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Population Science article, authors honored for research impact

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Some of the highest praise a research team can receive is when others cite your work. 

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) has selected the article “Rural-Urban Differences in Cancer Incidence and Trends in the United States” to receive an award based on its high impact and originality. Dr. Whitney Zahnd led the work with Population Science and Policy team members/co-authors Dr. Wiley Jenkins and Amanda Fogleman; Dr. Laurent Brard, chief of the Division of Gynecologic Oncology; and Dr. David Steward, chair emeritus, Department of Internal Medicine. Their research was published in the November 2018 issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (CEBP).

The CEBP Frederick P. Li Impact Award is given each year for a CEBP article that has had a major impact on the fields represented by the journal’s content areas; on its originality; scientific, clinical, and/or public health impact; and overall significance as measured by citations and other publication metrics over a 5-year period prior to the award consideration.

Whitney Zahnd, PhD, was senior research project coordinator in SIU's Department of Population Science and Policy at the time the paper was published. She is now an assistant professor in the Department of Health Management and Policy at the College of Public Health, University of Iowa. Wiley Jenkins, PhD is chair (interim) of Population Science and Policy and Amanda Fogleman is a senior research project coordinator. Other co-authors included Aimee James, Sonya Izadi and Graham Colditz, all with Washington University in St. Louis.

The group will be recognized at the AACR Journals Reception on Saturday, April 15, as part of the 2023 AACR Annual Meeting in Orlando. 

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