
This document sets forth the policy for review of student grades for the various units, clerkships and electives of the curriculum.  The assignment of grades for units, clerkships, and electives is an academic function, and is the ultimate responsibility of the chair or director of the appropriate academic unit.  The Student Progress Committees receives reports of the grades for the units, clerkships, and electives, but is not responsible for the assignment or review of grades for the individual units, clerkships, or electives

Year 1 End-of-Year Recommendation Review Process

At the end of the academic year, Y1 students will be notified of the Year 1 Student Competency Committee’s (Y1SCC) recommendation for them. All students shall be entitled to ask for review of Y1SCC’s recommendation and receive a timely response according to the following guidelines.

If a student believes there has been an error in the evaluation process, or believes Y1SCC’s evaluation does not accurately reflect their performance, the student may speak informally with the Y1 Curriculum Director to find a resolution.

The student is not required to pursue an informal review, but instead may request a formal review. To begin the formal review process, a student must provide the Y1 Curriculum Director with a written request that outlines the basis for the review. Unless there are unusual or compelling circumstances, the written request, along with any supporting documentation, must be filed by the student within 10 working days of notification of Y1SCC’s end-of-year recommendation for them. The Y1 Curriculum Director will consider the request for review, will consult with appropriate faculty members and/or the Year One Doctoring Director, and will issue a written decision to the student on the request. The Y1 Curriculum Director must respond to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the formal request for review.

If a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of this process, they may engage the appeals process through the Student Progress Committee (SPC).

Year 2 Grade Review Process 

All students shall be entitled to ask for review of a Unit grade and receive a timely response. All Unit faculty members shall be required to substantially comply with the following guidelines.

When the final Unit grade is assigned, students will receive e-mail notification that the evaluation has been officially recorded and is available for student review; this notification will include a reminder of the Grade Review Process.

If a student believes there has been an error in the grading process, or believes the final unit evaluation does not accurately reflect the performance, the student may speak informally with the faculty to find a resolution.  However, the student is not required to pursue an informal review, but instead my request a formal review.

To begin the formal review process, a student must provide the Unit Coordinator with a written document that outlines the basis for the request.  Unless there are unusual or compelling circumstances, the written request, along with any supporting documentation, must be filed by the student within 10 working days of the official recording of the final grade.  The Unit Directors(s) will consider the request for review, will consult with appropriate faculty members and/or the Director of Doctoring, and will issue a written decision to the student on the request. The Unit Directors(s) must respond to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the formal request for review.

Should the student wish to have further review of the Unit Directors(s)’ decision, a written request for grade review will be submitted to the Year 2 Curriculum Director within 10 working days of the decision of the Unit Directors(s).  The Year 2 Curriculum Director must respond, in writing, to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the request for review.  The decision of the Year 2 Curriculum Director will be submitted as the final grade.

Clinical Clerkship Grade Review Process 
NOTE: This Policy shall apply to all Clerkships taken during Year 3 and Year 4, including the Medical Humanities Clerkship. 

All students shall be entitled to ask for a review of a final clerkship grade or a grade received for remediation activities by the department and receive a timely response. All departments shall be required to substantially comply with the following guidelines.

When the final grade for the clerkship is assigned, students will receive e-mail notification or a memorandum from the department indicating that the evaluations are complete and have been sent to the Office of Education and Curriculum. This notification will include a reminder of the Grade Review Policy. 

If a student believes there has been an error in the grading process, or believes the final evaluation does not accurately reflect the performance, the student may speak informally with the faculty to find a resolution.  However, the student is not required to pursue an informal review, but instead may request a formal review.

To begin the formal review process, a student must provide the Clerkship Director with a written document that outlines the basis for the request. Unless there are unusual or compelling circumstances, the written request, along with any supporting documentation, must be filed by the student within 30 working days of the official recording of the final grade.  The request for review will prompt a review of the student’s portfolio. The outcome of this review will be shared with the student before any change in evaluation is submitted to the Office of Student Affairs. The Clerkship Director, in writing, must respond to the student’s request within 10 working days of receipt of the request for review.

Should the student wish to have further review of the Clerkship Director’s decision, a written request for grade review will be submitted to the Chair of the Department within 10 working days of the decision of the Clerkship Director.  The Chair of the Department must respond, in writing, to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the request for review.  The decision of the Chair of the Department will be submitted as the final grade.

Elective Grade Review Process 

NOTE: This Policy Shall Apply to Electives Taken During Year 4. 

All students shall be entitled to ask for a review of a final elective grade or a grade received for remediation activities and receive a timely response.  All elective faculty members shall be required to substantially comply with the following guidelines. 

When the final grade for the elective is assigned, students will receive e-mail notification that the evaluation has been officially recorded and is available for student review in the Office of Student Affairs; this notification will include a reminder of the Grade Review Policy.  

If a student believes there has been an error in the grading process, or believes the final evaluation does not accurately reflect the performance, the student may speak informally with the responsible elective faculty member to find a resolution.  However, the student is not required to pursue an informal review, but instead may request a formal review.

The student shall have 30 working days in which to commence the formal review process; the 30 working day time period will begin with the date the e-mail notification is sent that the evaluation has been officially recorded and is available for student review in the Office of Student Affairs.

The student’s request must be addressed to the responsible elective faculty member, must be in writing and must include written documentation of the rationale for the request for the review.  The faculty member must respond in writing within 10 working days of receipt of the student’s request.

If the student wishes further review, the student must, within 10 working days of receiving the response, ask for a grade review by the Elective Coordinator for the Department in which the elective was taken. The Elective Coordinator will consider the rationale for the request and the faculty member’s response, and make a decision on the matter, which will be transmitted to the student in writing within 10 working days of receipt of the written request.

Should the student wish to have further review of the Elective Coordinator’s ruling, a written request for grade review will be submitted to the Year 4 Director within 10 working days of the ruling of the Elective Coordinator.  The Year 4 Director must respond in writing to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the request for review.  The decision of the Year 4 Director will be submitted as the final grade.