Heeyoung Han, PhD

Professor, Department of Medical Education, Director of Faculty Affairs, Director of Medical Education Research Fellowship Program, Director of Educational Informatics

    About me

    Heeyoung Han, Ph.D., is a Professor and the Director of the Medical Education Research Fellowship Program in the Department of Medical Education and the Director of Faculty Affairs in the Center for Human and Organizational Potential (cHOP) at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Studies and a Master’s degree in Educational Technology at Ewha Womans University in South Korea. She also earned a Ph.D. in Human Resource Education at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the USA. Since her joining SIU in 2010, she has participated in numerous collaborative educational projects with faculty, residents, and students. She is an established medical educator and researcher, and her work has been recognized nationally and internationally. Dr. Han is the Chair of the ASPIRE Academy of AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe). She is the Chair-Elect of GEA (Group on Educational Affairs) MESRE (Medical Education Scholarship Research and Evaluation) of AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges). She also serves on the GEA National Grant Review Committee of AAMC. She received 2023 CGEA Laureate Award for her leadership, faculty development, scholarly standards, and contributions to the CGEA. She is a deputy editor of Teaching and Learning in Medicine and an editorial board member of several journals, including Korean Medical Education Review and Human Resource Development Review. 



    Education & training

    Undergraduate Degree
    Ph.D. in Human Resource Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009
    M.A. in Educational Technology, Ewha Womans University (South Korea), 2002
    B.A in Social Studies, Ewha Womans University (South Korea), 1996



    • Lee, A. S. (PI), Han, H. (Co-investigator, Mentor). Medical students’ self-directed learning in problem-based learning: A qualitative study to explore students’ lived experiences and perspectives. CGEA Mini-Grant, Funded ($5,000), 2023-2024.
    • Adrienne, S. (co-PI), Suh, B. (co-PI), Han, H. (Co-investigator, Mentor) et al. Teaching together: A multi-institutional approach to faculty development on medical education. CGEA Mini-Grant, Funded ($7,000), 2022-2023.
    • Robinson, D. (PI), Han, H. (Mentor). A literature review on organizational support in a health care sector given the complex organizational structures. Academy of Human Resource Development. Team-Up for Collaboration Grant ($500), 2023-2024.
    • Pho, M. (PI), Jenkins, W. (PI), Han, H. (Collaborator). Ending transmission of HIV, HCV, and STDs and overdose in rural communities of people who inject drugs (ETHIC). NIH/NIDA. Funded ($5.1 million), 2020-2023. 
    • Prakash, V. (PI), Han, H. (co-PI). Research Initiative to Sponsor and Empower Women in Medicine and Science (RISE WIMS) The Joan F. Giambalvo Fund for the Advancement of Women. The American Medical Association (AMA) Foundation. Funded ($ 9,600). 2020-2021.
    • Bakir, D. (Student PI), Han, H. (Faculty mentor). Proposing A Transition Clinic System At SIU SOM To Improve The Healthcare Of Those Just Released From Corrections Settings: A Quality Improvement Study. MR Bauer Foundation Correctional Healthcare Student Research Stipend Grant. Funded ($2,500). 2020-2021.
    • Flack (PI), Han, H. (Collaborator) et al. SIU-IHA Hypertension TeleECHO Project. IHA. Funded ($582,000). Oct. 1, 2016-Sept. 30, 2019.
    • Klamen, D. (PI), Han, H. (Collaborator) et al. Year 3 Curriculum Change. Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. Funded ($577,000), 2015-2018.
    • Han, H. (PI). Authentic Physician-Patient Communication Skills in Real Patient-Care Contexts, MMC Foundation Grant, $13,444, 2015-2017.
    • Han, H. (co-PI). Trauma Training Utilizing Serious Gaming Methodology, MMC Foundation Grant, $34,534, 2015-2016.
    • Han. H. (PI). Registered Apprenticeship. Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training. Funded, $2500, November, 2011-December 2011.
    • Student Dissertation Research Support Grant, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008-2009.


    • 2023 CGEA Medical Education Laureate Award, Central Group on Educational Affairs (CGEA) of AAMC, April 2023.
    • J. Kevin Dorsey Outstanding Educator Award at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in 2019.
    • Recognized as an Academy Scholar, SIUSOM, April 2018. Springfield, IL, USA.
    • “Best of Cool Ideas” Award, Innovations in Medical Education (IME), Feb. 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 
      • Critical Clinical Competencies (CCC): An Online Video-based Curriculum to Develop Clinical Reasoning Skills.
    • Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) Research Paper Award 2015.
    • The Clinical Teacher IMPACT Award (Improving Practitioners as Clinical Teachers), 2015.
    • Evans Doctoral Scholar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2008-2009.
    • Boeing Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006-2007.
    • Ewha fellowship, Ewha Womans University, 1995.