Meghan Elgee - Peace Corps Fellow



Meghan Elgee, BS

Peace Corps Fellow

Department of Population Science and Policy



Primary Responsibilities:

My primary responsibility for the Department of Population Science and Policy is to assist in research and community engagement aimed at improving health outcomes in central and southern Illinois.


I am currently attending Western Illinois University as a part of the Coverdell Fellows program. I am pursuing two degrees, a MS in Health Science, Public Health, and a MA in Community and Economic Development. Prior to graduate school, I served two years in the Peace Corps in Albania as a health volunteer. My primary focus was educating middle and high school students about sexual and reproductive health related topics. I earned a BS in Nutrition and Dietetics from the University of New Haven in Connecticut. I worked in hospital nutrition at Yale New Haven Hospital working with inpatients, assisting them with their dietary needs related to their medical conditions.