Hypertension
    • Journal of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity
    • British Biotechnology Journal
    • Advances in Combination Treatments for Hypertension
    • Journal of Diabetes Research and Clinical Metabolism (JDRCM)
    • Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology
    • Kidney and Blood Pressure Research
    • CardioRenal Medicine
    • Integrated Blood Pressure Control
    • Therapeutic Advances in Cardiovascular Disease
    • Journal of Clinical Hypertension
    • Current Cardiovascular Reports
    • Current Hypertension Reviews
    • Internal Medicine/Cardiology News


    Remote video URL



    Education & training

    Internist, specializing in hypertension
    Board Certifications
    Clinical Hypertension
    Internal Medicine
    Medical School
    University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, Oklahoma City, OK
    Undergraduate Degree
    Langston University, B.S., Chemistry (Math Minor),1978
    University of Oklahoma School of Public Health, MPH, 1988
    University of Minnesota School of Public Health, MPH Epidemology, 1990
    University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma Memorial Hospital, Oklahoma City, OK
    Chief Resident, 1985-1986
    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, (Cardiovascular Epidemiology) National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, 1990
    American Society of Hypertension (FASH), Fellow - 2012


    Research Interests


    Publications in Refereed Journals:
    1. Grimm RH Jr, Flack JM. Management of hypertension. Potential trade-offs on coronary risk. Am J Med. 1989; 87(2A):62S-65S.
    2. Grimm RH Jr, Flack JM, Byington R, Bond MG, Brugger S.For the MIDAS Research Group.A comparison of antihypertensive drug effects on the progression of extra cranial carotid atherosclerosis: The Multicenter Isradipine Diuretic Atherosclerosis Study (MIDAS).Drugs. 1990; 40 Suppl 2: 38-43.
    3. Wiist WH, Flack JM. A church-based cholesterol education program. Public Health Rep. 1990; 105(4):381-88.
    4. McVeigh GE, Burns DE, Finkelstein SM, McDonald KM, Mock JE, Feske W, Carlyle PF, Flack J, Grimm RH Jr, Cohn JN.Reduced vascular compliance as a marker for essential hypertension.  Am J Hypertension. 1991;4(3 Pt 1):245-51.
    5. Elmer PJ, Grimm RH Jr, Flack J, Laing B.Dietary sodium reduction for hypertension prevention and treatment.Hypertension. 1991;17(1 Suppl):I182-9.
    6. Mascioli S, Grimm R Jr, Launer C, Svendsen K, Flack J, Gonzalez, N, Elmer P, Neaton J. Sodium chloride raises blood pressure in normotensives subjects. The study of sodium and blood pressure. Hypertension. 1991;17(1 Suppl):I21-6.
    7. The Treatment of Mild Hypertension.A randomized, placebo controlled trial of a nutritional-hygienic regimen along with various drug monotherapies. Arch Intern Med. 1991;151(7): 1413-1423.
    8. Flack JM, Wiist WH. Epidemiology of hypertension and hypertensive target-organ damage in the United States.  J Assoc Acad Minority Phys. 1991;2(4):143-150.
    9. Flack JM, Ensrud KE, Launer CH, Mascioli SM, Svendsen KH, Elmer PJ, Grimm RH Jr.  Racial and ethnic modifiers of the salt-blood pressure response.  Hypertension. 1991;17(1 Suppl):I-115-121.
    10. Flack JM, Wiist WH. Cardiovascular risk factor prevalence in African American adult screenees of a church-based cholesterol education program: The Northeast Oklahoma City Cholesterol Education Program (NEOCEP).  Ethn Dis. 1991;1(1):78-90.
    11. Belcher JD, Egan JO, Bridgman G, Baker R, Flack JM.A micro enzymatic method to measure cholesterol and triglyceride in lipoprotein subfractions separated by density gradient ultracentrifugation from 200 microliters of plasma or serum.  J Lipid Res. 1991;32(2):359-370.
    12. Folsom AR, Burke GL, Byers CL, Hutchinson RG, Heiss G, Flack JM, Jacobs DR Jr, Caan B.Implications of obesity for cardiovascular disease in blacks: the CARDIA and ARIC Studies.Am J Clin Nutr. 1991;53(6 Suppl):1604S-1611S. (Published erratum appears in Am J Clin Nutr. 1991;54(3):590).
    13. Flack JM, Sowers JR. Epidemiologic and clinical aspects of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia. Am J Med. 1991;91(1A):11S-21S.
    14. Oparil S, Berenson GB, Esler M, Falkner B, Flack JM, Grim C, Jesse MJ, Roccella EJ, Saunders E, Weinberger M.Epidemiology and classification of hypertension (workshop). Hypertension. 1991;18(Suppl 3):92-94.
    15. Wiist WH, Flack JM. A Test of the John Henryism Hypothesis: Cholesterol and blood pressure.J Behav Med. 1992;15(1):15-29.
    16. Borhani NO, Miller ST, Brugger SB, Schnaper HW, Craven TE, Bond MG, Khoury SA, Flack J. MIDAS: hypertension and atherosclerosis. A trial of the effects of antihypertensive drug treatment on atherosclerosis. MIDAS Research Group. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1992;19 (Suppl 3):S16-S20.
    17. Kimura Y, Engelman RM, Rousou J, Flack J, Iyengar J, Das DK. Moderation of myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury by calcium channel and calmodulin receptor inhibition. Heart and vessels 1992;7(4):189-95.
    18. Melnick SL, Sprafka JM, Bostick RM, Flack JM, Burke GL.Antibiotic use in urban whites and blacks: The Minnesota Heart Survey.Ann Pharmacother. 1992;26(10):1292-1295.
    19. Flack JM, Woolley A, Esunge P, Grimm RH Jr. A rational approach to hypertension treatment in the older patient.  Geriatrics. 1992;47(11):24-8, 33-8.
    20. Liebson PR, Grandits GA, Prineas RJ, Dianzumba S, Flack JM, Cutler JA, Grimm RH Jr, Stamler J. Echocardiographic correlates of left ventricular structure among 844 mild hypertensive men and women in the treatment of mild hypertension study (TOMHS).Circulation. 1993;87(2):476-486.
    21. Flack JM, Neaton JD, Daniels B, Esunge P. Ethnicity and renal disease: Lessons from the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial and the Treatment of Mild Hypertension Study. Am J Kidney Dis. 1993;21(4 Suppl 1):31-40.
    22. Kaye SA, Folsom AR, Jacobs DR Jr, Hughes GH, Flack JM. Psychosocial correlates of body fat distribution in black and white young adults. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 1993;17(5):271-7.
    23. Flack JM, McVeigh GE, Grimm RH Jr. Hypertension therapy in the elderly. Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens. 1993;2(3):386-394.
    24. Bradley K, Flack JM, Belcher JD, Elmer PJ, Miller P, Grimm RH Jr. Chlorthalidone attenuates the reduction in total cholesterol and small, dense LDL cholesterol subclass associated with weight loss.Am J Hypertens. 1993;6(7 Pt 1):636-9.
    25. Neaton JD, Grimm RH Jr, Prineas RJ, Stamler J, Grandits GA, Elmer PJ, Cutler JA, Flack JM, Schoenberger JA, McDonald R, Lewis CE, Liebson PR. Treatment of Mild Hypertension Study (TOMHS). Final results. Treatment of Mild Hypertension Research Group. JAMA. 1993;270(6):713-724.
    26. Perloff D, Grim C, Flack J, Frohlich ED, Hill M, McDonald M, Morgenstern BZ.Human blood pressure determination by sphygmomanometry. Circulation. 1993;88(5 Pt 1):2460-70.
    27. Folsom AR, Qamheih HT, Flack JM, Hilner JE, Liu K, Howard BV, Tracy RP.Plasma fibrinogen: levels and correlates in young adults.The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Am J Epidemiol. 1993;138(12):1023-1036.
    28. Flack JM, Ryder KW, Strickland D, Whang R. Metabolic correlates of theophylline therapy: a concentration-related phenomenon.  Ann Pharmacother. 1994;28(2):175-9.
    29. Kvasnicka J, Flack JM, Grimm RH Jr. Treatment of hypertension in the presence of coexisting medical conditions.  Drugs Aging. 1994;4(4):304-312.
    30. Flack JM.  High blood pressure in older persons: a high-risk special population. Can J Public Health. 1994;85(Suppl 2):S9-11.
    31. Howard BV, Le NA, Belcher JD, Flack JM, Jacobs DR Jr, Lewis CE, Marcovina SM, Perkins LL.Concentrations of Lp(a) in black and white young adults: relations to risk factors for cardiovascular disease.Ann Epidemiol. 1994;4(5):341-350.
    32. Abraham PA, Mascioli SM, Launer CH, Flack, JM, Liebson PR, Svendsen KH, Grandits GA, Opsahl JA, Schoenberger JA, Grimm RH Jr.Urinary albumin and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase excretions in mild hypertension.Am J Hypertens. 1994;7(11):965-74.
    33. Rinehart AL, Herzog CA, Collins AJ, Flack JM, Ma JZ, Opsahl JA. A comparison of coronary angioplasty and coronary artery bypass grafting outcomes in chronic dialysis patients.Am J Kidney Dis. 1995;25(2):281-90.
    34. Gidding SS, Xie X, Liu K, Manolio T, Flack JM, Gardin JM. Cardiac function in smokers and nonsmokers: the CARDIA study. The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1995;26(1):211-6.
    35. Flack JM. The epidemiology of hypertension and related conditions in the African-American population. J Natl Med Assoc. 1995;87(8 Suppl):606-9.
    36. Flack JM. Linking the medical and public health approaches for the prevention, management, and control of hypertension in the African-American population: what steps can we take today?  J Natl Med Assoc. 1995;87(8 Suppl):657-8.
    37. Braun BL, Wagenaar AC, Flack JM. Alcohol consumption and physical fitness among young adults. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1995;19(4):1048-54.
    38. Maron BJ, Gardin JM, Flack JM, Gidding SS, Kurosaki TT, Bild DE. Prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the general population of young adults. Echocardiographic analysis of 4111 subjects in the CARDIA Study. Coronary Artery Risk Development in (Young) Adults. Circulation. 1995;92(4):785-9.
    39. Zhang S, Folsom AR, Flack JM, Liu K. Body fat distribution before pregnancy and gestational diabetes: findings from coronary artery risk development in young adults (CARDIA) study.BMJ. 1995;311(7013):1139-40.
    40. Hoegerman GS, Lewis CE, Flack J, Raczynski JM, Caveny J, Gardin JM.Lack ofassociation of recreational cocaine and alcohol use with left ventricular mass in young adults.The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study.J Am Coll Cardiol. 1995;25(4):895-900.
    41. Flack JM, Amaro H, Jenkins W, Kunitz S, Levy J, Mixon M, Yu E.  Epidemiology of minority health.  Health Psychol. 1995;14(7):592-600.
    42. Flack JM, Neaton JD, Grimm RH Jr, Cutler JA, Shih J, Ensrud K, MacMahon S.  Blood pressure and mortality among men with prior myocardial infarction. Circulation. 1995;92(9):2437-45.
    43. Gardin JM, Wagenknecht LE, Anton-Culver H, Flack JM, Gidding S, Kurosaki T, Wong ND, Manolio TA. Relationship of cardiovascular risk factors to echocardiographic left ventricular mass in healthy young black and white adult men and women.The CARDIA study. Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults. Circulation 1995;92(3):380-7
    44. McVeigh GE, Flack J, Grimm R.  Goals of antihypertensive therapy. Drugs. 1995;49(2): 161-75.
    45. Liu K, Ruth KJ, Flack JM, Jones-Webb R, Burke GL, Savage PJ, Hulley SB. Blood pressure in young blacks and whites: relevance of obesity and lifestyle factors in determining differences.The CARDIA Study.Circulation. 1996;93(1):60-6.
    46. Flack JM, Novikov SV, Ferrario CM. Benefits of adherence to anti-hypertensive drug therapy. Eur Heart J. 1996;17 Suppl A:16-20.
    47. Grimm RH Jr, Flack JM, Schoenberger JA, Gonzalez N, Liebson PR.Alpha-blockade and thiazide treatment of hypertension. A double-blind randomized trial comparing doxazosin and hydrochlorothiazide.  Am J Hypertens. 1996;9(5):445-54.
    48. Jones-Webb R, Jacobs DR Jr, Flack JM, Liu K. Relationships between depressive symptoms, anxiety, alcohol consumption, and blood pressure: results from the CARDIA Study.Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 1996;20(3):420-7.
    49. Grimm RH Jr, Flack JM, Grandits GA, Elmer PJ, Neaton JD, Cutler JA, Lewis C, McDonald R, Schoenberger J, Stamler J. Long-term effects on plasma lipids of diet and drugs to treat hypertension. Treatment of Mild Hypertension Study (TOMHS) Research Group. JAMA. 1996;275(20):1549-56.
    50. Lewis CE, Grandits A, Flack J, McDonald R, Elmer PJ.Efficacy and tolerance of antihypertensive treatment in men and women with stage I diastolic hypertension.Results of the Treatment of Mild Hypertension Study. Arch Intern Med. 1996;156(4):377-85.
    51. Maron BJ, Gardin JM, Flack JM, Gidding SS, Bild DE. HCM in the general population. Circulation. 1996;94(3):588-9.
    52. Folsom AR, Jacobs DR Jr, Wagenknecht LE, Winkhart SP, Yunis C, Hilner JE, Savage PJ, Smith DE, Flack JM.Increase in fasting insulin and glucose over seven years with increasing weight and inactivity of young adults.The CARDIA Study.Am J Epidemiol. 1996;144(3):235-246.
    53. Flack JM, Cushman W.  Evidence for the efficacy of low-dose diuretic monotherapy.  Am J Med. 1996;101(3A):53S-60S.
    54. Weir MR, Flack JM, Applegate WB.Tolerability, safety, and quality of life and hypertensive therapy: the case for low dose diuretics.Am J Med. 1996;101(3A):83S-92S.
    55. Ferrario CM, Flack JM.Pathological consequences of increased angiotensin II activity.Cardiovas Drugs Ther. 1996;10(5):511-8.
    56. National High Blood Pressure Education Program.1995 update of the working group reports on chronic renal failure and renovascular hypertension.Arch Intern Med. 1996;156 (9):1928-1947.
    57. Markovitz JH, Raczynski JM, Lewis CE, Flack J, Chesney M, Chettur V, Hardin JM, Johnson E. Lack of independent relationships between left ventricular mass and cardiovascular reactivity to physical and psychological stress in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study. Am J Hypertens. 1996;9(9):915-23.
    58. Gidding SS, Liu K, Bild DE, Flack J, Gardin J, Ruth KJ, Oberman A.Prevalence and identification of abnormal lipoprotein levels in a biracial population aged 23 to 35 years (the CARDIA Study). The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study. Am J Cardiol. 1996;78(3):304-8.
    59. Flack JM, Yunis C. Therapeutic implications of the epidemiology and timing of myocardial infarction and other cardiovascular diseases.  J Hum Hypertens. 1997;11(1):23-8.
    60. Grimm RH Jr, Grandits GA, Prineas RJ, McDonald RH, Lewis CE, Flack JM, Yunis C, Svendsen KH, Liebson PR, Elmer PJ, Stamler J, for the TOMHS Research Group.Long-term effects on sexual function of five antihypertensive drugs and nutritional hygienic treatment in hypertensive men and women. Treatment of Mild Hypertension Study (TOMHS).Hypertension. 1997;29(1 part 1):8-14.
    61. Hall WD, Ferrario CM, Moore MA, Hall JE, Flack JM, Cooper W, Simmons JD, Egan BM, Lackland DT, Perry M, Jr., Roccella EJ.Hypertension-related morbidity and mortality in the southeastern United States.Am J Med Sci. 1997;313(4):195-209.
    62. Flack JM. Living with hypertension. Introduction to dealing with elevated blood pressure. N C Med J. 1997;58(3):193-6.
    63. Deitch JS, Hansen KJ, Craven TE, Flack JM, Appel RG, Dean RH.Renal artery repair in African-Americans.J Vasc Surg. 1997;26(3):465-72; discussion 473.
    64. Weir MR, Hall PS, Behrens MT, Flack JM.Salt and blood pressure responses to calcium antagonism in hypertensive patients.Hypertension. 1997;30(3 Pt 1):422-7.
    65. Ganguli MC, Grimm RH Jr, Svendsen KH, Flack JM, Grandits GA, Elmer PJ. Higher education and income are related to better Na:K ratio in blacks: baseline results of the Treatment of Mild Hypertension Study (TOMHS) data.Am J Hypertens. 1997;10(9 Pt 1): 979-84.
    66. Larochelle P, Flack JM, Marbury TC, Sareli P, Krieger EM, Reeves RA. Effects and tolerability of irbesartan versus enapril in patients with severe hypertension. Irbesartan Multicenter Investigators.Am J Cardiol. 1997;80(12):1613-5.
    67. Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure.The sixth report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC V). Arch Intern Med. 1997;157:2413-2446. 
    68. Flack JM, Hamaty M, Staffileno BA. Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-kinin system influences on diabetic vascular disease and cardiomyopathy. Miner Electrolyte Metab. 1998;24(6):412-22.
    69. Ferrario CM, Martel N, Yunis C, Flack JM, Chappell MC, Brosnihan KB, Dean RH, Fernandez A, Novikov SV, Pinillas C, Luque M.Characterization of angiotensin-(1-7) in the urine of normal and essential hypertensive subjects. Am J Hypertens. 1998;11(2):137-146.
    70. Flack JM, Staffileno BA.  Therapeutic strategies for hypertension treatment in patients with selected cardiovascular disease.  Drugs Today (Barc). 1998;34(9):813-822.
    71. Hall WD, Reed JW, Flack JM, Yunis C, Preisser J. Comparison of the efficacyof dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers in African American patients with hypertension. ISHIB Investigators Group. International Society of Hypertension in Blacks. Arch Intern Med 1998;158(18):2029-34.
    72. Ganguli MC, Grimm RH, Sevendsen KH, Flack JM, Grandits GA, Elmer PJ, Urinary sodium and potassium profile of blacks and whites in relation to education in two different geographic urban areas.TOMHS Research Group. Treatment of Mild Hypertension Study.Am J Hypertens. 1999;12(1 Pt 1):69-72.
    73. Flack JM, Hamaty M.  Difficult-to-treat hypertensive population: focus on African-Americans and people with type 2 diabetes.  J Hypertens Suppl. 1999;17(1):S19-S24.
    74. Flack JM, Kvasnicka J, Gardin J, Gidding S, Manolio T, Jacobs DR Jr.  Anthropometric and physiologic correlates in mitral valve prolapse in a biethnic cohort of young adults: the CARDIA Study.  Am Heart J. 1999;138 (3 Pt 1):486-92.
    75. Flack JM, Optimal blood pressure on antihypertensive medication.  Curr Hypertens Rep. 1999;1(5):381-6.
    76. JM, Gardin JM, Yunis C, Liu K.  Static and pulsatile blood pressure correlates of left ventricular structure and function in black and white young adults: the CARDIA study.  Am Heart J. 1999;138(5 Pt 1):856-64.
    77. Raskin P, Guthrie R, Flack J, Reeves R, Saini R.  The long-term antihypertensive activity and tolerability of irbesartan with hydrochlorothiazide. J Hum Hypertens. 1999;13(10):683-7.
    78. Flack JM, Mensah GA, Ferrario CM. Using angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in African-American hypertensives: a new approach to treating hypertension and preventing target-organ damage.  Curr Med Res Opin. 2000;16(2):66-79.
    79. Flack JM, Bledsoe K. Combination antihypertensive drug therapy: a therapeutic option long overdue. Am Fam Physician. 2000;61(10):2974, 2977.
    80. Flack JM, Yunis C, Preisser J, et al.  The rapidity of drug dose escalation influences blood pressure response and adverse effects burden in patients with hypertension:  the Quinapril Titration Interval Management Evaluation (ATIME) Study. Arch Intern Med. 2000;160(12):1842-7.
    81. Flack JM. Minimizing the progression of kidney disease. Introduction. Am J Kidney Dis. 2000;36(3 Suppl 1):S1-3.
    82. Peters, RM, Flack, JM. Salt-sensitivity and hypertension in African Americans: implications for cardiovascular nurses.  Prog Cardiovasc Nurs. 2000;15(4):138-144.
    83. Clark LT, Ferdinand KC, Flack JM, Gavin JR 3rd, Hall WD, Kumanyika SK, Reed JW,  Saunders E,  Valantine HA,  Watson K,  Wenger NK,  Wright JT.  Coronary heart disease in African-Americans. Heart Dis. 2001;3(2):97-108.
    84. Flack JM, Saunders E, Gradman A, et al.  Antihypertensive efficacy and safety of losartan alone and in combination with hydrochlorothiazide in adult African Americans with mild to moderate hypertension.  Clin Ther. 2001;23(8):1193-1208.
    85. Flack JM, Grimm RH. Jr, Staffileno BA, Elmer P, Yunis C, Hedquist L, Dudley, A.  New salt-sensitivity metrics: variability-adjusted blood pressure change and the urinary sodium-to-creatinine ratio.  Ethn Dis. 2002;12(1):10-9.
    86. Kostis JB, Cobbe S, Johnston C, Ford I, Murphy M, Weber MA, Black HR, Plouin PF, Levy D, Mancia G, Larochelle P, Kolloch RE, Alderman M, Ruilope LM, Dahlof B, Flack JM, Wolf R.  Design of the Omapatrilat in Persons with Enhanced Risk of Atherosclerotic events (OPERA) trial. Am J Hypertens. 2002;15(2 Pt 1):193-8.
    87. Flack JM, Peters R, Mehra VC, Nasser SA.  Hypertension in special populations. Cardiol Clin. 2002;20(2):303-319.
    88. Flack JM. Effect of ramipril versus amlodipine on renal outcomes in hypertensive nephrosclerosis.  Curr Hypertens Rep. 2002;4(3):183-4.
    89. Crook ED, Washington DO, Flack JM. Screening and prevention of chronic kidney disease.  J Natl Med Assoc. 2002;94(8):55S-62S.
    90. Flack, JM.The effect of doxazosin on sexual function in patients with benign prostratic hyperplasia, hypertension, or both.  Int J Clin Pract. 2002;56(7):527-530.
    91. Crook ED, Flack JM, Salem M, Salahudeen AK, Hall J.  Primary renal disease as a cardiovascular risk factor.  Am J Med Sci. 2002;324(3):138-145.
    92. Brown WW, Davis J, Flack JM, Gannon MR.   NKF’s KEEP leads to [longitudinal study].  Nephrol News Issues. 2002;16(12) 84-86.
    93. Flack JM, Casciano R, Casciano J, Doyle J, Arikian S., Tang S, Arocho P.  Cardiovascular disease costs associated with uncontrolled hypertension. Manag Care Interface. 2002; 15(11):28-36.
    94. Flack JM, Ferdinand KC, Nasser SA.  Epidemiology of hypertension and cardiovascular disease in African Americans.  J Clin Hypertens. 2002; 5 (1 Suppl 1):5-11.
    95. Peters RM, Flack, JM. Diagnosis and treatment of hypertension in children and adolescents.  J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2003;15(2):56-63.
    96. Flack JM, Peters R, Mehra VC, Nasser SA. Hypertension in special populations. Curr Probl Cardiol. 2003;28(2):194-223.
    97. Douglas JG, Bakris GL, Epstein M, Ferdinand KC, Ferrario C, Flack JM, Jamerson KA, et al for the ISHIB Working Group. Management of high blood pressure in African Americans: consensus statement of the Hypertension in African Americans Working Group of the International Society of Hypertension in Blacks. Arch Intern Med. 2003;163(5):525-41.
    98. Flack JM, Oparil S, Pratt JH, Roniker B, Garthwaite S, Kleiman JH, Yang Y, Krause SL, Workman D, Saunders E.  Efficacy and tolerability of epelerenone and losartan in hypertensive black and white patients.  J Am Coll Cardiol. 2003;41(7):1148-55.
    99. Flack JM, Nasser SA; The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT). Major outcomes in high-risk hypertensive patients randomized to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or calcium channel blocker. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2003;5(3):189-91.
    100. Crook ED, Clark BL, Bradford ST, Golden K, Calvin R, Taylor HA Jr, Flack JM.  From 1960s Evans County Georgia to present-day Jackson, Mississippi: an exploration of the evolution of cardiovascular disease in African Americans. Am J Med Sci. 2003; 325(6):307-14.
    101. Crook ED, Thallapureddy A, Migdal S, Flack JM, Greene EL, Salahudeen A, Tucker JK, Taylor HA Jr.  Lipid abnormalities and renal disease: is dyslipidemia a predictor of progression of renal disease?  Am J Med Sci. 2003;325(6):340-8.
    102. Flack JM, Peters R, Shafi T, Alrefai H, Nasser SA, Crook E.  Prevention of hypertension and its complications: theoretical basis and guidelines for treatment. J Am Soc of Nephrol. 2003;14(7 suppl 2):S92-8.
    103. Ohmit SE, Flack JM, Peters RM, Brown WW, Grimm RLongitudinal study of the National Kidney Foundation’s (NKF) Kidney Early Evaluation Program (KEEP). J Am Soc Nephrol. 2003;14(7 suppl 2):S117-21.
    104. Brown WW, Peters RM, Ohmit SE, Keane WF, Collins A, Chen SC, King K, Klag MJ, Molony DA, Flack JM.  Early detection of kidney disease in community settings:  The kidney early evaluation program (KEEP).  Am J Kidney Dis. 2003;42(1):22-35.
    105. Hall WD, Clark LT, Wenger NK, Wright TW Jr, Kumanyika SK, Watson K, Horton EW, Flack JM, Ferdinand KC, Garin JR 3ed, Reed JW, Saunders E.  The Metabolic Syndrome in African Americans: a review. Ethn Dis. 2003;13(4):414-28.
    106. Hall WD, Clark LT, Wenger NK, Wright TW Jr, Kumanyika SK, Watson K, Horton EW, Flack JM, Ferdinand KC, Reed JW, Saunders E, O’Neal W Jr.  For the patient. What is the Metabolic Syndrome and why is it important?  Ethn Dis. 2003;13(4):546.
    107. King TE, Wesson DE, Dickinson TA, DuBose TD, Flack JM, Hellmann DB, et al.The case for diversity in academic internal medicine.  Am J Med. 2004;116(4):284-289.
    108. Peters RM, Flack, JM.  Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2004;33(2):209-20.
    109. Mokwe E., Ohmit SE, Nasser SA, Shafi T, Saunders E, Crook ED, Dudley A, Flack JM. Determinants of blood pressure response to quinapril in black and white hypertensive patients: the Quinapril Titration Intervention Management Evaluation trial. Hypertension. 2004;43(6):1202-7.
    110. Flack JM. Calcium antagonist strategies for coronary artery disease. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2004;6(3):161-3.
    111. Benjamin EJ, Jessup M, Flack JM, et al. Discovering the full spectrum of cardiovascular disease disparities: the Minority Health Summit 2003: report of the Outcomes Writing Group. Circulation. 2005;111(10):e124-33.
    112. El-Akchar T, Ohmit S. McCullough P, Crook E, Brown W, Grimm R, Bakris G, Keane W, Flack JM.Higher prevalence of anemia with diabetes mellitus in men in moderate kidney insufficiency:  The Kidney Early Evaluation Program.  Kidney Int. 2005;67(4):1483-8.
    113. Flack JM, Sica D. Therapeutic considerations in the African-American patient with hypertension: considerations with calcium channel blocker therapy. J Clin Hypertens. 2005;7(4 Suppl 1):9-14.
    114. Kaufman JS, Flack JM. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in black patients. Ann Intern Med. 2005;142(7):589; author reply 589-90.
    115. Flack JM. Clinical trials report. The CAMELOT Study. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2005;7(3):165-7.
    116. McFarlane SI, Castro J, Kaur J, Shin JJ, Kelling D Jr, Faraq A, Simon N, El-Atat F, Sacerdote A, Basta E, Flack J, Bakris G, Sower JR.Control of blood pressure and other cardiovascular risk factors at different practice settings: outcomes of care provided to diabetic women compared to men. J Clin Hypertens. 2005;7(2):73-80.
    117. Weir MR, Ferdinand KC, Saunders E, Flack JM, Jamerson KA, Daley W, Zelenkofske S. A noninferiority comparison of valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide combination versus amlodipine in black hypertensives. Hypertension. 2005;46(3):508-13.
    118. Clark R, Benkert RA, Flack JM. Violence exposure and optimism predict task-induced changes in blood pressure and pulse rate in a normotensive sample of inner-city black youth. Psychosom Med. 2006;68(1):73-9.
    119. Wesson DE, King TE Jr., Todd RF, Torres EA, Hellmann DB, Flack JM, Dubose TD Jr., Schuster VL.Achieving diversity in academic internal medicine: recommendations for leaders.Am J Med. 2006;119(1):76-81.
    120. Hall WD, Watkins LO, Wright JT Jr, Wenger NK, Kumanyika SK, Gavin JR 3rd, Ferdinand KC, Watson K, Clark LT, Flack JM, Reed JW, Horton EW, Saunders E; African-American Lipid and Cardiovascular Council. The metabolic syndrome: recognition and management. Dis Manag. 2006;9(1):16-33.
    121. Artinian NT, Washington OG, Flack JM. Hockman, EM, Jen KL. Depression, stress, and blood pressure in urban African-American women. Prog Cardiovasc Nurs. 2006;21(2):68-75.
    122. Messerli FH, Bakris GL, Ferrera D, Houston MC, Petrella FJ, Flack JM, Sun W, Lee E, Neutel JM; AVALON Investigators. Efficacy and safety of co-administered amlodipine and atorvastatin in patients with hypertension and dyslipidemia: results of the AVALON trial. J Clin Hypertens. 2006;8(8):571-81.
    123. Clark R, Benkert RA, Flack JM. Large arterial elasticity varies as a function of gender and racism-related vigilance in black youth. J Adolesc Health. 2006;39(4):562-9.
    124. Peters RM, Aroian KJ, Flack JM. African American culture and hypertension prevention. West J Nurs Res. 2006;28(7):831-54; discussion 855-63.
    125. Jen KL, Brogan K, Washington OG, Flack JM, Artinian NT. Poor nutrient intake and high obese rate in an urban African-American population with hypertension. J Am Coll Nutr. 2007;26(1):57-65.
    126. Williams RA, Flack JM, Gavin JR 3rd, Schneider WR, Hennekens CH.Guidelines for management of high-risk African-Americans with multiple cardiovascular risk factors: recommendation of an expert consensus panel.  Ethn Dis. 2007;17(2):214-20.
    127. Williams RA, Flack JM, Gavin JR 3rd, Schneider WR, Hennekens CH. Managing cardiovascular risk factors in high-risk African-Americans. Ethn Dis. 2007;17(2):414-5.
    128. Artinian NT, Warnecke RB, Kelly KM, Weiner J, Lurie N, Flack JM, et al. Advancing the science of health disparities research. Ethn Dis. 2007;17(3):427-33.
    129. Basile J, Black HR, Flack JM, Izzo JL Jr.The role of therapeutic inertia and the use of fixed-dose combination therapy in the management of hypertension. J Clin Hypertens. 2007;9(8):636-45.
    130. Artinian NT, Flack JM, Nordstrom CK, Hockman E, Washington OGM, Jen K-L, Fathy M. Effects of nurse-managed tele-monitoring on blood pressure at 12-months follow-up among urban African Americans. Nurs Res. 2007;56(5):312-22.
    131. Flack JM.Maximizing antihypertensive effects of angiotensin II receptor blockers with a thiazide diuretic combination therapy: focus on irbesartan/hydrochlorothiazide.  Int J Clin Pract. 2007 Oct 10.
    132. Flack JM, Duncan K, Ohmit SE, Quah R, Liu X, Ramappa P, Norris S, Hedquist L, Dudley A, Nasser SA. Influence of albuminuria and glomerular filtration rate on blood pressure response to antihypertensive drug therapy. Vasc Health Risk Manag. 2007;3(6):1029-37.
    133. Warnecke RB,Oh A, Breen N, Gehlert S, Paskett E, Tucker KL, Lurie N, Rebbeck T, Goodwin J, Flack JM, Srinivasan S, Kerner J, Heurtin-Roberts S, Abeles R, Tyson FL,Patmios G, Hiatt RA. Approaching Health Disparities from a Population Perspective: The NIH Centers for Population Health and Health Disparities.  American Journal of Public Health. 2008; 98(9):1608-1615.
    134. Payne KA, Caro JJ, Daley WL, Khan ZM, Ishak KJ, Stark K, Purkayastha D, Flack J, Velazquez E, Nesbitt S, Morisky D, Califf R, for the BPSZ-BLISS Study Steering Committee. The design of an observational study of hypertension management, adherence and pressure control in Blood Pressure Success Zone Program participants. Int J Clin Pract. 2008; 62(9): 1313-1321.
    135. Nasser SA, Lai Z, O’Connor S, Liu X, Flack JM. Does earlier attainment of blood pressure goal translate into fewer cardiovascular events? Curr Hypertens Rep. 2008 Oct;10(5):398-404.
    136. Flack JM, Victor R, Watson K, Ferdinand KC, Saunders E, Tarasenko L, Jamieson MJ, Shi H, Bruschi P. Improved attainment of blood pressure and cholesterol goals using single-pill amlodipine/atorvastatin in African Amercians: the CAPABLE trial. Mayo Clinic proceedings. Mayo Clinic 2008;83(1):35-45.
    137. Flack JM, Hilkert R. Single-pill combination of amlodipine and valsartan in the management of hypertension. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2009 Aug;10(12):1979-94.
    138. Ferdinand KC, Flack JM, Saunders E, Victor R, Watson K, Kursun A, Jamieson MJ, Shi H. Amlodipine/Atorvastatin single-pill therapy for blood pressure and lipid goals in African Americans: influence of the metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2009 Oct;11(10):585-93.
    139. Flack JM, Calhoun DA, Satlin L, Barbier M, Hillkert R, Brunel P. Efficacy and safety of inital combination therapy with amlodipine/valsartan compared with amlodipine monotherapy in black patients with stage 2 hypertension: the EX-STAND study. Journal of Human Hypertension 2009;23(7):479-89
    140. Flack JM. Basic Principles of effective hypertension therapeutics. Ethnicity & Disease 2009;19(4 Suppl 5):55-1-2.
    141. Ferrario CM, Flack JM, Strobeck JE, Smits G, Peters C. Individualizing hypertension treatment with impedance cardiography: a meta-analysis of published trials. Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis. 2010 Feb;4(1):5-16.
    142. Townsend RR, Wimmer NJ, Chirinos JA, Parsa A, Weir M, Perumal K, Lash JP, Chen J, Steigerwalt SP, Flack J, Go AS, Rafey M, Rahman M, Sheridan A. Gadegbeku CA, Robinson NA, Joffe M.Aortic PWV in chronic kidney disease: a CRIC ancillary study. Am J Hypertens. 2010 Mar;23(3):282-9.
    143. Bakris GL, Sarafidis PA, Weir MR, Dahlof B, Pitt B, Jamerson K, Velazquez EJ, Staikos-Byrne L, Kelly RY, Shi V, Chiang YT, Weber MA; ACCOMPLISH Trial investigators. Renal outcomes with different fixed-dose combination therapies in patients with hypertension at high risk for cardiovascular events (ACCOMPLISH): a prespecified secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial.Lancet. 2010 Apr 3;375(9721):1173-81.
    144. Valina-Toth AL, Lai Z, Yoo W, Abou-Samra A, Gadegbeku CA, Flack JM. Relationship of vitamin D and parathyroid hormone with obesity and body composition in African Americans. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2010 May;72(5):595-603.
    145. Flack JM, Sica DA, Bakris G, Brown AL, Ferdinand KC, Grimm RH Jr, Hall WD, Jones WE, Kountz DS, Lea JP, Nasser S, Nesbitt SD, Saunders E, Scisney-Matlock M, Jamerson KA.  Management of high blood pressure in Blacks:  an update of the International Society on Hypertension in Blacks consensus statement.  Hypertension. 2010 Nov;56(5):780-800. doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.110. 152892. Epub 2010 Oct 4. 
    146. Weir MR, Punzi HA, Flack JM, Stoakes KA, Chavanu, KJ, Li W, Dubiel R; A randomized, double-blind, forced-titration study to compare Olmesartan Medoxomil versus Losartan Potassium in patients with Stage I and 2 hypertension. Postgraduate Medicine 2011;123(1) : 80-87          
    147. Mitchell JE, Ferdinand KC, Watson KE, Wenger NK, Watkins LO, Flack JM, Gavin JR, Reed JW, Saunders E, Wright JT. Treatment of heart failure in African Americans—a call to action. Journal of the National Medical Association 2011;103(2):86-98.
    148. Sica DA, Flack JM. Treatment considerations with aldosterone receptor antagonists. Journal of Clinical Hypertension 2011;13(1):65-9
    149. Ference BA, Yoo W, Flack JM, Clark M.A common KIF6 polymorphism increases vulnerability to low-density lipoprotein cholesterol: two meta-analyses and a meta-regression analysis.PLoS One.2011;6(12):e28834.
    150. Ference BA, Yoo W, Alesh I, Mahajan N, Mirowska K, Mewada A, Afonso L, Kahn J, Williams K, Flack JM. Effect of Long-term Exposure to Lower Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Beginning Early in Life on the Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: a Mendelian Randomization Analysis. J Am Coll Cardiol 2012; 60(25): 2631-9.
    151. Flack JM, Graff A, Li W, Chavanu K. “Efficacy and safety of Olmesartan Medoxomil Versus Losartan Potassium in patients by Stage 1 or 2 Hypertension”. Postgrad Med 2012;124(3):59-70.
    152. Bakhtar O, Ference B, Hedquist L, Levy P, Flack, JM. “The relationship of resistant hypertension and treatment outcomes with total arterial compliance in a predominantly African American hypertensive cohort.” J Clin Hypertens 2012; 14(9):618-622.
    153. Valina-Toth AL, Lai Z, Zhang S, Flack JM. “Vitamin D and parathyroid hormone relationships with urinary nitric oxide metabolites and plasma isoprostanes in African Americans.” Cardiorenal Med 2012; 2(3):234-242.
    154. Kandzari DE, Bhatt DL, Sobotka PA, O’Neill WW, Esler M, Flack JM, Katzen BT, Leon M, Massaro JM, Negoita M, Oparil S, Rocha-Singh K, Straley C, Townsend RR, Bakris G. “Catheter-Based Renal Denervation for Resistant Hypertension: Rationale and Design of the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Trial.” Clin. Cardiol. 2012 Sep;35(9):528-35.doi: 10.1002/clc.22008. Epub 2012 May 9.
    155. Levy, PD, Flack, JM.Should African-Americans with elevated blood pressure be routinely screened for hypertensive heart disease?Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther 2012;10(10):1201-4.
    156. Flack JM, Okwuosa T, Sudhakar R, Ference B, Levy P, “Should African Americans have a lower blood pressure goal than other ethnic groups to prevent organ damage.”  Curr Cardiol Rep 2012 Dec 14(6):660-6. Doi: 10.1007/s11886-012-031406.
    157. Levy P, Ye H, Compton S, Zalenski R, Byrnes T, Flack JM, Welch R.Subclinical Hypertensive Heart Disease in black patients with elevated blood pressure in an inner-city emergency department.Ann Emerg Med 2012;60(4):467-474.
    158. Ferguson JC, Matthews GJ, Townsend RR, Raj DS, Kanetsky PA, Budoff M, Fischer MJ, Rosas SE, Karthety R, Rahman M, Master SR, Qasim A, Li M, Mehta NN, Shen H, Mitchell BD, O’Connell JR, Shuldliner AR, Ho WK, Young R, Rasheed A, Danesh J, He J, Kusek JW, Ojo AO, Flack J, Go AS, Gadegbeku CA, Wright JT Jr., Saleheen D, Feldman HI, Rader DJ, Foulkes AS, Reilly MP.CRIC Study Principal Investigators. Candidate Gene Association Study of Coronary Artery Calcification in Chronic Kidney Disease: Findings from the CRIC Study (Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort). J Am Coll Cardiol 2013; 62(9); 789-98.
    159. Flack JM, Ference B, Levy, P, “Should African Americans with hypertension be treated differently than non-African Americans?” Current Hypertension Rep 2014; 16 (1): 409.
    160. Ference BA, Julius S, Mahajan N, Levy PD, Williams KA Sr., Flack, JM. Clinical Effect of Natural Random Allocation to Lower Systolic Blood Pressure Beginning Before the Development of Hypertension.  Hypertension 2014;63(6):1182-8.
    161. Bhatt DL, Kandzari DE, O’Neill WW, D’Agostino R, Flack JM, Katzen BT, Leon MB, Liu M, Mauri L, Negoita M, Cohen SA, Oparil S, Rocha-Singh K, Townsend RR, Bakris GL, For the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Investigators.A Controlled Trial of Renal Denervation for Resistant Hypertension. N Engl J Med 2014;370(15):1393-401.
    162. Brody AM, Flack JM, Ference BA, Levy PD.Utility of Framingham Risk Score in Urban Emergency Department Patients with Asymptomatic Hypertension.Crit Pathw Cardiol 2014;13(3):114-116.
    163. Bakris GL, Townsend RR, Liu M, Cohen SA, D’Agostino R, Flack JM, Kandzari DE, Katzen BT, Leon MB, Mauri L, Negoita M, O’Neill WW, Oparil S, Rocha-Singh K, Bhat DL. SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Investigators.Impact of renal denervation on 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure: results from SYMPLICITY HTN-3.J Am Coll Cardiol 2014;64(11):1071-1078.
    164. Vemulapalli S, Ard J, Bakris GL, Bhatt DL, Brown AS, Cushman WC, Ferdinand KC, Flack, JM, Fleg JL, Katzen BT, Kostis JB, Oparil S, Patel CB, Pepine CJ, Pina IL, Rocha-Singh KJ, Townsend RR, Peterson ED, Califf RM, Patel MR.Proceedings from Duke Resistant Hypertension Think Tank.Am Heart J 2014;167(6):775-88.
    165. Burla MJ, Brody AM, Ference BA, Flack JM, Mahn JJ, Marinica AL, Carroll JA, Nasser SA, Zhang S, Levy PD.Blood pressure control and perceived health status in African Americans with subclinical hypertensive heart disease.J Am Soc Hypertens 2014;8(5):321-9.
    166. Brody AM, Murphy E, Flack JM, Levy PD.Primary care in the Emergency Department – An untapped resource for public health research and innovation.West Indian Med J 2014;63(3):238-241.
    167. Purakal JD, Williams-Johnson J, Williams EW, Pemba S, Kambona J, Welch R, Flack J, Levy P.Differences and similarities in explanatory models of hypertension in the United States of American, Tanzania and Jamaica.West Indian Med J 2014;63(3):242-250.
    168. Mahn JJ, Dubey E, Brody A, Welch R, Zalenski R, Flack JM, Ference B, Levy PD.Test characteristics of electrocardiography for detection of left ventricular hypertrophy in asymptomatic emergency department patients with Hypertension.Acad Emerg Med 2014;21(9):996-1002.
    169. Brody A, Rahman T, Reed B, Millis S, Ference B, Flack JM, Levy P.Safety and efficacy of antihypertensive prescription at emergency department discharge. Acad Emerg Med 2015; 22(5):632-5.
    170. Kandzari DE, Bhatt DL, Brar S, Devireddy CM, Esler M, Fahy M, Flack JM, Katzen BT, Lea J, Lee DP, Leon MB, Ma a, Massaro J, Mauri L, Oparil S, O’Neill WW, Patel MR, Rocha-Singh K, Sobotka PA, Svetkey L, Townsend RR, Bakris GL.Predictors of blood pressure response in the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Trial. Eur Heart J 2015; Jan 21;36(4):219-27.
    171. Thomas G, Xie D, Chen HY, Anderson A, Appel L, Bodana S, Brecklin C, Drawz P, Flack JM, Miller E III, Steigerwalt S, Townsend R, Weir M, Wright, Jr J, Rahman M; CRIC Study Investigators. Prevalence and prognostic significance of apparent treatment resistant hypertension in chronic kidney disease: A report from the CRIC Study. Hypertens 2016; Feb;67(2):387-96.
    172. Lash J, Ricardo AC, Roy J, Deo R, Fischer M, Flack JM; et al. Race/Ethnicity and cardiovascular outcomes and death in adults with chronic kidney disease: Findings from the CRIC (Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort) and Hispanic CRIC studies. (manuscript submitted) 2015
    173. Levy PD, Mahn JJ, Miller J, Shelby A, Brody A, Davidson R, Burla MJ, Marinica A, Carroll J, Purakal J, Flack JM, Welch RD. Blood pressure treatment and outcomes in hypertensive patients without acute target organ damage: A retrospective cohort. Am J Emerg Med 2015; 33(9): 1219-24.
    174. Denker M, Boyle S, Anderson AH, Appel LJ, Chen J, Fink JC, Flack J, Go AS, Horwitz E, Hsu CY, Kusek JW, Lash JP, Navaneethan S, Ojo AO, Rahman M, Steigerwalt SP, Townsend RR, Feldman HI; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study (CRIC): Overview and summary of selected findings. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2015; 10(11):2073-83.
    175. Lipari M, Moser LR, Petrovitch EA, Farber M, Flack JM. As-needed intravenous antihypertensive therapy and blood pressure control. . 2015 Nov 12. doi: 10.1002/jhm.2510. [Epub ahead of print] Review.PMID: 26560085.
    176. Flack JM, Bhatt DL, Kandzari DE, Brown D, Brar S, Choi JW, D'Agostino R, East C, Katzen BT, Lee L, Leon MB, Mauri L, O'Neill WW, Oparil S, Rocha-Singh K, Townsend RR, Bakris G; SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Investigators. An analysis of the blood pressure and safety outcomes to renal denervation in African Americans and Non-African Americans in the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 trial. J Am Soc Hypertens. 2015 Oct;9(10):769-79.
    177. Bakris GL, Townsend RR, Flack JM, Brar S, Cohen SA, D'Agostino R, Kandzari DE, Katzen BT, Leon MB, Mauri L, Negoita M, O'Neill WW, Oparil S, Rocha-Singh K, Bhatt DL; SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Investigators. 12-month blood pressure results of catheter-based renal artery denervation for resistant hypertension: the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 trial. . 2015 Apr 7;65(13):1314-21.
    178. Ference BA, Majeed F, Penumetcha R, Flack JM, Brook RD. Effect of naturally random allocation to lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol on the risk of coronary heart disease mediated by polymorphisms in NPC1L1, HMGCR, or both: a 2 × 2 factorial Mendelian randomization study. . 2015 Apr 21;65(15):1552-61.
    179. Navaneethan SD, Roy J, Tao K, Brecklin CS, Chen J, Deo R, Flack JM, Ojo AO, Plappert TJ, Raj DS, Saydain G, Sondheimer JH, Sood R, Steigerwalt SP, Townsend RR, Dweik RA, Rahman M; Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Investigators. Prevalence, Predictors, and Outcomes of Pulmonary Hypertension in CKD.. 2016 Mar;27(3):877-86.
    180. Kario K, Bhatt D, Kandzar D, Brar S, Flack J, Gilbert C, Oparil S, Robbins M, Townsend R, Barkris G.Impact of renal artery denervation on patients with obstructive sleep apnea and resistant hypertension: Insights from the SYMPLICITY HTN-3 Trial. Circ J 2016; 80(6):1404-1412.
    181. Lash JP, Ricardo AC, Roy J, Deo R, Fischer M, Flack JM, He J, Keane M, Lora C, Ojo A, Rahman M, Steigerwalt S, Tao K, Wolf M, Wright, Jr JT, Go A, on behalf of the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort (CRIC) Study Investigators. Race/ethnicity and cardiovascular outcomes in adults with chronic kidney disease: Findings from the CRIC (Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort) and Hispanic CRIC studies.Am J Kidney Dis 2016.
    182. Gutierrez OM, Parsa A, Isakova T; Scialla JJ, Chen J, Flack JM, Nessel LC, Gupta J., Bellovich KA, Steigerwalt S, Sondheimer JH, Wright JT Jr, Feldman HI, Kusek JW, Lash JP, Wolf M.Genetic African ancestry and markers of mineral metabolism in CKD.Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2016; Apr;11(4):653-62.
    183. Navaneethan SD, Roy J, Tao K, Brecklin CS, Chen J, Deo R, Flack JM, Ojo AO, Plappert TJ, Raj DS, Saydain G, Sondheimer JH, Sood R, Steigerwalt SP, Townsend RR, Dweik RA, Rahman M, Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Inventigators.Prevalence, Predictors, and Outcomes of Pulmonary Hypertension in CKD.J Am Soc Nephrol 2016; Mar;27(3):877-86.
    184. Sampson UK, Kaplan RM, Cooper RS, Diez Roux AV, Marks JS, Engelgau MM, Peprah E, Mishoe H, Boulware LE, Felix KL, Califf RM, Flack JM, Cooper LA, Gracia JN, Henderson JA, Davidson KW, Krishnan JA, Lewis TT, Sanchez E, Luban NL, Vaccarino V, Wong WF, Wright JT Jr, Meyers D, Ogedegbe OG, Presley-Cantrell L, Chambers DA, Belis D, Bennett GC, Boyington JE, Creazzo TL, de Jesus JM, Krishnamurti C, Lowden MR, Punturieri A, Shero ST, Young NS, Zou S, Mensah GA.Reducing health inequities in the U.S.: recommendations from the NHLBI’s health inequities think tank meeting.J Am Coll Cardiol 2016; Aug;68(5):517-24.
    185. Flack JM, Nolasco C, Levy P.  The case for low blood pressure targets.  Invited State of the Art Commentary.  (Am J Hypertens, in press).

    Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters:

    1. Flack JM, Grimm RH Jr.  Diuretics, Kaplan NM, Brenner BM, Laragh JH, (eds).  In Perspectives in hypertension Vol. III, New therapeutic strategies in hypertension.  Raven Press Ltd. 1989, pp 17-32.
    2. Flack JM, Yunis C.  Ethnicity, SES, and hypertension.  Izzo JL, Black HR (eds) In American Heart Association Hypertension primer.  American Heart Association, Dallas, TX 1993, pp153-155.
    3. Flack JM, Staffileno BA.  Hypertension in blacks.  Richard Johnson, MD (ed) In Comprehensive clinical nephrology, Mosby International.  London, UK, 1998.
    4. Flack JM, Weir MW, and Calcium antagonists as antihypertensive in African-American patients.  Murray Epstein, MD FACP, (ed).  In Calcium antagonists in clinical medicine, 2nd Edition. Huskey and Belfur Inc., pp. 291-305. Philadelphia, PA 1998.
    5. Flack JM, Staffileno BA.  Hypertension in Blacks, in Oparil and Webber (eds.), In Hypertension: A companion to Brenner and Rector’s the kidney, W.B. Saunders, (62): pp 558-563.  Philadelphia, PA  2000
    6. Flack JM.Therapy of hypertension in primer on kidney diseases.  Arthur Greenberg, (ed).  Alfred K. Cheung et al (assoc ed). In Primer on kidney diseases, 2nd Edition.  Academic Press, pp. 486-497. San Diego, CA  2001
    7. Flack JM, Mann NK, Ramappa P., Rangi JK, Hypertension and other risk factors for stroke, Braithwaite RL and Taylor SE (eds) in Health/issues in the black community, 2nd  edition, Jossey-Bass publishers, pp 189-208.  San Francisco, CA 2001.
    8. Flack JM.  Drugs for Hypertension.  Reed JW, Hudson HM (eds), in High blood pressure:  the black man and woman’s guide to living with hypertension, Hilton Publishing, Chapter 5 pp 63-82.  Roscoe, IL  2002.
    9. Flack JM, Nasser SA. Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status in Hypertension, Izzo JL and Black HR (eds). In American Heart Association Hypertension primer.   3rd Edition, Chapter B88, pp 261-264. 2003.
    10. Flack JM, Patel N, Mehra Vishal, Nasser SA. Hypertension treatment, Chaturvedi S, Levine SR (eds), in Transient ischemic attacks, Blackwell Futura Publishing, Chapter 14 pp 309-323.  Malden, Massachusetts 2004
    11. Shafi T., Nnolim B, Flack JM, Treatment of Hypertension in African Americans, Bakris G (eds).  In The Kidney and Hypertension. Martin Dunitz Taylor and Francis Group 2004, pp 165-174.
    12. Crook ED, Dews P, Flack JM. Hypertension, Current Challenges and Newer Perspectives in Pharmacotherapy.  Kohli K, Gupta M. Tejwani S, (eds) in Contemporary Perspectives on Clinical Pharmacotherapeutics. Elsevier 2006, pp 293-305.
    13. Flack JM, Shafi T, Chandra S, Ramos J, Nasser SA, Crook ED. Hypertension in African Americans, Black and Elliot (eds), in Hypertension, A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease. Elsevier pp 468-481, 2007.
    14. Flack JM, Nasser SA, O’Connor SM. Should selection of antihypertensive therapy be focused on other markers for cardiovascular risk besides blood pressure? George Bakris, MD (ed). Therapeutic Strategies in Hypertension, Chapter 10, pp 115-124. Clinical Publishing Co., Oxford, UK 2006
    15. Flack JM, Nasser SA, Britton M, Valina-Toth AB, Ahooja V, O’Connor SM. Hypertension in Racial and Ethnic minorities. Lip and Hall (eds). Comprehensive Hypertension. Philadelphia, Mosby (Elsevier), pp. 707-718, 2007.
    16. Flack, JM, Nasser SA, O’Connor SM.  Hypertension in African Americans.  Feehally J, Floege J, and Johnson RJ (eds.) Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology, 3rd Edition.  Chapter 39, pp 467-473, 2007
    17. Flack JM, Nasser SA, O’Connor SM. Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status in Hypertension.   Henry R. Black, MD (ed). Hypertension Primer, 4th Edition.Chapter B84, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, pp 276-278, 2008.
    18. Flack JM, Nasser SA, O’Connor SM, Ethnicity and Socioeconomic Status in Hypertension.  Joseph L. Izzo Jr, Domenic A. Sica, Henry R. Black (eds). Hypertension Primer, 4th Edition. Chapter B84, pp 276-278. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, PA, 2008.

    Non-Peer Reviewed Book Chapters:   

    1.         Flack JM.  Atherosclerosis.  Kaufman CE, and Clark B, Eds.  Pathophysiology syllabus 1987-1988 University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City 147-164, 1987.

    Non-Peer Reviewed Articles:

    1. Flack JM.  Assessing functional outcomes in hypertension.  Group practice J 41(3):82-85, 1992.
    2. Grimm RH Jr, Flack JM.The management of hypertension: Potential trade-offs on coronary risk.Am J Med 87(2A):625-655, 1989.
    3. Flack JM, Grimm RH Jr.  Treating hypertension and lipids:  A rational approach.  Med Mgt Dynamics 6:3-8, 1988.
    4. Flack JM.  Living with hypertension. Introduction to dealing with elevated blood pressure.  NC Med J 58(3):193-196, 1997.


    1. Flack JM. Sisson L.  Obesity is a major crisis for African-Americans.  Obesity and Health 5(1):5-6, 1991.
    2. Flack JM.  Lifestyle modification and blood pressure:  Lessons from TOMHS.  Obesity and Health 6(6):106-107, 1992.
    3. Flack JM.  Calcium antagonists: friend, foe, or do we know?  Consortium of Southeastern Hypertension Centers newsletter, 1996.
    4. Flack JM. Bledsoe K.  Combination antihypertensive drug treatment:  A therapeutic option long overdue.  American Family Physician 61(10):2974-2977, 2000.
    5. Flack JM, Minimizing the progression of kidney disease:  AM J of Kidney Disease   36 (3) Suppl 1:S1-S3, 2000.
    6. Ofili E, Flack JM, Gibbons G.  Race and responsiveness to drugs for heart failure. N Engl J Med 6;345(10):767; discussion 767-8, Sept 2001.
    7. Flack JM, Crook ED, Klag M.  Racial and ethnic disparities in kidney disease. Adv Ren Ther; 11(1) editorial 1-2, Jan 2004.
    8. Flack JM. Editorial commentary on fixed combination isorbide dinitrate/hydralazine for nitiric-oxide-enhancing therapy in heart failure. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 8(3): 275-277, Feb 2007.
    9. Flack JM.Noninvasive hemodynamic measurements: an important advance in individualizing drug therapies for hypertensive patients. Hypertens. 2006 April; 47(4):646-7.
    10. Flack JM.  Epidemiology and unmet needs in hypertension.  JMCP Supplement.  2007 Oct; 13(8): S-b (S1-8).
    11. Flack, JM. Editorial commentary on fixed combination isosorbide dinitrate/hydralazine for nitric-oxide-enhancing therapy in heart failure. Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 2007;8(3):275-7
    12. Flack JM, Domenic A. Sica and Shawna Nesbitt.  Chlorthalidone versus hydrochlorothiazide as the preferred diuretic: is there a verdict yet?  Hypertens 2011; 57;665-666.
    13. Flack JM, Nasser SA, Levy PD.  Initial treatment of hypertension with aliskiren and amlodipine combination gives 6.5 mm H greater reduction in systolic blood pressure than does either monotherapy.  Evid Based Med 2011;16(5):148-149. 
    14. PD. Levy, Flack JM. Should African-Americans with elevated blood pressure be routinely screened for hypertensive heart disease?Expert Reviews Cardiovasc. Ther. 10(10), 1201-1204 (2012).
    15. Flack JM.  Is evening dosing of antihypertensive therapy ready for prime time? J Clin Hypertens 2014;16(8):557-558.
    16. Schiffrin EL, Calhoun DA, Flack JM, Ito S, Webb RC.A message from the new editorial team at the American Journal of Hypertension.. 2016 Jan;29(1):1. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpv173.PMID: 26658829
    17. Schiffrin EL, Calhoun DA, Flack JM.SPRINT proves that lower is better for nondiabetic high-risk patients, but at a price.. 2016 Jan;29(1):2-4. doi: 10.1093/ajh/hpv190. Epub 2015 Nov 23. PMID: 26597221
    18. Flack, JM, Moser LR, Lipari M, Petrovich E, Farber M.  The Authors Reply, “as-needed intravenous antihypertensive therapy and blood pressure control”.  J Hosp Med. 2016 Jul;11(7):526.
    19. Flack, JM.  A novel approach for estimating cost-effectiveness of pharmacological treatment in drug naïve adults with hypertension.  (Am J Hypertens, in press).
    20. Schiffrin, EL, Calhoun DA, Flack JM.Do we need a new definition of hypertension after SPRINT?(Am J Hypertens, in press).

    Published Abstracts:

    1. Gardin JM, Wagenknecht LE, Anton-Culver H, Flack JM, Gidding S, Wong ND, Manolio TA.Relationship of Race, sex, systolic blood pressure levels, and body mass to left ventricular mass in healthy young adults.The CARDIA Study.Circulation 84(4):133, 1991.
    2. Flack JM, Gardin JM, Gidding S, Manolio TA, Sedlacek C, Nelson E, Jacobs DR.  Mitral valve prolapse in a biracial cohort of young adults.  The CARDIA Study.  Circulation 84(4):130, 1991.
    3. Flack JM, Liu K, Savage P.  Baseline insulin predicts 2 year blood pressure changes in young adults.  The CARDIA Study.  Circulation 83(2):724, 1991.
    4. Gidding S, Liu K, Gardin J, Flack JM, Hulley S.Ability of NCEP guidelines to identify young adults with high LDL cholesterol:The CARDIA Study.Circulation 83(2):731, 1991.
    5. Gidding S, Liu K, Bild D, Wagenknecht L, Flack JM, Hulley S.Use of life style factors to identify young adults with low HDL cholesterol:The CARDIA Study. Circulation 83(2):732, 1991.
    6. Flack JM, Adams-Campbell L, Gardin J, Yunis C, Lewis B, Levin R.  Psychosocial correlates of left ventricular mass (LVM) in young adults:  The CARDIA Study.  Am J Hypertens 6(5 Part 2):22A, 1993.
    7. Mercuri M, Bond M, Nichols F, Carr A, Flack JM, Byington R, Raines J.For the MIDAS Group.J Cardiovasc Diag Proc 11(4):241-256,1993.
    8. Flack JM, Yunis C, Preisser J, Staffileno BA, Menssah G, Saunders E.  The accupril titration interval management evaluation (ATIME) trial.  Am J Hypertens 11(4); Part 2; 103 A, 1998.
    9. Flack JM, Grimm RH, Staffileno BA, Yunis C, Elmer P.  A Novel Z-Score method for determining salt-sensitivity: The sodium and blood pressure study (SNAP).  Hypertens 32(3): 606, 1998.
    10. Staffileno BA, Braun LT, Flack JM.The accumulative effects of physical activity in hypertensive post-menopause women.Med Sci Sports Exerc 30(5): Suppl; 582, 1998.
    11. Staffileno BA, Flack JM, Brauen LT.Hemodynamic response from the accumulation of short bouts of moderate-intensity physical activity in hypertensive, postmenopausal women.Am J Hypertension 11(4): Part 2: 209A, 1998.
    12. Flack JM, Grimm RH, Staffileno BA, Elmer P, Yunis C, Peters R.  The influence of body mass index on salt-sensitivity in African American women: the sodium and blood pressure study [SNAP].  Ethn & Dis 8 (2), 1998.
    13. Holmes CB, Staffileno BA, Hamaty M, Dudley A, Yunis C, Grimm RH, Flack JM.  The interactive effect of body size and renin-angiotensin axis on blood pressure response to oral salt loading in normotensive African Americans.Am J Hypertension 12(4): Part 2: 17A – 18A, 1999.
    14. Grimm RH, Bracha Y, Flack JM, Grandits G. Prineas R.Reasons for going off study medication in the Treatment of Mild Hypertension Study. (American Society of Hypertension [ASH], Annual Scientific Meeting, 2000.
    15. Duncan K, Ramappa P, Thornburg R, Singh K, Okoye C, Mann N, Hedquist L, Dudley A, Flack JM.   The influence of urinary albumin excretion and estimated glomerular filtration rate on blood pressure response in drug-treated hypertensive patients in an academic hypertension clinic.  Am J Hypertension 14(4):  Part 2: P-493, 2001.
    16. Thornburg R, Ramappa P, Singh K, Okoye, Dudley A, Hedquist L, Mann N, Flack JM.  Factors correlated to blood pressure response in hypertensive patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Am J Hypertension 14(4): Part 2: P-578, 2001.
    17. Flack JM, Garza D, Shi, Amlodipine Study Group.  A multicenter single-blind trial evaluating the efficacy of amlodipine in patients with severe hypertension (JNC Stage 3).  Am J Hypertension (14)4: Part 2: P-242, 2001.
    18. Kostis JB, Cobbe S, Johnston C, Ford I, Murphy M, Webber MA, Black HR, Plouin PF, Levy D, Mancia G, Larochelle P, Kolloch RE, Alderman M, Ruilope LM, Dahlof B, Flack JM, Wolf R.  OPERA Study Group. Omapatrilat in persons with enhanced risk of atherosclerotic events.  Am J Hypertension (14)2: Part 1:P193-8, 2002.
    19. Flack JM, Bakris G. LEAAD (Lotrel and Enalapril in AA Diabetics) Comparison of the antihypertensive efficacy and safety of fixed-dose combination therapy with amlodipine/benazepril vs emalapril monotherapy in African Americans with type 2 Diabetes.  Ethn & Dis Vol (12) 2002.
    20. El-Achkar T, Ohmit SE, Grimm R, Bakris G, Flack JM. Higher prevalence of anemia with diabetes mellitus in moderate kidney insufficiency.  Diab supp (51)2: A224, 2002.
    21. Hall WD, Clark LT, Wenger NK, Wright JT Jr, Kumanyika SK, Watson K, Horton EW, Flack JM, Ferdinand KC, Gavin Jr 3rd, Reed JW, Saunders E, O’Neal W Jr.African-American Lipid and Cardiovascular Council.The metabolic syndrome in African Americans:A review. Ethn & Dis Vol 13(4): 414-28, 2003.
    22. Artinian, NT, Flack JM, Vander Wal JS, Jen KLC, Washington OGM.Depression, stress, and BP control in urban African American women.Am J Hyper 17(5,part3) 169A.
    23. Messerli FH, Bakris GL, Ferrera D, Houston MC, Petrella RJ, Flack JM, Sun W, Lee E, Neutel JM.Efficacy and safety of coadministered amiodipine and atorvastatin in patients with hypertension and dyslipidemia: results of the AVALON trial.J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich).2006 Aug;8(8):571-81;quiz 582-3.
    24. Williams RA, Flack JM, Gavin JR 3rd, Schneider WR, Hennekens CH. Guidelines for management of high-risk African Americans with multiple cardiovascular risk factors:recommendations of an expert consensus panel.Ethn Dis. 2007 Spring;17(2):214-20.
    25. Artinian NT, Flack JM, Nordstrom CK, Hockman EM, Washington OG, Jen KL, Fathy M.Effects of nurse-managed telemonitoring on blood pressure at 12-month follow-up among urban African Americans.Nurs Res. 2007 Sep-Oct;56(5):312-22.
    26. Flack JM.  Maximising antihypertensive effects of angiotensin II receptor blockers with thiazide diuretic combination therapy: focus on irbesartan/hydrochlorothiazide. Int J Clin Pract. 2007 December; 61(12): 2093–2102.

    Presentations and Abstracts:

    1. Flack JM and Roswell R.  “Vitamin D levels in familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia.”  Presented at the American College of Physicians, Oklahoma Society of Internal Medicine State Conference, 1981.
    2. Flack JM.  “A case report of conversion of quinidine resistant atrial fibrillation to normal sinus rhythm with oral flecainide:  A promising alternative to the standard therapeutic approaches.”  Presented at the Regional Meeting of the American College of Physicians, Oklahoma Society of Internal Medicine, October 1986.
    3. Ryder KW, Oei TO, Flack JM, McDonald CJ, Whang R.“Serum electrolyte abnormalities in patients receiving theophylline.”Presented at the Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN and University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK.
    4. Cater NB, Flack JM.“Follow-up study of hypercholesterolemic persons identified during mass screening at two shopping centers.”Presented at the 29th National Student Research Forum, Galveston, TX, April 6, 1988.
    5. Flack JM, Wiist W.  “Clustering of hypercholesterolemia and hypertension in a large urban Black population.”  Presented at the First National Cholesterol Conference, Arlington, VA, November 1988.
    6. Cater N, Flack JM. “Observational study of house staff/attending physician recognition of hypercholesterolemia in a large teaching hospital.”Presented at the First National Cholesterol Conference, Arlington, VA, November 1988.
    7. Wiist W, Flack JM.“A cholesterol education program in a black church.” Presented at the First National Cholesterol Conference, Arlington, VA, November 1988.
    8. Flack JM, Wiist W.  “Report of baseline CHD risk factor prevalence for Northeast Oklahoma City cholesterol education program screenees.”  Presented at the 116th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Arlington, VA, November 1988.
    9. Flack JM, Wiist W.  “Relationships between blood pressure, body mass index, and income in black men and women.”  Presented at the National Conference on High Blood Pressure Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL, May 8, 1989.
    10. Flack JM, Burke G, Sprafka JM, Grimm RH, Hahn L.  “Relationship between blood pressure, lipids and income in black Minnesota heart survey participants.”  Presented at the Second International Conference on Preventive Cardiology and the 29th Annual Meeting of the American Heart Association Council on Epidemiology.  June 18-22, 1989.
    11. Mascioli SM, Launer CA, Svendsen KH, Grimm RH, Neaton JD, Elmer PJ, Gonzalez NM, Flack JM, Witte L, Bell M, Cox J, Clearman D.“Sodium chloride raises blood pressure in normotensives--The study of sodium and blood pressure.”Presented at the 62nd Scientific Sessions of the American Heart Association, New Orleans, LA, November 13-16, 1989.
    12. Flack JM.  “Racial and ethnic modifiers of the sodium-blood pressure response.”  Presented at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Salt and Blood Pressure Workshop, Bethesda, MD, Nov. 1-2, 1989.
    13. Flack JM.  For the MIDAS Research Group.  “The Multicenter Isradipine Diuretic Atherosclerosis Study (MIDAS).”  Presented at the Fifth International Interdisciplinary Conference on Hypertension in Blacks, Long Beach, CA, May 3-7, 1990.
    14. Flack JM, Wiist W.  “The influence of gender and diabetes status on blood pressure, cholesterol and joint blood pressure elevations in adult urban blacks.”  Presented at the Fifth International Interdisciplinary Conference on Hypertension in blacks, Long Beach, CA, May 3-7, 1990.
    15. Wiist WH, Flack JM.“Dietary intake in African American church attendees.”Presented at the Annual Convention of the American Public Health Association, Atlanta, Georgia, November 10-14, 1991.
    16. Sowers JR, Byington R, Furberg CD, Mercuri M, Borhani NQ, Applegsie WB, Carr A, Brugger S, Flack JM, Schnaper H.“Risk factors associated with atherosclerosis carotid artery thickening in Multicenter Isradipine Diuretic Atherosclerosis Study (MIDAS)”, 1991.
    17. Gidding S, Xie X, Manolio T, Flack JM, Perkins L, Gardin J.“Relation between smoking and resting cardiac function:The CARDIA Study.” Presented at the American Heart Conference in Orlando, Florida, May 21-23, 1992.
    18. Flack JM, Grimm RH, Lewis CB, Grandits G, Elmer P, Prineas R, Schoenberger J.  “Comparison of response to low dose antihypertensive medication between black and white participants in the treatment of mild hypertension study (TOMHS).” Presented at the Seventh International Interdisciplinary Conference on Hypertension in Blacks, Atlanta, Georgia, May 26-31, 1992.
    19. Elmer PJ, Flack JM, Grimm RH, Gonzalez N, Cox J, Herbrandson M, Hillman D, Laing B.  “Feasibility of diet sodium reduction in middle-aged Blacks.” Presented at the Seventh International Interdisciplinary Conference on Hypertension in Blacks, Atlanta, Georgia, May 26-31, 1992.
    20. Gidding SG, Gardin J, Xie X, Flack JM, Manolio T, Sedlacek C.“The prevalence of echocardiographically diagnosed cardiac disease in an asymptomatic population:  The CARDIA Study” Presented at the American Heart Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 16-19, 1992.
    21. Flack JM, Liu K, Nelson E, Bild D, Hardin M, Hulley S. “Relationship of insulin level to 5-year risk of hypertension in a bi-ethnic cohort of young adults:  The CARDIA Study”  Presented at the American Heart Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 17-20, 1993.
    22. Flack JM, Yunis C, Keenan J, Sprafka JM, Grimm R, Levin R, Sisson L.  “Treatment of low high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (TOLC) Study”  Presented at the 34th Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention American Heart Association, Tampa FL, March 16-19, 1994.
    23. Prisant LM, Khoury S, Flack JM, Carr AA, Sowers JR, Neuwirth R.“Biochemical changes of MIDAS patients according to treatment and race.”Presented at the Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference on Hypertension in Blacks, June 22-26, 1994.
    24. Prisant LM, Nichols F, Flack JM, Carr AA, Mercuri M, Neuwirth R, Bond G.“Risk factors correlated of carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) of MIDAS patients.”Presented at the Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference on Hypertension in Blacks, June 22-26, 1994.
    25. Prisant LM, Flack JM, Carr AA, Neuwirth R.“Antihypertensive effects in black and white MIDAS patients” Presented at the Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference on Hypertension in Blacks, June 22-26, 1994.
    26. Prisant LM, Nichols F, Flack JM, Carr AA, Neuwirth R, Mercuri M, Bond G.“Change in carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) of MIDAS patients.”Presented at the Ninth Interdisciplinary Conference on Hypertension in Blacks, June 22-26, 1994.
    27. Cohen JD, Edwards A, Cooper R, Flack JM, D’Agostino R, Grimm RH, Grundy SM, Kannel WB, Higgins M, Kronmal RA, Hill M, Lee ET.“Workshop on assessing risk for coronary heart disease.”Presented for the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, January 19-20, 1999.
    28. Weinberger M, Denke M,  Flack JM, Hunt S, Sacks F, Kotchen T, McCarron D, Svetkey L.Workshop on Sodium and Blood Pressure.“Response to dietary sodium and other nutrients.”Presented at the Bethesda Marriott Hotel for the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, January 28-29, 1999.
    29. Patel NR, Alrefai HA, Ohmit S, Nasser S, Flack JM. Benefits of revascularization in African Americans with critical renal artery stenosis.Presented at International Society of Hypertension in Blacks and Minorities (ISHIB) at Miami, FL;June 8-12, 2002.
    30. Alrefai HA, Rangi J. Ohmit S, Nasser S, Dudley A, Flack JM. Total cholesterol and statins affect blood pressure response to antihypertensive drugs in hypertensive patients.Presented at The Endocrine Society’s 84th Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA;June 19-22, 2002.
    31. Nnolim B, Ohmit SE, Nasser S, Hedquist LA, Flack JM. The Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Estimator in Clinical Practice.Presented at the American College of Physicians American Society of Internal Medicine (ACP-ASIM) Michigan Chapter at Ypsilanti, MI;May 17, 2002.
    32. Koul D, Dudley AI, Shafi T, Nasser S, Crook E, Spears R, Flack JM. Outcomes after renal angioplasty and stent placement in hypertensive African Americans with critical renal artery stenosis. Presented at the American Society of Hypertension 19th Annual Scientific Meeting, 2004.
    33. Gebreselassie SF, Lai Z, Ohmit S, Tsilimingras D, Nasser S, Dews P, Britton M, Flack JM. Factors influencing blood pressure level and diurnal blood pressure variation in patients with complex hypertension. Presented at the American Heart Association 7th Scientific Meeting on Quality of Care and Health Outcomes on Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke: May 8-9, 2006.
    34. Blank H, Lai Z, Anderson D, Guo X, Ohmit S, Nasser S, Dews P, Flack JM.Hypertension control and use of renin-angiotensin systems therapies in persons with diabetes and hypertension. Presented at the American Society of Hypertension Inc. 21st Annual Scientific Meeting and Exposition in New York, NY: May 16-20, 2006.
    35. Das P, Lai Z, Ohmit S, Nasser S, Dews P, Flack JM. The influence of Albuminuria on longitudinal blood pressure (BP) response to antihypertensive drug therapy. Presented at the American Society of Hypertension,Inc. 21st Annual Scientific Meeting and Exposition in New York, NY; May 16-20, 2006.
    36. Tinevimbo J, Lai Z, Nasser S, Dews P, Britton M, Flack JM. Effect of longitudinal blood pressure change and hypertension control in predominantly African American patients with hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Presented at the American Society of Hypertension, Inc. 21st Annual Scientific Meeting and Exposition in New, NY; May 16-20, 2006.
    37. Levine D, Anderson D, Ohmit S, Corsino L, Guo X, Lai Z, Nasser S, Britton M, Dews P, Flack J. Comprehensive training and support intervention for diabetes (CTSI-D). Presented at the International Society of Hypertension in Blacks 21st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference on Hypertension and Related Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Ethnic Populations in Atlanta, GA:June 23-26, 2006.
    38. Penugonda N, Lai Z, Tsilimingras D, Britton M, Nasser SA, Dews P, Flack JM.  A multi-component hypertension quality of care score predicts longitudinal blood pressure responses and hypertension control in a hypertensive cohort. Presented at the American Heart Association Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke in Washington DC;May 9-11, 2007.
    39. Potu S, Britton M, Tsilimingras D, Yoo Wonsuk, Quah R, Lai Z, Liu X, Nasser SA, Goel A, Dews P, Flack JM. The effect of Cox-2 selective NSAIDs on longitudinal blood pressure change according to the level of kidney function. Presented at the American Society of Hypertension 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting and Exposition in New York, NY;May 17-21, 2007.



    Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort Study (CRIC)
    Funding:  University of Michigan NIDDK 5K24DK062234 UM Subcontract ($613,942)
    Purpose:  NIH-Sponsored, multicenter, prospective cohort study designed to determine the risk factors for accelerated decline in renal function and to evaluate the incidence and risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients with chronic renal insufficiency (CRI).
    Period:  05/04-ongoing
    Role:  Co-Investigator-Wayne State University site
    FTE:  0%
    Bayer Protocol 16244: A Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multi-center, event-driven Phase III study to investigate the efficacy and safety of finerenone, in addition to standard of care, on the progression of kidney disease in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus and the clinical diagnosis of diabetic kidney disease.
    Funding:  Bayer
    Period:  12/18/2015—ongoing
    Role:  Principal Investigator – Southern Illinois University
    FTE:  5%
    A Phase 3 randomized, open-label, active-controlled, parallel-group, multi-center, event driven study in non-dialysis subjects with anemia associated with chronic kidney disease to evaluate the safety and efficacy of GSK1278863 compared to darbepoetin alf
    Funding:  Glaxo Smith Kline - (approx. $210,000)
    Purpose:  To demonstrate whether GSK1278863 is non-inferior or superior to darbepoetin alfa for cardiovascular safety
    Period:  04/2016-Ongoing
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    FTE:  5%
    Illinois Precision Medicine Consortium – Southern Illinois University site
    Funding:  National Institute of Health Grant Number:UG3 OD023189
    Purpose:  This grant is to recruit a large cohort (~13,000) of individuals from 1 years of age and older who also have electronic health records for a standardized clinical     assessment administration of questionnaires and the provision of biological specimens for the precision medicine initiative.
    Role:  Principal Investigator – Southern Illinois University
    FTE:  5%

    GRANTS AND CONTRACTS (Submitted but Unfunded):

    Effect of Vitamin D in Pre-diabetes and Obesity
    Funding:  NIDDK
    Purpose:  To determine the relative impact of high-dose Vit D (3600IU/D) relative tolow-dose (500IU/D) on visceral adiposity, glycemic control, inflammation and traditional CVD risk factors in obese normotensive African Americans with pre-diabetes.
    Period:  9/1/2013 – 8/31/2017 (Not funded)
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    FTE:  30%


    Adjunct Vitamin D Therapy with Vitamin D as a Means to Reduce Disparities  Subclinical Target-Organ Cardiac Damage Among Vulnerable Hypertensive Patients.
    Funding:  NIH/NIMHD (1R01 MD005849-01A1) ($1,250,000)
    Purpose:  Vitamin D deficiency may be an important contributor to racial differences in hypertensive heart disease but whether adjunct vitamin D therapy provides benefit is unknown. We seek to ascertain the effect of adjunct vitamin D therapy on left ventricular hypertrophy (primary aim), myocardial fibrosis and central vascular function (secondary aims) at one-year using a placebo controlled, randomized design.
    Period:  03/01/11-02/28/16
    Role:  Co-investigator
    FTE:  5%
    Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE)
    Funding:  National Institute on Aging/Berman Center for Outcomes and Clinical Research Subcontract ($2,088,000)
    Purpose: The purpose of this project aims to assess whether aspirin can not only prolong life but help provide a life free of physical disability and/or dementia for healthy older people.
    Period:  04/01/2010 through 03/31/2017
    Role:  Principal Investigator-Wayne State University site
    FTE:  5%
    Vitamin D Augmentation of Tekturna® (Aliskiren) in Hypertension (VDATH)
    Funding:  Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation ($512,733)
    Purpose:  The overarching hypothesis is that African Americans with hypertension have an overactive renin angiotensin system at the tissue level and a metabolic milieu (high oxidative stress and depressed nitric oxide metabolism), both conceivably as a consequence of or at least significantly influenced by, vitamin D deficiency.  We posit that this results in the lesser average BP response to monotherapy with renin angiotensin system blockers.  (Investigator initiated; sponsor terminated study after enrolling 10 patients because of safety concerns with aliskiren emanating from another trial)
    Period:  01/01/2011 through 07/31/2012
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    FTE:  5%
    Community Network Program for Older Underserved African American Adults          
    Funding:  NIH (NCI) ($2,580,746)
    Purpose:  To propose an active and comprehensive community-based program to reduce disparities of breast, prostate, colorectal, and lung cancer in older African American Adults in metropolitan Detroit.
    Period:  04/01/05 through 03/31/10
    Role:  Co-Investigator
    FTE:  10%
    A Prospective, Randomized, Open-Label Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Effect of Tekturna® (Aliskiren), Angiotensin Inhibitors, Diuretics, and Calcium Channel Blockers on Coronary Flow Reserve in Patients with Type II Diabetes and Hypertension
    Funding:  Novartis Pharmaceutical Corporation/William Beaumont Hospitals Subcontract ($53,448)
    Purpose:  To evaluate the effects of a Tekturna (aliskiren) on coronary flow reserve in diabetic, hypertensive patients being treated with an ACE inhibitor and amlodipine.
    Period:  04/01/2010 through 03/31/2011
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    Mechanisms of Meditation in Hypertension in Blacks
    Funding:  NIH-NHLBI
    Institution:  Maharishi University of Management Research Institute/Center for Natural Medicine and Prevention
    Purpose:  To develop research infrastructure to enhance the conduct of multi-disciplinary, disparities related research.
    Period:  2/2008-2012
    Role:  Data Safety and Monitoring Board Member
    FTE:  0%
    Cardiovascular Outcomes in Renal Atherosclerotic Lesions (CORAL)
    Funding:  National Institute of Health/University of Toledo Subcontract  ($26,925)
    Purpose:  A prospective, multi-center, unblinded, two-arm, randomized trial to test the hypothesis that medical therapy with stenting of significant renal artery stenoses in patients with systolic hypertension reduces the incidence of adverse cardiovascular and renal events compared with medical therapy alone.
    Period:  9/06 through 12/12
    Role:  Principal Investigator-Wayne State University site
    FTE:  1%
    Center for Urban and African American Urban Health.
    Funding:  National Institute of Environmental Health Science [ES-012395]  ($5,946,924)
    Purpose  Understanding the mechanisms operating at multiple levels (environment, lifestyle, physiology, genetics) mediating known disparate chronic conditions and their precursors and to identify preventive strategies and therapeutic approaches that might alleviate the disproportionate burden of disease
    Period:  09/01/2003 through 05/31/2008
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    FTE:   25 % 
              - Principal Investigator Administrative Core ($543,876) - 10% Effort
              - Principal Investigator Individual R01 Project:Obesity, Nitric Oxide, Oxidative Stress and Salt Sensitivity ($483,796) - 15% Effort
    Research Enhancement Grant
    Funding:  Wayne State University Office of the President & Provost ($1,800,000)
    Purpose:  To develop research infrastructure to enhance the conduct of multi-disciplinary, disparities related research.
    Period:  11/2004-10/2007
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    FTE:  0%
    Comprehensive Treatment and Support Intervention [CTSI-D] for Diabetes
    Funding:  International Society of Hypertension in Blacks/Association of Teachers in Preventive Medicine/Center for Disease Control ($402,756.00)
    Purpose:  Intervention to provide a comprehensive, evidence-based decision support to internal medicine house-officers and attendings using the MedTrace electronic medical clinical decision support system at two internal medicine resident clinics at major academic centers.
    Period:  1/2002 through 12/2005
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    FTE:  13%
    Nurse-Managed Blood Pressure Telemonitoring with African Americans
    Funding:  National Institute of Health ($1,490,000.00)
    Purpose:To compare usual care only with home telemonitoring/telecounseling plus usual care to determine which has the greatest effect on change In blood pressure form baseline; and to examine why the intervention works to control blood pressure by examining selected mediators, ie, dietary habits, physical activity level, weight loss, reduced alcohol intake habits, physical activity level, weight loss, reduced alcohol intake, compliance with an antihypertensive medication regimen, and contact with primary care provider.
    Period:  09/2000 through 09/2005
    Role:  Co-Investigator
    FTE:  6%
    Secondary Prevention of Small Subcortical Strokes (SPS3)
    Funding:  University of Texas Health Science Center NIH-NINDS
    Purpose:  To define efficacious therapies for cerebral small artery disease and its two most common clinical manifestations: small subcortical strokes (S3) (a.k.a. lacunar strokes) and cognitive decline (vascular dementia)
    Role: Investigator
    FTE:  10%
    Multi-center, Double-blind, Randomized Placebo-controlled Parallel Group
    Funding:  MSP Singapore Co., LLC c/o Merck & Co., Inc. 
    Purpose:  6-week study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of ezetimbe 10/day when added to ongoing therapy with a statin verses statin therapy alone, in patients with hypercholesterolemia who have not reached National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III target LDL-cholesterol level.
    Period:  05/20/2002 through 02/01/ 2003
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    FTE: 5%
    A 6-week Randomized, Open-label, Comparative Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Rosovastatin and Atorvastatin in the Treatment of hypercholestorolemia in African-American subjects (ARIES).
    Funding:  Astra Zeneca Pharmaceutical
    Purpose:  Compare the efficacy of 2 doses of rosovastatin (10 & 20 mg) with 2 doses of atorvastatin (10 & 20 mg) in African-American Subjects with high cholesterol by measuring the percent change in LDL-C from base line after 6 weeks of treatment.
    Period:  01/02/2002 through 05/15/2003
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    FTE:  5%
    A Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Parallel group Study to Determine the Safety and Efficacy of Lotrel versus Enalapril in the Treatment of Hypertension in an African-American Population with Type 2 Diabetes
    Funding:  Novartis Pharmaceuticals ($42,460.00)
    Purpose:  Determine the safety and effectiveness of lotrel (a combination of enalapril in the treatment of high blood pressure (hypertension) in African American men and women who have Type II Diabetes.
    Period:  12/2/2002 through 10/30/2003
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    FTE:  5%
    A Multicenter, Open-label, Flexible Dose Escalation Study to Evaluate the Correlation between event Log Parameters, Self Esteem/Overall Relationships Efficacy of Viagra ®) (Sildenifil Citrate) in Men with Erectile Dysfunction
    Funding:  Pfizer Pharmaceuticals ($11,437.50)
    Purpose:  To determine the correlation between changes in the self-esteem domain score of the Self-Esteem/Overall Relationship Questionnaire (SEAR) and measures of intercourse success (obtained from patient event logs), and improved erectile function (obtained from the Erectile Function (EF) domain of the (IIEF) in male outpatients with erectile dysfunction.
    Period:  5/2002-12/2002
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    FTE:  4%
    The DREAM (Diabetes Reduction Assessment with Raimpril and Rosiglitizone Medication) Trial
    Funding:  Hamilton Health Sciences Corp. ($68,250.00)
    Purpose:  The DREAM trial is designed to determine if treatment with either ramipril and/or rosiglitizone will prevent or reduce the incidence of diabetes in people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or impaired fasting glucose (IFG).
    Period:  6/4/2002-12/31/2007
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    FTE:  5%
    A 12-Week, Multicenter, Double Blind, Parallel, Forced-Titration Study of Teveten Eprosartan Mesylate; SK&F 108566-J) at Doses of 600 mg and 1200mg Given Once Daily and Enalapril (20mg and 40mg) Given Once Daily Compared to Placebo in African-American Patients with Essential Hypertension SitDBP>95 and <109 mmHG and SitSBP >145 and <179 mmHg) During Periods With and Without Supplemental Salt Intake (100mmol/day) Protocol 155.
    Funding:  SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals  ($42,480)
    Purpose:  To determine the blood pressure lowering efficacy of a novel angiotensin receptor antagonist in African-Americans, to determine the influence of dietary sodium administration on the antihypertensive efficacy of this agent in stage 1-2 hypertensives.
    Period:  1998-ongoing
    Role:  National Principal Investigator of this Multicenter Clinical Trial
    Sodium and Angiotensin Peptide Protocol [SAAP] A Pilot Study
    Funding:  Internal Funding
    Purpose:  Evaluating the impact of dietary sodium consumption on both ambulatory and cuff blood pressure, arterial compliance and to correlate sodium consumption with markers of target-organ-damage in African American women with normal to high blood pressure.
    Period:  1998
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    Hemodynamic Determinants of the Blood Pressure Response to Accumulated Physical Activity in African American Women
    Funding:  Harper Hospital Foundation ($24,981)
    Purpose:  To investigate the hemodynamic and hormonal effects of moderate intensity physical activity on sedentary African-American women with high-normal to stage 1 blood pressure evaluation.
    Period:  1998-99
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    Evaluation of the Antihypertensive Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerability of Candesartan Cilexetil in Comparison to Amlodipine: A Multicenter, Double Blind, Randomized, Parallel Group, Forced Titration Study (CASTLE Study) Protocol # 176
    Funding:  Astra Merck  ($30,000)
    Purpose:  Evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of Candesartan cilexetil in hypertensive
    Period:  1998
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    A Multicenter, Double-blind, randomized, parallel group, placebo-controlled study to investigate the antihypertensive efficacy and safety of Losartan in African Americans with mild-to-moderate hypertension (protocol 172)
    Funding:  Merck & Company
    Purpose:  To investigate the antihypertensive efficacy of losartan in African Americans with mild-to-moderate hypertension
    Period:  1998
    Role:  National Principal Investigator of this Multicenter Clinical Trial
    A Multicenter, Single-Blind Trial Evaluating the Efficacy of Amlodipine in Patients with Severe Hypertension  R0515
    Funding:  Pfizer, Incorporated  ($39,760)
    Purpose:  Evaluate efficacy of amlodipine in patients with severe hypertension
    Period:  1997
    Role:  Principal Investigator (#H09 16 97 (MO1)-FB)
    Efficacy of Candesartan Cilexetil in Hypertensive Black Patients: A Double Blind, Randomized, Placebo Controlled, Parallel Group Design Study with an Open Label, Long Term Extension (ABC, Protocol 140)
    Funding:  Astra Merck  ($60,000)
    Purpose:  To evaluate the efficacy of Candesartan in African Americans with mild-to-moderate hypertension.
    Period:  1998
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    Accupril Titration Interval Management Evaluation Trial (ATIME Study, Protocol 906-394)
    Funding:  Parke-Davis  ($555,445)
    Purpose:  To provide data coordination services for Antihypertensive drug trial involving 3000 participants at 400 clinical sites in the United States
    Period:  1996-1998 (completed)
    Role:  Principal Investigator (Investigator Initiated)
    “RFA, Vascular Disease Academic Award
    Funding:  NHLBI HL-94-015/k07 ($561,660)
    Purpose  To promote the discipline of vascular medicine through teaching, clinical, and research activities.
    Period:  1995-00
    Role:  Co-Principal Investigator/Medical Director
    "A Randomized Double-Blind, Outpatient, Dose-Titration Trial of ANA-756 vs. Atenlol (Beta-Blocker) In Patients with Essential Hypertension"
    Funding:Wyeth-Ayerst Research
    Purpose:  To compare the safety and effectiveness of increasing doses of ANA-756 and atenolol (beta-blocker already on the market) on the change in blood pressure in patients with essential hypertension.
    Period:  1995-95
    Role:  Co-Principal Investigator
    "Study of Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors in Young Adults (CARDIA)"
    Funding  NHLBI/NIH NO1 HV487048                                                    $2,471,875
    Purpose:  To monitor the evolution of cardiovascular risk factors and their determinants in a biracial cohort of young adults.      
    Period:  1993-94
    Role:   Principal Investigator
    "Women's Health Trial"
    Funding:  NIH - N01 WH3 2101 ($10,863,212)
    Purpose:  A randomized, controlled, multicenter trial designed to evaluate the feasibility of recruiting women of different socio-economic status and minority groups and to determine whether these women can achieve and maintain low-fat eating habits.
    Period:  1993-95
    Role:  Co-Principal Investigator (Dr. Grimm, Principal Investigator)
    "Multicenter Efficacy and Tolerability Study Comparing Proscar (Finasteride) and Placebo in the Treatment of Symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in a Primary Care Setting (PROSCAR Study)"
    Funding: Merck Human Health  ($37,500)         
    Purpose:  To examine the efficacy and tolerability of therapy with Proscar (finasteride) in patients with moderate to severe symptomatic benign prostatic hypertrophy.
    Period:  1993-95
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    "Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Program (HELP)"        
    Funding:  $3,000
    Purpose:  Attempt to decrease the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in two predominantly African-American church congregations through peer counseling.
    Period:  1993-94          
    Role:  Principal Investigator  
    "Sodium Sensitivity in Blacks" (SNaP)
    Funding:  NIH/NHLBI R01 - HL - 46630 - 01A1 ($1,394,250)
    Purpose:  To identify factors which predict a pressor effect with sodium chloride administration in African Americans.
    Period:  1992-94
    Role:  Co-Principal Investigator (Dr. Grimm, Principal Investigator)
    "Craniomandibular Disorders:  Long-Term Outcome Study"
    Funding:NIH  ($502,680)
    Purpose:  To compare several different approaches to the management of TMJ disorders.
    Period:  1992-97
    Role:  Co-Principal Investigator, Epidemiologist
    34.Title:  "Arterial Disease Multiple Intervention Trial (The ADMIT Study)"           
    Funding:  NIH/NHLBI N01 HC25111 ($485,192)       
    Purpose:  To evaluate treatment and prevention strategies for atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease clinical centers
    Period:  1992-95          
    Role:  Assistant Project Director (Dr. Hunninghake, Principal Investigator)
    "Treatment of Low HDL Cholesterol (TOLC) Study"
    Funding:  Innovite - Pharmaceuticals ($38,000)
    Purpose:  To determine the relative efficacy of Enduracin, a modified-release niacin preparation, versus Criptalline (unmodified) niacin for raising HDL cholesterol levels in nonsmoking men and women with low HDL (<40 mg/dl)
    Period:  1991
    Role:  Principal Investigator (Investigator initiated)
    "Ambulatory Blood Pressure Study in USA Blacks and Liberian Immigrants"
    Funding:  BRSG, University of Minnesota ($6,792)
    Purpose:  To make preliminary observations regarding ambulatory blood pressure patterns in United States Blacks and Liberian Immigrants to obtain preliminary estimates of repeatability ambulatory blood pressure measurements in these unique populations.
    Period:  1991-92
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    "Feasibility of Reduction of Dietary Sodium in Black Participants"
    Funding:  BRSG ($11,075)
    Purpose:  To establish the methodology and demonstrate feasibility of this sodium reduction for an NIH proposal on the evaluation of the effect of dietary sodium intervention on blood pressure in Blacks and Whites.
    Period:  1990-91
    Role:  Co-Principal Investigator
    "Lipid and Thiazide Study (LATS)"
    Funding:  Reuben Miller Cardiovascular Fund ($6,000)
    Purpose:  To support my ongoing research on the effects of thiazide diuretics on cholesterol distribution across LDL cholesterol subclasses.
    Period:  1989-90
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    "Multicenter Isradipine/Diuretic Atherosclerosis Study (MIDAS)"
    Funding:  Sandoz Pharmaceuticals ($759,348)
    Purpose:  To monitor the rate of progression of medial intimal thickness in hypertensive men and women with extracranial carotid artery plaque who were randomized a thiazide diuretic or isradipine, a dihypropyridine calcium antagonist.
    Period:  1988-92
    Role:  Co-Principal Investigator (R. Grimm, PrincipaI Investigator)
    "The Effect of Thiazide Diuretics on LDL Cholesterol Subclasses"
    Funding:  University of Minnesota School of Public Health Biomedical Research Grant; #BRSG 0696-5725-95   ($11,989)
    Purpose:  To assess the influence of thiazide diuretics on the distribution of cholesterol across LDL cholesterol subclasses.
    Period:  1989-91
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    "Northeast Oklahoma City Cholesterol and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Screening and Education Program"
    Funding:  University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Biomedical Research Support Grant ($6,700)
    Purpose:  To conduct a church-based cholesterol education program.
    Period:  1987-88
    Role:  Co-Principal Investigator (W. Wiist, PrincipaI Investigator)
    "Lovastatin Dose-Ranging Multicenter Study in Patients with Type II Hypercholesterolemia, Total Cholesterol 240-300 mg/dl With or Without Other Risk Factors and With and Without Evidence of Coronary Disease"
    Funding:  Merck Sharp and Dohme ($25,000)
    Purpose:  Obtain Lovastatin safety data
    Period:  1987-1988
    Role:  Principal Investigator
    "Treatment of Mild Hypertension Study (TOMHS)"
    Funding:  NHLBI/NIH R01 HL34767  ($1,733,971)
    Purpose:  To determine optimal treatment of adults with mild diastolic hypertension (90-99 mmHg).
    Period:  1985-1991
    Role:  Co-Investigator           


    2016 - Medical Innovator Award, Sangamon County (IL) Medical Society
    2014 - Detroit Super Doctors
    2012 - Academic Physician of the Year (University of Oklahoma School of Medicine)
    2009 - Michiganian of the Year (Detroit Medical News)
    2007 - AHA F. Dewey Dodrill Award for Excellence
    2005 - Crain’s Detroit Business Health Care Hero for Outstanding Physician Achievement
    1998 - Dr. Daniel D. Savage Memorial Scientific Award (Association of Black Cardiologist [ABC])
    1993 - International Society on Hypertension in Blacks (ISHIB)Distinguished Research Award
    Repeatedly named to Top Doctor and Best Doctor Lists
    Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA) Medical Honor Society (University of Oklahoma School of Medicine

    Clinical trials

    Internal Medicine


    Active recruiting

    The purpose of this clinical trial is to assess the blood pressure lowering effects of lorundrostat, taken once daily, in patients with high blood pressure.

    Eligible patients include those who currently have a diagnosis of high blood pressure, despite having taken or are currently taking anti-hypertensive medications.

    Internal Medicine

    AstraZeneca BaxHTN: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel Group Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Baxdrostat in Participants With Uncontrolled Hypertension on Two or More Medications Including Participants With Resistant Hypert

    Active recruiting

    The purpose of this clinical trial is to trial is to learn more about a new, investigational, once daily medication, called baxdrostat, and its ability to lower blood pressure in individuals not responding to their current treatment.

    Eligible patients include those who currently have a diagnosis of high blood pressure, despite currently taking anti-hypertensive medications.

    Internal Medicine

    HyPhen: Title-Hypertension Phenotype Study

    Active recruiting

    This is a local research study to relate heart health and various components found in your body (body fat, sodium, etc.) to high blood pressure during pregnancy, and those with apparently normal blood pressure.

    Eligible participants include those with high blood pressure, those receiving treatment for their high blood pressure, women who had high blood pressure during pregnancy, and those with apparently normal blood pressure.

    Internal Medicine


    Active recruiting

    The purpose of this clinical trial is to assess the blood pressure lowering effects of lorundrostat, taken once daily, in patients with high blood pressure.

    Eligible patients include those who currently have a diagnosis of high blood pressure, despite having taken or are currently taking anti-hypertensive medications.

    Internal Medicine

    RADIANCE Continued Access Protocol (CAP): A study of the ReCor Medical Paradise System in Clinical Hypertension

    Active not recruiting
    The purpose of this clinical trial is to find out if a medical device called the Paradise Renal Denervation System can lower blood pressure in patients who have hypertension

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