
SIU Med Students Seek Answers to Stroke, Alzheimer's Disease

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At Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, 11 medical students are trading their summer break for a chance to conduct research.

The Mentored Professional Enrichment Experience (MPEE) provides students an added opportunity to work with physicians and researchers at SIU or other medical campuses.  Students can take the eight-week elective between their first and second years of medical school.

“As students learn medicine, it’s important that they also understand the value of research as part of the health care field,” said MPEE Program Coordinator Eric Niederhoffer, PhD, associate professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in Carbondale.

“We’ve found that this program inspires medical students to continue their research into their later years of medical school and into their careers.” Students are studying basic and clinical research, including topics related to preterm infants, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. They will present formal presentations of their research findings to the medical school community this fall.

Students, project, mentor, location

Farris Abou-Hanna,  “A comparison of team leader, team member, and objective observer evaluations of leadership skills during multi-disciplinary trauma simulation,” Jonathan dela Cruz, MD, SIU Medicine, Springfield, Ill.

Brendan Finnell, “Type I PTH/PTHrP receptor regulates mitochondrial biogenesis and morphology in embryonic mouse cardiomyocytes,” Lisa Wilsbacher, MD, PhD, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago.

Kaitlin Gibson, “Impact of early fluid and electrolyte management of in-hospital outcomes for extremely preterm infants,” Beau Batton, MD, SIU Medicine, Springfield, Ill.

Sheela Gogula, “Evaluating home nursing interventions for preterm infants,” Sameer Vohra, MD, JD, SIU Medicine, Springfield, Ill.

Kyle Gollon, “Efficacy of advanced imaging modalities in the management of acute ischemic stroke,” Augusto Elias, MD, SIU Medicine, Springfield, Ill.

Tom Herrmann, “Frequency and timing of toxicity following test dose of administration of methotrexate in the treatment of dermatological and rheumatological conditions,” Morgan Wilson, MD, SIU Medicine, Springfield, Ill.

Jenni Hill, “Prenatal bisphenol A exposure and problematic externalizing behaviors among children,” Sarah Geiger, PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Collin Innis, “Gastrocnemius recession for chronic noninsertional and insertional achilles tendinopathy, Benjamin Stevens, MD, Springfield Clinic, Springfield, Ill.

Nicholas Lanzotti, “Creating a unified clinical decision algorithm to predict long-term patient outcomes when utilizing mechanical thrombectomy to treat ischemic stroke,” Augusto Elias, MD, SIU Medicine, Springfield, Ill.

Blake Vest, “The role of aryl hydrocarbon receptor in diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome in mice,” Shelley Tischkau, PhD., SIU Medicine, Springfield, Ill.

Bradley Vost, “The effects of Aβ42 expression on hippocampal glutamatergic neurotransmission in a knock-in mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease, APPNL-F/NL-F,” Erin Hascup, PhD, SIU Medicine, Springfield, Ill.

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