Student handbook

The SIU School of Medicine Student Handbook describes our expectations for student behavior and conduct, and outlines the procedures to be followed when these expectations are not met. It includes the Standards of Conduct, Curriculum Goals, and various other guidelines and policies

Legislation has been enacted which requires public institutions of higher education to adopt a policy that reasonably accommodates the religious observance of individual students in regard to admissions, class attendance, and the scheduling of examinations and work requirements.  If you plan to take time from scheduled curriculum activities to practice your religious beliefs, it is necessary at least six weeks prior to the date of absence, to provide the Associate Dean for Student Affairs with a written notice of intention to be absent from scheduled curriculum activities and the reasons therefore, the proposed times and dates of absence, and the scheduled curriculum activities to be missed. The request should be submitted on forms provided by the Office of Student Affairs. The Associate Dean for Student Affairs will review the request and make a decision on whether to approve the absence.
If the requested absence is approved, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs will notify the appropriate curriculum directors of the impending absence so that you can arrange for the completion of missed curriculum activities.  It is your responsibility, prior to the absence, to arrange to make up any curricular activities missed, with the time and manner to be negotiated with the appropriate faculty.
Grievance Procedure
If you believe you have been unreasonably denied an educational benefit due to your religious beliefs or practices, you may file a grievance.  This grievance must be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs within five days of the alleged denial of an educational benefit. The written grievance must be signed by you and should contain a complete statement of the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged denial of an educational benefit.  The Associate Dean for Student Affairs will review the grievance and render a written decision within ten calendar days of receipt of the grievance.
If you feel the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved at the level of the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, you should submit the grievance in writing to the Dean of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine within three calendar days of receipt of the decision by the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. The Dean will review the grievance and render a written decision within 15 calendar days of receipt of the written grievance.
If you feel that the grievance is not satisfactorily resolved at the level of the Dean, you then must submit the grievance in writing to the President of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale within five calendar days of receipt of the decision of the Dean. A copy of all previous written decisions in the matter will be forwarded to the President by you.  The Office of the President will review the facts and circumstances surrounding the alleged denial of an educational benefit and render a decision in writing within 15 calendar days of receipt of the grievance.
Any further appeal is strictly governed by the applicable Bylaws, Statutes, and Policies of the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University.

The faculty recognize the need for students to be absent from required activities occasionally through the year.         

There are two kinds of absences:

  1. Unexpected Absences: An unexpected absence happens when something emergent arises and you will miss required activity within the next 24 hours. Examples of unexpected absences might include a sudden illness, a death in the family, a car accident on the way to class, etc.
  2. Expected Absences: An expected absence is something planned in advance. Examples of expected absences might include attending a conference, attending a pre-scheduled medical appointment, attending a graduation ceremony for a close family member, etc.

Unexpected Absence: 

You must e-mail right away. This will alert the Y1 Director and the Y1 Office of Education staff.

  • Students are responsible for all missed material.

Expected Absence:

  • You must get permission from the Y1 Director, no later than one curriculum week in advance.
  • The Y1 Director will take each request into consideration before approving an absence request.

Note: Students are responsible for all missed material.

Note: The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs does not approve absences.

Note: Do not book airfare, lodging, etc. until your absence request has been approved.

Note: Absences for major religious holidays are permitted under university guidelines. Please communicate with the Y1 Director about your needs.

Additional Information:

  • The Y1 Director must be notified of all absences, expected, unexpected, or otherwise.
  • You are expected to participate in required sessions in person. If you need to participate in required sessions remotely, you must submit your request to the Y1 Director. The Y1 Director will take each request into consideration before approving remote participation.

Absence requests of a non-emergency nature should be directed to the directors of individual disciplines with scheduled learning activities on the day(s) in question. When an absence is necessary because of illness or other substantial problems, you should notify the year two curriculum coordinator in the Office of Education and Curriculum via the call line, who in turn will notify the appropriate discipline leaders.  During the introduction to clinical medicine blocks, these absences should be reported to the introduction to clinical medicine discipline director.

  • Absences for attending social events, athletic contests, and similar activities are not sanctioned.
  • You are responsible for making up all missed assignments and activities.
  • Refer to each individual discipline’s module for specific attendance policies.
  • UNPLANNED absences for REQUIRED activities:
  • (illness, emergencies or late arrivals)
  • Call  217-545-SICK (7425) 
  • Leave a detailed message with your name, the best means to contact you, and what activity you will be missing (tutor group, PDL activity, etc).
  • PLANNED absence from a REQUIRED activity:
  • Complete the online Planned Absence REQUEST Form
  • After submission of the form, your point of contact for the approval of your request will be the Y2 Coordinator.  They will coordinate the approval process and notify you of the result.


Students are expected to participate in all activities of the third year.

Regarding Illness/Bereavement/Emergency Absences

Students are required to contact their Core Clerkship or PEP Director or his/her designee directly and or abide by the arranged method of contact set by the clerkship rotation.…

Regarding Medical Appointments

Students will be excused from third year activities to seek needed medical care after notification and approval of the Core Clerkship or PEP Director or his/her designee. Advanced notice is preferred and should be directed to the appropriate Clerkship Director as soon as possible.

Regarding Religious Holidays

Students may ask to be excused from third year activities for religious holidays after notification and approval of the Core Clerkship or PEP Director or his/her designee. Absence requests should be directed to the appropriate director for consideration no later than four weeks prior to the start of the rotation.   …

Regarding Professional Conference Attendance

Students may request an absence in order to participate in a professional conference if (s)he is giving a presentation, is on the conference planning committee, or has other official duties related to the organization and/or conference. Absence requests are not guaranteed and should be submitted to the appropriate Core Clerkship Director or PEP Director for consideration no later than four weeks prior to the start of the rotation.

Regarding Other Non-Emergency Absences

Students are expected to participate in all activities of the clerkship. Absence requests of a non-emergency nature should be directed to the appropriate Core Clerkship Director or PEP Director for consideration no later than four weeks prior to the start of the rotation.

The Clerkship Director or PEP Director will determine how the student will make up missed curricular time.

All absences will be submitted centrally through the “Time Off” request form. Students are asked to complete the “Time Off” request form to make their formal request with submission to the selected departmental director of which they seeking to be excused from in either the Core or PEP. All absences will be reported to and monitored by the Office of Student Affairs and the Year Three Director. Students with multiple absences will be discussed at the Year 3 Student Progress Subcommittee (Y3 SPS). The Y3 SPS will make recommendations regarding student support actions and remediation for those with multiple absences that will be sent to the SIU School of Medicine Student Progress Committee as needed. Report all absences / time off request via the link on the Y3 Webpage/forms.

Approved: 10/28/2013

Revised: 7/2019

Approved: 10/28/2013

Revised: 7/2019


Attendance is required at all scheduled course activities unless specifically designated as optional.  Ample time has been built into the elective year to allow you to arrange interviews for residency programs without interfering with your elective coursework. Elective course faculty may approve brief absences during their electives but are not required to do so.  Any request must be made in advance, and with as much notice as possible. You may be required to makeup any missed work or time in order to receive credit for the elective.  Unexcused absences, excessive absences, and failure to complete required makeup work may result in an unsatisfactory grade or reduced credit for the course.

Regarding Illness/Emergency Absences

  • Students are required to contact their supervising faculty directly and or abide by the arranged method of contact set by the elective rotation.

Regarding Medical Appointments

  • Students will be excused from elective activities to seek needed medical care after notification and approval of the appropriate supervising elective faculty or his/her designee.

Regarding Non-Emergency Absences

  • Elective course faculty may approve brief absences during their elective but are not required to do so. Any request must be made in advance, and with as much notice as possible. At the discretion of the faculty, students may be required to make up any missed work and/or be assigned additional work in order to receive credit for the elective.

 Revised: 05.07.14         

Approved: 10.07.13

Executive Office Of The Dean And Provost

The Dean and Provost of the School of Medicine is responsible for the overall development, maintenance and improvement of the institution and its programs. Responsibilities include relating the school’s role and its need to higher authority and affiliated institutions; providing guidance and counsel to operating units within the school; assuring that institutional resources are used efficiently and effectively in support of academic programs and assuring that the school’s goals are achieved. 

Location:  801 North Rutledge, Room 2113

Jerry Kruse, MD, Dean and Provost

Sara Neuger, Support











The Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (SIU SOM) is committed to provide the public with well-trained physicians who possess the traits of high moral character and standards. The purpose of this policy is to help ensure a safe environment for patients, employees, fellow students, visitors and the general public as well as to protect property by conducting criminal background checks on all matriculants.



  1. This policy applies to all applicants receiving offers of acceptance from the SIU SOM on the effective date shown on the acceptance letter. 
  2. Authorization:  Illinois law authorizes the SIU SOM Admissions Office to conduct criminal background checks on accepted medical students who plan to matriculate to SIU SOM, based on the expected patient population, which may include children or vulnerable adults.


  1. The SIU SOM requires a criminal background check as part of the acceptance process for all incoming medical students.
  2. Background checks will be performed only after the applicant has received an offer of acceptance.
  3. Matriculation is contingent upon satisfactory results of a criminal background check.
  4. Criminal background information released to the SIU SOM will be used only for purposes of assisting in making acceptance decisions and/or clinical rotations at affiliated hospitals.
  5. If a background check identifies issues, which may preclude acceptance, the case will be referred to the Dean with counsel from the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and the General Counsel’s Office.


  1. Application: The supplemental application includes an inquiry about convictions. The supplemental application will be shared with the Admissions Committee. Applicants, who refuse to complete this section or do not answer truthfully and completely, will have their offers of acceptance reviewed.
  2. Waiver/Consent: The acceptance letter to the SIU SOM will include a consent form for a Criminal Background Investigation. Refusal to provide adequate/correct information or to provide consent for investigation will result in withdrawal of offer of acceptance.
  3. Inquiry:
    1. The SIU SOM Admissions Office will initiate the background check through an external company, as part of the routine procedure for medical students prior to matriculation.
    2. A copy of the informed consent form will be faxed to the company authorized to perform the background check.
    3. The authorized company will be instructed to provide results to authorized individuals only.
  4. Convictions:
    1. The existence of a conviction does not automatically disqualify an individual from eligibility for acceptance. Relevant considerations may include, but are not limited to: the date, nature and number of convictions; the relationship the conviction bears to the duties and responsibilities of the medical student; and successful efforts toward rehabilitation. Any decision to reject or accept an applicant with a conviction is solely at the discretion of the SIU SOM.


  1. Confidentiality: Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that results of criminal background checks are kept as confidential as possible with limited number of persons authorized to review results.
  2. Access to Results: The Associate Dean for Student Affairs will review all criminal background checks. If adverse information deemed to be relevant to the applicant’s acceptance as a medical student is contained in the background check, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs will notify the applicant in writing.
  3. Information Available Through Background Checks: The criminal background check will include a record of all arrests and convictions. In almost every case, only conviction information will be considered.
  4. Ability of Applicant to Review Information: The applicant may review the criminal background check received by the University by contacting the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in writing.
  5. Right to Respond to Adverse Report: The applicant will be asked to review any adverse information and to provide a written response to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs. When appropriate, the applicant may be asked to meet with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs in person to answer questions.
  6. Right to Change and/or Terminate Policy: Reasonable efforts will be made to keep applicants informed of any changes in the policy. However, the SIU SOM reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend, replace, and/or terminate this policy at any time.

The mission of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine is “to assist the people of central and southern Illinois in meeting their present and future health needs through education, service and research.”

In serving this mission our goal is to prepare students to be

  • Physicians who are compassionate, tolerant and respectful in caring for patients and trustworthy and truthful in all of their professional dealings
  • Physicians who understand the scientific basis of medicine and are capable of applying that knowledge in the practice of medicine
  • Physicians who are highly skilled in providing care to individual patients
  • Physicians who are self directed, life-long learners capable of employing systematic approaches for promoting, maintaining, and improving the health of individuals and populations
  • Physicians who understand the roles of other health care professionals and who collaborate with and learn from them in fulfilling their roles as clinicians and patient advocates
  • Physicians who are skilled in the critical appraisal of new scientific knowledge and its application to clinical practice
  • Physicians who recognize and accept limitations in their knowledge and clinical skills and who are committed to improving their knowledge, ability, and habits and patterns of practice
  • Physicians who through knowledge of health care policy and practice issues, are responsive to the changing environment of health care
  • Physicians who recognize that spirituality and cultural beliefs are important elements of the health and well being of patients 
  • Physicians who advocate the interests of patients over self interests and their own personal rewards


General Information

You are requested to notify the Office for Student Affairs/Carbondale or Springfield before participating in any type of employment, research, or classes other than medical school.  This information serves two major purposes:  1) it gives the office a record of participation in non-curricular activities, and 2) it provides information for future first year students about the kinds of enrichment activities available in Carbondale. You should take under advisement the recommendation made by the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs/Carbondale before making a final commitment to any outside activity.

The following procedures are recommended for entry into each of the activities:


You must clear all employment with the Office of Student Affairs/Carbondale or Springfield prior to making a commitment. They will approve the work activity if you are in good standing academically, and it appears that the work activity will not conflict with upcoming curricular activities.

Basic Research

You may participate in laboratory research with faculty members when time is available for your enrichment or other purposes.  Faculty permission and specification of the number of hours per week to be spent in the laboratory are required for participation.

SIU policy is that students see a provider with no involvement in academic assessment of or in discussions about promotion.


To obtain primary care services for yourself, you should first make an appointment at the Student Health Program (SHP) Clinic (5362391) located in Small Group Housing on the West Side of Campus. Please note that no benefits are provided for office visits outside of the SHP Clinic, unless a student has been properly referred.  Referrals are explained below.  To take advantage of the services available at the Student Health Program, please follow these procedures:


In the event of a non-emergency illness or injury contact the SHP Clinic at 5362391, (TDD 453-3384) to make an appointment.  All patients seen at the SHP must have an appointment to see a provider.


In the event you require emergency treatment and it is a weekend or after 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday, you are advised to first call the Dial-A-Nurse (5365585) and speak to the Registered Nurse advisor.  The SHP Dial-A-Nurse provides after hours telephone consultation for illness or injury. In addition to giving you self-care advice, the RN advisor can help you decide if your illness or injury requires immediate care at the emergency room or schedule you for an appointment at the SHP Clinic the following day.  Inappropriate use of the emergency room will cause you to be responsible for any charges in excess of $35.00.

If your condition is life-threatening however, do not delay by calling the nurse; go immediately to the emergency room at the Memorial Hospital.  When you arrive at the emergency room, please identify yourself as a SIU-C student.


You must be properly referred by a SHP physician, prior to obtaining specialty care.

For further information refer to the SIU-C Student Health Manual.  A copy of the SIU-C Student Health Manual will be mailed to each registered student after the start of the Fall semester.


Refer to:  Springfield Medical Student Health Resources

SIU School of Medicine medical students have access to confidential mental health services provided through the SIU Behavioral Health Program at SIU Center for Family and Community Medicine. Mental health providers have no role in the training, assessment or promotion of medical students.

Mailboxes should be checked several times daily and cleaned out regularly. Mailboxes are to be considered the private domain of the assigned student. Reviewing other people’s mail is a breech of professional behavior and may be reported as such.


Mailboxes for first-year students are located in the Student Lounge, Room 203, Lindegren Hall.


Mailboxes for are located in the student lounge located on the second floor of 801 North Rutledge, Room 2201.


A telephone is located in the Student Lounge on the second floor of Lindegren Hall (453-3719).  This phone will accept only local calls.  For school related long distance calls, see the secretary in the Office of Assistant Dean for Student Affairs (Carbondale, Room 132).


There is a phone (for local calls only) provided for student use in the Student Business Office on the second floor, Room 2201, and the Student Lounge, Room 2281, of 801 North Rutledge.

Telephones in faculty and staff offices and in open reception areas are not to be used unless permission has been granted by the individual to whom the phone is assigned.


Computers are located in all tutor rooms and the Medical Resource Center.  Contact Information Resources Carbondale (435-1514; Lindegren Hall Room 102) to report problems or to borrow computer equipment. 


Computers are available in the Student Lounge (1) and the Student Business Office (6), Education and Curriculum Computer Assessment and Instruction Laboratory 801/3, Room 3060J (21 computers and 1 printer).  Computers are also available in the clerkship locations (Internal Medicine (2), Surgery (1), Peds (2), Psych (2), and Neuro (1)).

The medical library has 8 computers available as well as a printer and high-resolution scanner.

The medical library has a computer with an extensive set of video editing and recording equipment and software that can be used to Create Audio and Video for Educational programs, presentations, and tutorials. More information at:

The Medical Library has laptops and other equipment that can be checked out on short-term loan.

Study areas for all students are located in the Student Business Office (801/2201), Student Lounge (801/2281), and Student Computer Lab (801/3060J).  In addition, Year 2 students can also use their tutor rooms (801/2209-2340) for studying, and space is provided at all clerkship locations for Year 3 student.  


Students will be assigned a key to Lindegren Hall during orientation for access to all student study areas.  Designated study areas include all tutor rooms as well as room 208.  Students may also access the student lounge, histology lab, and gross anatomy lab. In addition to your key, you will be issued a security pass authorizing you to be in this building at times other than 8-5, Monday through Friday.          
Responsibility for maintaining the space allotted for study rests with the persons using the space.  Keep it clean. Personal belongings should not be left in the Medical Resource Center, mail boxes, or tutor/study rooms, but should be kept in your locker.


Study areas for all students are located in the Student Business Office (801/2201), Student Lounge (801/2281), and Student Computer Lab (801/3060J).  In addition, Year 2 students can also use their tutor rooms (801/2209-2340) for studying, and space is provided at all clerkship locations for Year 3 student.  The medical library features quiet study spaces as well as areas designated for collaborative work. Students have 24/7 access to the main, collaborative space in the library.


Microscope assignments are made by stockroom checkout, Room 307.  The microscopes must be returned in working condition at the end of the academic year.


Locker assignments for year one students are made by stockroom checkout, Room 307C, Lindegren Hall.


Locker assignments are made in the Office of Student Affairs.  The lockers for year two students are located in the second-floor southwest corridor.  Students must provide their own locks and are responsible for clearing them out at the end of year two.

Carbondale Campus

Parking stickers are required for on-campus parking.

Springfield Campus

Parking stickers may be purchased at the Security Office between 7:30 am, and 3:30 pm. Monday through Friday at the Security Office, 801 North Rutledge (first floor, north door) and must be properly displayed on all vehicles parked in any University owned parking lot. All outstanding parking citations must be paid in full before a new sticker can be purchased. There is a tiered fee structure for employees. For employees paid less than $35K per year, the fee is $25.  For employees paid $35-50K per year, the fee is $40.  For employees paid over $50K per year, the fee is $70.  For students, the fee is $25 per year. Stickers for a second vehicle owned by the purchaser of the original sticker can be purchased for $20 each. Stickers expire June 30th of each year, with the new permit sales beginning July 1. For additional information, call the Security Office, 545-7777. The entire text of the Motor Vehicle Regulations for Southern Illinois University School of Medicine at Springfield is available on the School's Intranet or from the Security Office.  There is a $1.00 per day charge for a temporary parking pass;  see Security to obtain a temporary pass.

Springfield Hospitals

St. John’s Hospital:  Students may park on the 4th level of the parking ramp located on the corner of Seventh and Madison Streets. See Security, Room 1004A, to obtain a temporary parking pass.

Memorial Medical Center

Students may only park in SIU parking areas.  Parking stickers are required and may be purchased from the Security Office, Room 1071A at 801 North Rutledge. See Security to obtain a temporary pass.

Grade Review Process

This document sets forth the policy for review of student grades for the various units, clerkships and electives of the curriculum. The assignment of grades for units, clerkships, and electives is an academic function, and is the ultimate responsibility of the chair or director of the appropriate academic unit.  The Student Progress Committees receives reports of the grades for the units, clerkships, and electives, but is not responsible for the assignment or review of grades for the individual units, clerkships, or electives.

At the end of the academic year, Y1 students will be notified of the Year 1 Student Competency Committee’s (Y1SCC) recommendation for them. All students shall be entitled to ask for review of Y1SCC’s recommendation and receive a timely response according to the following guidelines.

If a student believes there has been an error in the evaluation process, or believes Y1SCC’s evaluation does not accurately reflect their performance, the student may speak informally with the Y1 Curriculum Director to find a resolution.

The student is not required to pursue an informal review, but instead may request a formal review. To begin the formal review process, a student must provide the Y1 Curriculum Director with a written request that outlines the basis for the review. Unless there are unusual or compelling circumstances, the written request, along with any supporting documentation, must be filed by the student within 10 working days of notification of Y1SCC’s end-of-year recommendation for them. The Y1 Curriculum Director will consider the request for review, will consult with appropriate faculty members and/or the Year One Doctoring Director, and will issue a written decision to the student on the request. The Y1 Curriculum Director must respond to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the formal request for review.

If a student is dissatisfied with the outcome of this process, they may engage the appeals process through the Student Progress Committee (SPC).

All students shall be entitled to ask for review of a Unit grade and receive a timely response. All Unit faculty members shall be required to substantially comply with the following guidelines.         

When the final Unit grade is assigned, students will receive e-mail notification that the evaluation has been officially recorded and is available for student review; this notification will include a reminder of the Grade Review Process.         

If a student believes there has been an error in the grading process, or believes the final unit evaluation does not accurately reflect the performance, the student may speak informally with the faculty to find a resolution.  However, the student is not required to pursue an informal review, but instead my request a formal review.         

To begin the formal review process, a student must provide the Unit Coordinator with a written document that outlines the basis for the request.  Unless there are unusual or compelling circumstances, the written request, along with any supporting documentation, must be filed by the student within 10 working days of the official recording of the final grade.  The Unit Directors(s) will consider the request for review, will consult with appropriate faculty members and/or the Director of Doctoring, and will issue a written decision to the student on the request. The Unit Directors(s) must respond to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the formal request for review.         

Should the student wish to have further review of the Unit Directors(s)’ decision, a written request for grade review will be submitted to the Year 2 Curriculum Director within 10 working days of the decision of the Unit Directors(s).  The Year 2 Curriculum Director must respond, in writing, to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the request for review.  The decision of the Year 2 Curriculum Director will be submitted as the final grade.

NOTE: This Policy shall apply to all Clerkships taken during Year 3 and Year 4, including the Medical Humanities Clerkship.

All students shall be entitled to ask for a review of a final clerkship grade or a grade received for remediation activities by the department and receive a timely response. All departments shall be required to substantially comply with the following guidelines.

When the final grade for the clerkship is assigned, students will receive e-mail notification or a memorandum from the department indicating that the evaluations are complete and have been sent to the Office of Education and Curriculum. This notification will include a reminder of the Grade Review Policy.

If a student believes there has been an error in the grading process, or believes the final evaluation does not accurately reflect the performance, the student may speak informally with the faculty to find a resolution.  However, the student is not required to pursue an informal review, but instead may request a formal review.

To begin the formal review process, a student must provide the Clerkship Director with a written document that outlines the basis for the request. Unless there are unusual or compelling circumstances, the written request, along with any supporting documentation, must be filed by the student within 30 working days of the official recording of the final grade. The request for review will prompt a review of the student’s portfolio. The outcome of this review will be shared with the student before any change in evaluation is submitted to the Office of Student Affairs. The Clerkship Director, in writing, must respond to the student’s request within 10 working days of receipt of the request for review.

Should the student wish to have further review of the Clerkship Director’s decision, a written request for grade review will be submitted to the Chair of the Department within 10 working days of the decision of the Clerkship Director.  The Chair of the Department must respond, in writing, to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the request for review.  The decision of the Chair of the Department will be submitted as the final grade.

NOTE: This Policy Shall Apply to Electives Taken During Year 4.

All students shall be entitled to ask for a review of a final elective grade or a grade received for remediation activities and receive a timely response.  All elective faculty members shall be required to substantially comply with the following guidelines.

When the final grade for the elective is assigned, students will receive e-mail notification that the evaluation has been officially recorded and is available for student review in the Office of Student Affairs; this notification will include a reminder of the Grade Review Policy.

If a student believes there has been an error in the grading process, or believes the final evaluation does not accurately reflect the performance, the student may speak informally with the responsible elective faculty member to find a resolution.  However, the student is not required to pursue an informal review, but instead may request a formal review.

The student shall have 30 working days in which to commence the formal review process; the 30 working day time period will begin with the date the e-mail notification is sent that the evaluation has been officially recorded and is available for student review in the Office of Student Affairs.

The student’s request must be addressed to the responsible elective faculty member, must be in writing and must include written documentation of the rationale for the request for the review.  The faculty member must respond in writing within 10 working days of receipt of the student’s request.

If the student wishes further review, the student must, within 10 working days of receiving the response, ask for a grade review by the Elective Coordinator for the Department in which the elective was taken. The Elective Coordinator will consider the rationale for the request and the faculty member’s response, and make a decision on the matter, which will be transmitted to the student in writing within 10 working days of receipt of the written request.

Should the student wish to have further review of the Elective Coordinator’s ruling, a written request for grade review will be submitted to the Year 4 Director within 10 working days of the ruling of the Elective Coordinator.  The Year 4 Director must respond in writing to the request for review within 10 working days of receipt of the request for review.  The decision of the Year 4 Director will be submitted as the final grade.

Guidelines for Clinical Activities


It is essential that SIU students be immediately recognizable as medical students to patients, house staff members, and staff of all affiliated hospitals and outpatient care centers. In accordance with the School of Medicine directive, students are expected to wear the standard short white coat with the SIU logo and identification badge. During clinical work, students will be introduced to patients as medical students. This term should not be augmented by modifying statements such as "student physician" or "student doctor."


All patients seen by medical students are the ultimate responsibility of the faculty physicians to whom those students are assigned. Students in clinical learning situations involving patient care must be appropriately supervised at all times. While students learn through graded responsibility as their skills progress, supervision must always ensure patient and student safety. Students are only to perform patient care activities and procedures after appropriate instruction and demonstration of necessary skill. The level of responsibility delegated to the student by the supervisor will be appropriate for the student's level of training, and the activities supervised will be within the scope of practice of the supervising health professional. Students may decline to perform any patient care element requested by a resident or attending physician for which they believe they have not received necessary instruction, have not acquired the necessary skill, or do not feel appropriately supervised.

Your ability to access medical records in the hospitals and the SIU Clinics is essential to provide appropriate patient care and to facilitate the learning experience.  Students are reminded, however, that these records are confidential and should only be accessed as needed for the purpose of providing health care to patients.  You are expected to abide by the strictest policies of confidentiality when dealing with medical records in either paper or electronic format.  Any violations will be treated as serious matters and may be subject to University, State and federal privacy laws regarding patient health information. 


The medical chart is a legal document upon which significant lawsuits revolve. Whether in paper or electronic form, be mindful that the medical record is a professional document and one might be asked to discuss chart entries in court, one should avoid sarcasm, humor, disparaging remarks about the patient or other providers involved, and speculation as to what might have occurred if other treatments or interventions had been provided.

You will be given access to the Electronic Health Records (EHR) at SIU School of Medicine, Memorial Medical Center and St. John's Hospital.


No person caring for a patient has the right to divulge information regarding that patient without specific permission to do so.  You are not to converse with or provide written material regarding medical records to friends or relatives, representatives from the news media or law enforcement divisions without prior consent of the hospital administration. Any requests for information should be referred to the patient's attending physician or to the patient himself or herself.  At times, the Public Relations Department of both hospitals directs release of information.


Students are expected to write medical histories and perform complete physical examinations on the patients assigned to them by clinical instructors.

The history should be a record of the information provided by the patient or his or her agent. In addition to a concise statement of the patient's chief complaint, the record should show the details of the present illness, review of systems, past history, social history, and family history. 


Students’ progress notes should present a pertinent, chronological report of the patient's condition and the results of treatment.   Progress notes entered in a patient’s record should be in standard SOAP format, which conforms to accrediting body requirements.


Students may write orders at Memorial Medical Center only after consulting with the attending physician and/or with the appropriate house staff member(s) assigned to the patient in question.  The student then assigns a physician co-signer of the orders.


All chart entries (histories, physical examinations, progress notes, orders, etc.) must be signed. These signatures include name and year of training.  An example of the format to be used is as follows:  David Jones, SIU MS III (or MS IV).

It is to be clearly understood that privacy is a basic right of every patient treated in programs or facilities of the School of Medicine.

Section 3 of the Medical Patient Rights Act (410 ILCS 50/1 et seq.) prohibits disclosure of the nature or details of services provided to patients, except to (1) the patient, (2) the party making treatment decisions if the patient is incapable of making such decisions, (3) those parties directly involved with providing treatment to the patient or processing payment for that treatment, (4) those parties responsible for peer review, utilization review and quality assurance, or (5) as otherwise authorized or required by law. 

Handling of Patient Records

Except as permitted by Illinois law, you cannot release information pertaining to a patient unless specifically authorized to do so by the patient or the patient's legal representative. Patient files, medical records, medical transcription, and patient accounts (in paper or electronic form) are not to be carried, transferred, or disseminated outside the School of Medicine without specific authorization. This includes individually-identifiable information gathered for research or other scholarly purposes. Failure to control access to confidential patient information (in paper, electronic, or other form) is equivalent to unauthorized transfer.

Disclosure of Patient Information

Discussion or other disclosure of any information regarding a patient's medical, financial, or personal data for reasons other than the discharge of your assigned duties is inappropriate. Therefore, discussion of any particular case must be limited to those parties with whom you must interact to assure the successful fulfillment of your duty to the patient.

Other Professional Conduct

Unless authorized or required to do so, you will not provide a diagnosis, discuss the mode of care, draw any conclusions concerning a patient's health and welfare, or provide an impression or interpretation of any medical data to the patient or to any other party. Students are reminded that a violation of patient confidentiality as described above constitutes a serious breach of professional ethics and may result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment or dismissal of students from the School of Medicine.

As a medical student at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, you are subject to the informational disclosure requirement contained in 401 of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act (750 ILCS 60/101 et seq.).  This means that you are required to offer to a person suspected to be a victim of abuse immediate and adequate information regarding services available to victims of abuse.

"Abuse" for purposes of the Domestic Violence Act means physical abuse, harassment, intimidation of a dependent, interference with personal liberty, or willful deprivation but does not include reasonable direction of a minor child by a parent or person in loco parentis.  Those persons entitled to the protection of the Act include (i) any person abused by a family or household member; (ii) any high-risk adult with disabilities who is abused, neglected, or exploited by a family or household member; (iii) any minor child or dependent adult in the care of such person; and (iv) any person residing or employed at a private home or public shelter which is housing an abused family or household member. A "high-risk adult with disabilities" means a person aged 18 or over whose physical or mental disability impairs his or her ability to seek or obtain protection from abuse, neglect, or exploitation (750 ILCS 60/103 and 201).

The information that must be offered by all health care professionals to suspected victims of abuse includes the availability of shelter care through social service agencies or other entities which are located within the same locality in which the professional provides services.  In Springfield, emergency or shelter care services are available to victims of abuse through Sojourn Shelter and Services.  That Center maintains a HOTLINE telephone number -- 726-5200 -- and its regular office telephone is 726-5100.  This organization also provides counseling, advocacy and related support services for abuse victims.

In addition to the services available through public and private shelter care centers, a suspected victim of abuse should be advised that court Orders of Protection may be sought, and that assistance in the filing of a petition for such an order is available.  Any person not represented by counsel must be provided, through the circuit clerk's office, simplified forms and clerical assistance to help with the writing and filing of an action for orders of protection (750 ILCS 60/202(d0). 

You are mandated to report suspected cases of elder abuse, neglect or financial exploitation discovered while performing your clinical responsibilities, as outlined in the Illinois Elder Abuse and Neglect Act, (320 ILCS 20/1).  You must report within 24 hours to the Illinois Department on Aging (1-800-252-8966) or, in Sangamon County, to Senior Services of Central Illinois (217-528-4035) when you suspect mistreatment of any Illinois resident 60 years of age or older who, because of dysfunction, is unable to report the mistreatment themselves.  “Abuse” under the act is defined as “causing any physical, mental or sexual injury to an eligible adult, including exploitation of such adult's financial resources.” “Neglect” means “another individual's failure to provide an eligible adult with, or willful withholding from, an eligible adult the necessities of life including, but not limited to, food, clothing, shelter or health care,” This does not, however, mean that neglect can be construed when a licensed health care professional did or did not provide certain health care services.

If you are unsure whether the patient has the ability to make the report themselves, you may make a voluntary report, and voluntary reporting is encouraged in all suspected cases. Further guidance may be found in the Illinois Department on Aging report, “Reporting Elder Abuse: What Professionals Need to Know,” available at:…

As a provider of health care services required to offer such information to suspected victims of abuse, you are provided good faith immunity from civil liability for any act or omission of the agency providing those services to victims of abuse or for the inadequacy of those services provided by the agency (P.A. 87-436, 1).

As a medical student at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, you are a mandated reporter under the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (Ill. Rev. Stat 1985, ch. 23, pars. 2051 et seq.). This means that you are required to report or cause a report to be made to the Child Abuse Hotline Number (1-800-25A-BUSE) whenever you have reasonable cause to believe that a child known to you in your professional or official capacity may be abused or neglected. There is no charge when calling the Hotline number.  The Hotline operates 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.

The privileged quality of communication between you and your patient or client is not grounds for failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect.  If you willfully fail to report suspected child abuse or neglect you may be found guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

Please see the SIU School of Medicine Honor Code and the Standards of Conduct





Revised:  07.02.13         

Updated: 06.13.14

For Doctoring/Clinical activities, in Y1 and Y2, the Y1 and Y2 Doctoring Directors are responsible for assignment of students to mentored clinical activities in the community.

In Y3 and Y4, the Admissions and Records Officer oversees the scheduling of curricular activities and ensures that students are assigned.

If students request an alternate experience in any year, they will submit their request through the Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Admissions or Unit/Year Directors and, if deemed appropriate, the change will be made and documented.


You are required to participate in commencement and may be exempt from this requirement only through an excused absence from the Dean and Provost.

If you have not met all curriculum objectives by the time of graduation, you may participate in the commencement ceremony only if the Student Progress Committee anticipates that you will complete all requirements no later than July 31 of that year. The diploma for students who complete graduation requirements later than the date originally scheduled will be awarded at the time requirements are completed and will reflect the date the requirements were completed.

A year four student who has not completed all requirements by July 31, may elect to participate in the commencement ceremony with the next year’s class.

You may choose to be hooded at commencement by a family member rather than by the faculty chosen by the class for hooding if both the following conditions are met:

  • The family member is a MD or PhD faculty member who has an appointment with the School of Medicine. Such appointment may be as a clinical associate.
  • The hooding family member is a parent, stepparent, grandparent, parent-in-law, spouse, or sibling of the graduate.

Honor Code and Polices

Students of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine are accepted into the School of Medicine after due consideration and evaluation and are expected to understand and accept the responsibilities of their profession.  Recognizing that all persons have their own beliefs and values, the Faculty explicitly state their belief that medicine as a profession demands the highest level of competence with regard to knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior in the care of patients and/or in the generation and dissemination of knowledge.  The essence of medicine is embodied in the concept of professionalism.

Professionalism requires the physician to serve the interests of the patient above his or her self-interest. Professionalism aspires to altruism, accountability, excellence, duty, service, honor, integrity and respect for others.

Altruism is the essence of professionalism.  The best interest of patients, not self-interest is the rule.

Accountability is required at many levels -- individual patients, society and the profession.  Physicians are accountable to their patients for fulfilling the implied contract governing the patient/physician relationship.  They are also accountable to society for addressing the health needs of the public and to their profession for adhering to medicine’s time-honored ethical precepts.

Excellence entails a conscientious effort to exceed ordinary expectations and to make a commitment to life-long learning. Commitment to excellence is an acknowledged goal for all physicians.

Duty is the free acceptance of a commitment to service.  This commitment entails being available and responsive when “on-call”, accepting inconvenience to meet the needs of one’s patients, enduring unavoidable risks to oneself when a patient’s welfare is at stake, advocating the best possible care regardless of ability to pay, seeking active roles in professional organizations, and volunteering one’s skills and expertise for the welfare of the community.

Honor and integrity are the consistent regard for the highest standards of behaviors and the refusal to violate one’s personal and professional codes.  Honor and integrity imply being fair, being truthful, keeping one’s word, meeting commitments, and being straight-forward.  They also require recognition of the possibility of conflict of interest and avoidance of relationships that allow personal gain to supersede the best interests of the patient.

Respect for others (patients and their families, other physicians and professional colleagues such as medical school faculty, nurses, medical students, residents, and subspecialty fellows) is the essence of humanism, and humanism is both central to professionalism, and fundamental to enhancing collegiality among physicians.[1]

The process of becoming a physician is long, arduous, and often overwhelming.  During its course, some students may be tempted to compromise standards.  Certain events may lead students to perform at less than their best.  We must not accept such behavior in ourselves or our colleagues, as it may lead to compromises in patient care.

The same personal integrity that promotes honesty should also promote reporting any infraction of the School of Medicine Honor Code.  Students are encouraged to take concerns, conditions or situations which may lead to violation of the School of Medicine Honor Code to the Student Advisory Committee.

A student who violates the School of Medicine Honor Code may be subject to dismissal or to lesser disciplinary actions as the facts of the situation warrant.

Explicit components of the SIU School of Medicine Honor Code include the following:

  1. Students, as well as faculty and all other members of the SIU community, recognize the right of all individuals, including one’s peers, to be treated in a respectful manner, without regard to race, age, gender, disability, national origin, religion, or sexual orientation.  Unacceptable behavior includes (but is not limited to) racial, sexist or religious slurs, racial or sexual harassment, physical violence, or threats of violence, or suppression of rights and intellectual freedom in any way.[2]
  2. All property, both intellectual and physical, must be respected and never plagiarized, defaced, or treated in a disrespectful manner.  Property refers to cadavers, other instructional materials, any school or personal property and any written or electronically stored material other than a student’s own.[3]
  3. Any form of cheating is a violation of the trust placed in future physicians and a serious infraction of the School of Medicine Honor Code.  Each examination must represent the student’s own efforts.  Except as directly and specifically authorized by a faculty member, no student shall be permitted, at any time prior to, during, or following an examination, to give to or receive from any other person, information relating directly or indirectly to an examination; nor shall any student be permitted to communicate in any manner whatsoever, with another person regarding such examination. The term “examination” is defined to include but not be limited to any test, evaluation, or other form of academic or nonacademic performance assessment.  Likewise, plagiarism, forgery, falsification of records, and/or tampering with examination material is prohibited.
  4. The SIU Student Conduct Code will be followed, except when portions of the above School of Medicine Honor Code express a higher degree of responsibility.


[1] American Board of Internal Medicine Project, Professionalism, 1995.

[2] SUNY - Syracuse School of Medicine Honor Code

[3] lbid

Approved by Educational Policy Committee 05/08/95

Approved by Executive Committee 06/26/95

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and provides equal employment and educational opportunities for all qualified persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, protected veteran status or marital status in accordance with local, state and federal law in any of its educational programs, activities, admissions or employment practices.  In accordance with these principles, it is the determination of the Executive Committee that School of Medicine faculty, staff, residents, and students shall not discriminate on the basis of, nor shall they create a hostile or offensive environment with respect to, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, protected veteran status or marital status or other factors prohibited by law, in the context of their participation in School of Medicine educational programs, including, but not limited to lectures, presentations, and curriculum delivery.

All teaching activities, conferences, rounds, and lectures are open to students, related faculty, and residents with no intent to exclude appropriate participants.

Medical students are NOT eligible to act as a scribe while acting educationally as a student.  A scribe is defined as an individual who is present during the attending clinician’s performance of a clinical service and documents on behalf of the clinician everything performed and said during the course of the service. EXCEPTION: A medical student may act as a scribe if their sole purpose is to record the service being rendered by the clinician and they are doing so while employed by or under contract with SIU SOM or SIU HC.  For example, a first year medical student during summer break might act as a scribe during a summer employment.


Approved 8/13/2012

Standards of Conduct

The educational mission of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine requires a fair and open learning and working environment. The ethical obligation to provide an environment that is free from exploitation, harassment, and discriminatory treatment of students is implicit in this mission. The entire university community suffers when the mistreatment of students is allowed to pervade the academic atmosphere through neglect, the absence of a policy prohibiting it, or lack of education and training programs designed to clarify and promote the understanding of appropriate professional behavior on campus. In order to address this concern, Southern Illinois University School of Medicine has adopted the following policy.

Standards of Conduct

The faculty of the School of Medicine shall observe the following Standards of Conduct in their behavior toward students (from Art. VI, Sec. 2 of the Statutes of the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, as updated by the 1987 AAUP Statement on Professional Ethics).

As teachers, professors encourage the free pursuit of learning in their students. They hold before them the best scholarly and ethical standards of their discipline. Professors demonstrate respect for students as individuals and adhere to their proper roles as intellectual guides and counselors. Professors make every reasonable effort to foster honest academic conduct and to ensure that their evaluations of students reflect each student’s true merit. They respect the confidential nature of the relationship between professor and student. They avoid any exploitation, harassment, or discriminatory treatment of students. They acknowledge significant academic or scholarly assistance from them. They protect their academic freedom.

For purposes of this document, student includes graduate students, residents, and fellows when they are in a learning role. Although graduate students, residents, and fellows enjoy protection from these Standards of Conduct, they are also subject to the faculty requirements when they are in a teaching role.

Please refer to this graph for guidance in reporting violations.

When the complainant is

Reports should be made to


Associate Dean for Student Affairs

Graduate Student

Associate Dean for Research


Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education

Reports or complaints, whether informal or formal, will be reported to the School of Medicine’s Affirmative Action Office. Unless otherwise determined as provided herein, investigation of complaints of violation of the Standards of Conduct shall be the responsibility of the Affirmative Action Office.

Sexual harassment should be reported and shall be handled in accordance with Southern Illinois University School of Medicine policies designed specifically to address such violations.


SIU School of Medicine has adopted procedures to address fairly and promptly concerns and complaints about violation of the Standards of Conduct. Complaints may be submitted informally or formally. If a complaint involves both this policy and any other University complaint or grievance policy, the Dean and Provost of the School of Medicine may, at his or her discretion, determine the order in which the policies involved will be applied. The Dean and Provost of the School of Medicine is authorized to appoint an alternative investigator as circumstances require in his/her sole discretion; however, the procedures outlined herein shall apply in the event an alternative investigator is appointed. The Affirmative Action Office shall be notified of appointment of the alternative investigator.

Complaints will be addressed as confidentially as possible, considering the specific circumstances of the allegations, to protect the rights of both the complainant and the accused person. The investigator may gather information from sources deemed necessary in an effort to fully investigate and resolve the complaint.

An individual who feels he/she has experienced a violation of the Standards of Conduct may desire to resolve his/her complaint informally (for example, when the complainant requests only that an appropriate School of Medicine official counsel the accused person to cease the alleged violation without formal disciplinary action being taken and without a formal investigation). Informal complaints are not required to be made in writing; however, the complainant may, at any time prior to resolution of the informal complaint, file a formal complaint in writing about the alleged violation.

The investigator may, if circumstances warrant, request that the accused person’s supervisor counsel him/her regarding the alleged violation and/or may recommend counseling, training, education, and/or other non-disciplinary actions. Attempts to resolve an informal complaint will be completed within thirty (30) business days from receipt of the complaint by the investigator. The complainant and the accused person will be informed in writing in general terms of the outcome of the informal process. If the accused person elects not to participate in resolving an informal complaint, such nonparticipation will not change the School of Medicine’s responsibility to investigate and make decisions based on available information.

A formal complaint may be filed with the appropriate Associate Dean within one hundred twenty (120) days after the alleged violation occurred or after attempts to resolve the situation informally have been unsuccessful. The appropriate Associate Dean may waive the deadline where circumstances warrant. The formal complaint must be in writing, signed by the complainant, and shall include the following information:

  1. Details concerning the alleged incidents or conduct giving rise to the complaint.
  2. Dates and locations of the alleged incidents or conduct;
  3. Any witnesses to the alleged incidents or conduct;
  4. Action requested to resolve the complaint and prevent future violations.

The accused person will be provided with a copy of the complaint by the investigator within five (5) business days of the investigator’s receipt of the complaint. The investigator will notify the supervisor of the accused person in order that appropriate temporary and/or remedial actions may be taken during the investigation.

The accused person will be required to submit a written response regarding the complaint to the investigator within five (5) business days of receipt of the complaint. A copy of the response will be provided to the complainant by the investigator. If the accused person elects not to respond to a formal complaint, such nonparticipation will not change the School of Medicine’s responsibility to investigate and make decisions based on available information.

The investigator will interview the complainant and the accused person, may also interview witnesses, supervisors, and/or any other persons who may have information about the alleged violation, and may review records relevant to the complaint. The complainant and the accused person shall be permitted to suggest witnesses and/or other evidence, which shall be considered by the investigator. A written record will be made of all interviews. Any person interviewed shall have the right to review his or her statement for accuracy.

Within thirty (30) business days of receiving the formal written complaint, the investigator will assess whether a violation of the Standards of Conduct has occurred and will submit findings in writing to the complainant and the accused person. If the investigator finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the alleged violation has occurred, the investigator shall notify the Affirmative Action Office (if the Affirmative Action Office is not the investigator), the accused person, his/her supervisor, the appropriate Associate Dean, and the Dean and Provost of the School of Medicine of the findings.

The supervisor of the accused person shall be responsible for acting on the findings of the investigator and shall consult with the appropriate School of Medicine administrative official(s) including the Dean and Provost of the School of Medicine, the appropriate Associate Dean, and the Affirmative Action Office regarding formal disciplinary actions to be taken against the accused person. Decisions regarding appropriate disciplinary action shall be made in accordance with applicable University and School of Medicine policies and procedures with consideration of properly established records of previous conduct and the seriousness of the violation. The supervisor may also review any part of the investigative records to assist in the decision making process. Within ten (10) business days of receiving the investigator’s findings, the supervisor shall meet with the accused person to discuss the findings and recommendations and shall determine appropriate disciplinary action. Appropriate discipline may range from an oral reprimand up to and including termination/dismissal for cause or any other appropriate remedial action. The accused person, the investigator, and the Affirmative Action Office (if not the investigator) will be notified in writing of the action taken by the supervisor. The Affirmative Action Office will in turn, notify the complainant regarding the resolution of the complaint, what corrective action, if any, will be taken, and/or, in general, whether any discipline will be imposed.

The complainant may file an appeal of any decision concerning the resolution of the formal complaint. The appeal must be made in writing and delivered to the Dean and Provost of the School of Medicine within five (5) business days of receipt of the notice of resolution. .

The appeal must state in detail the reason(s) for the appeal as follows:

  1. If the appeal alleges the findings of the investigator included relevant factual errors or omitted relevant facts, the appeal shall specify each and every alleged factual error, and/or the details of each and every relevant fact that was omitted from the investigation;
  2. If the appeal alleges substantive procedural errors, the appeal shall identify each and every instance of said substantive procedural error;
  3. If he appeal alleges relevant and substantive issues or questions concerning interpretation of School of Medicine policy, the appeal shall state, in detail, the issues/questions supporting each and every such allegation;
  4. If the appeal alleges new information or evidence, the appeal shall specify the reasons why said information was not available or provided to the investigator during the investigation, including specific reasons why said information could not have been provided on a timely basis;
  5. If the appeal alleges either that the action(s) or inaction(s) of the supervisor in response to the findings of the investigator will not prevent future violation(s) of this policy, the appeal shall specify, in detail, the reasons and basis for this allegation.

The Dean and Provost of the School of Medicine shall fully review the appeal and the record of the investigation and render a decision on the appeal. Copies of the decision shall be forwarded to the complainant, the accused person, the appropriate Associate Dean, the investigator, the Affirmative Action Office (if not the investigator) and the supervisor of the accused person. The decision of the Dean and Provost shall not be subject to further appeal by the complainant.

The accused person shall have the right to file a grievance with regard to any decision concerning resolution of the formal complaint and/or any discipline imposed. Such grievance shall be governed by applicable grievance procedures of the University or the School of Medicine.

Copies of this policy will be distributed to all current students, residents, fellows, and faculty of the School of Medicine and to those who join the School in the future. This policy will be published at least annually in a School-wide publication and will be included in faculty handbooks and student and resident/fellow orientation materials. Copies of this policy will be available at the office of the Associate Deans.

In addition, the Associate Deans will develop and implement an ongoing training program for faculty, students, residents, and fellows of the School of Medicine to help them understand the Standards of Conduct and the prevention of mistreatment of students and residents/fellows.

The School of Medicine reserves the right to make reasonable modifications to any of the time limits and procedures set forth in this policy at any time. Timely notice of such modifications will be provided in writing to the affected persons.



Approved by Executive Committee June 19, 2000.

Student Accommodations/Files

A financial aid file for each medical student who has received financial assistance is stored in the Office of Student Affairs. Students have access to their own individual files, and access is also granted to Office of Student Affairs staff, University Student Work and Financial Assistance staff and external auditors as appropriate.

An academic performance file for each medical student is stored in the Office of Student Affairs and contains the year one completion record and general performance evaluation; professional and academic performance reports from year two; clerkship performance evaluations; elective performance evaluations; and copies of correspondence to the student from the Student Progress Committees or the Associate Dean for Student Affairs relative to student performance.  Students have access to their own individual files, and access is also granted to Office of Student Affairs staff.

A residency application file for each year four medical student is stored in the Office of Student Affairs and contains the official School of Medicine MSPE and any addenda thereof, the student’s list of residency programs where the Dean’s letter is to be sent, and copies of letters composed by departmental faculty in support of individual student applications.  You have access to your own individual file with the exception of those individual faculty letters for which a confidential waiver form has been submitted, and access is also granted to Office of Student Affairs staff.

Waiver for Confidential Letters of Recommendation

If you wish to request a confidential letter of recommendation, the following procedure should be followed:

  1. A waiver form is required for each different letter sent.  In the case of the same letter being sent to multiple places, this action is to be noted on the carbon copy, and only one waiver is required.
  2. A copy of the executed waiver should be sent to the recipient of the letter.
  3. A copy of the letter and the original copy of the waiver form should be sent to the Office of Student Affairs where they are placed in a closed file.
  4. The faculty member who has been asked to write a confidential letter of recommendation is responsible for obtaining an executed waiver form from you.
  5. Supplies of the waiver forms are kept in the Office of Student Affairs.

Release of Student Information

The School of Medicine has developed the following policy in order to maintain confidentiality of student educational records as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

  1. Listed below are the educational records directly related to students that are maintained by Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. Also listed is the individual responsible for overseeing these records.
  • Admissions File -- Director of Admissions, Springfield
  • Financial Aid File -- Director of Financial Aid, Springfield
  • Student Progress File --  Registrar, Springfield
  • Residency Recommendation File -- Registrar, Springfield
  • Student Health File -- Chair, Department of Family Practice
  • Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Academic Transcript --Registrar, Springfield
  1. You have the right to inspect and review your records during the regular business hours and should contact the responsible official at least 24 hours in advance to arrange for an appointment. Copies of your records may be obtained by specifically requesting same and reimbursing the School of Medicine for the actual cost of copying.
  2. Requests for explanation and interpretation of individual student records will be reasonably responded to by the responsible official. If you believe that information contained in your record is inaccurate or misleading, or violates your privacy or other rights, you may request that the School of Medicine amend the records. To amend the record means that information for purposes of clarification may be added to the file.
  3. The request should be submitted in writing to the official responsible for the record indicated.
  4. The responsible official shall decide whether to amend your educational records in accordance with your request within a reasonable period of time.
  5. If the responsible official refuses to amend your educational record, you will be informed in writing and you may appeal the decision to the Senior Associate Dean for Education and Curriculum, who shall conduct a hearing.
  6. You will be informed of the time, date and place of the hearing and will be permitted to introduce all relevant evidence in support of your contention. You may be assisted or represented by individuals of your choice.
  7. If, as a result of the hearing, it is the decision of the Senior Associate Dean for Education and Curriculum to amend the records, you will be informed, in writing.
  8. If, as a result of the hearing, it is the decision of the Senior Associate Dean for Education and Curriculum not to amend the records, you will be informed, in writing, of that decision and reasons therefor.  You will also be informed of your rights to place a statement in your records commenting upon the information contained therein and setting forth the reasons for disagreeing with the decision not to amend.
  9. All students are entitled to an additional appeal of administrative decisions hereunder as provided by the Board of Trustees in accordance with established University procedures.
  10. Southern Illinois University has designated the following information as directory information:
  • Student name
  • Date of birth
  • Student local and home addresses and telephone numbers
  • Classification (year one, year two, etc.)
  • Academic Unit (i.e., Undergraduate, Graduate, Law or Medicine)
  • Major
  • Dates of attendance
  • Degree and honors earned and dates
  • The most previous educational agency or institution attended prior to enrollment at Southern Illinois University
  • Participation in officially recognized activity or sport
  • Weight, height, and pictures of members of athletic teams
  • Current term hours carried
  1. You may inform the University in writing, through the Office of Admissions and Records or the School of Medicine’s Office for Student Affairs that you do not wish such information about you to be released without your consent.

Student Government and Committees

Article I: Statement Of Purpose

The purpose of the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Student Body shall be to guarantee the general welfare of the students of the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine.  This shall include the perpetuation of mutual respect and communication among the students, faculty, and administration.

Article II: Membership

All SIU medical students shall be members of the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Student Body.

Article III: Organization

This organization shall be known as the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Student Body.  The student body will consist of the members of all the four classes.

A class shall be defined as that group of Southern Illinois University Medical Students which will matriculate in the same year. Each class shall elect an executive committee yearly consisting of up to six voting members from among its members.  Each executive committee consists of a chair, a vice chair, a secretary, a treasurer, and two representatives chosen at large.

Article IV: Rights and Responsibilities of the Membership

Section 1:

Each member shall have the right to voice an opinion on the actions of the student body; to take part in any of the activities sponsored by the student body or their class; to elect or recall the officers of their class; and to participate in any vote of their class, providing that voting requirements are met.

Section 2:

Each member shall have the responsibility to abide by the Honor Code of the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine and the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Constitution.

Article V:  Duties and Powers of the Executive Committee for Each Class

The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the class; provide a sounding board for all members of the class and formulate a budget for use of class funds to present to the class.  The members of the executive committee of each class shall serve on the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Student Assembly.

Section 1:

The executive committee chair shall represent his/her constituents and call and preside at class meetings. He/she will establish any other committees he/she or the executive committee deem necessary. The executive committee chair of each of the classes represent their constituents in affairs pertaining to the whole of the student body.

Section 2:

The executive committee secretary shall post on the student website the agenda for each meeting at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting and the minutes of all class meetings shall be available from the secretary upon request of any class member.  The secretary shall prepare as necessary any correspondence of the executive committee.

Section 3:

In accordance with university and state expenditure guidelines, the executive committee treasurer will supervise the expenditures of the class and in so doing must maintain adequate financial records, which shall be open to inspection by any member of the class upon request to the treasurer. He/she shall disburse funds appropriated by the class as a whole and by the executive committee.

Section 4:

The duty of the representatives-at-large shall be to represent their constituents at executive committee meetings.


Since Southern Illinois University School of Medicine has a separation of classes due to a dual campus system and multiple clinical facilities, the need for interclass communication has been accentuated.  It is our sincere hope that this body will not only function to alleviate this problem, but also provide a unified student voice to make our concerns clear to the administration and public at large in an overall effort to enhance our medical education.

Section I. Name

The name of this organization shall be the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (SIU-SM) Student Assembly.

Section II.  Purpose

The purpose of this Assembly shall be

to provide a means for interclass communications

to provide a united voice for student concerns

to provide a vehicle for the student members' actions on issues and ideas that affect the multifaceted aspects of medical education.

Section III.  Membership

  1. This body shall be composed of the class officers from each respective medical class.  These officers will consist of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and two (2) class representatives from each class.
  2. Each member of the Assembly shall have one (1) vote, with the exception of the individual chairing the meeting, who shall only vote in case of a tie.  A fifty (50) percent voter participation shall be required for a valid vote, and at least one member from each class must be present at the time of the vote.  Absentee voting is permissible for three working days following the meeting.
  3. The four students elected at large from the student body as representatives to the Organization of Student Representatives of the Association of American Medical Colleges shall serve as Ex-Officio members of the Student Assembly.
  4. The members of the Assembly reserve the right to add members to the Student Assembly as deemed appropriate by majority vote.   These members will be Ex-Officio members without voting privileges during Student Assembly meetings where a vote is necessary.

Section IV.  Officers and Administrative Council

  1. The elected officers of this organization shall be the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary. Together, these officers shall serve as the elected members of the Administrative Council.

      1.  The Chairperson's duties:

            a.  preside at meetings of the Assembly

            b.  coordinate the affairs of the Assembly

 c. communicate all actions and recommendations adopted by the Assembly to the appropriate school official, and

d.  serve as representative to the Executive Committee and the Alumni Board of Governors.

      2.  The Vice-Chairperson's duties:

            a.  preside or otherwise serve in the absence of the Chairperson, and

            b.  assist the Chairperson in the affairs of the organization when requested.

      3.  The Secretary's duties:

            a.  record the minutes of all official meetings

            b.  distribute said minutes to all Assembly members

            c.  arrange the posting of said minutes to the Student Assembly website, and

            d.  record the minutes of all Administrative Council meetings, for their usage.

            Responsibilities b-d shall be accomplished within one (1) week of said meetings.

B.  The positions of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary shall be filled by secret ballot of all Assembly members.  The secret ballot may be conducted electronically over email with votes submitted to and counted by personnel in the Student Affairs office.  The persons assuming these positions shall be those receiving a majority of all votes cast.

C.  The elections for Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Secretary shall be completed at the April Student Assembly.

D.  Impeachment proceedings for any officer can be initiated after obtaining a petition bearing the signatures of two-thirds (2/3) of the Assembly members. This petition, containing grounds for impeachment, shall be presented at the next scheduled meeting and an impeachment vote placed on the agenda for the following meeting.  Removal shall be instituted by a three-quarters (3/4) affirmative vote of all Assembly members.

E.  If the Chairperson is unable for any reason to complete the term of office, the Vice-Chairperson shall assume the position of Chairperson for the remainder of the term.  Further succession to the office of Chairperson, if necessary, shall be determined by a vote of the remaining members of the Assembly.

F.  In the event of a permanent vacancy in any position, except Chairperson, nominations for that position shall be received at that meeting, with elections to be held at the following meeting.  Those duties that must be performed between the announcement and the election shall be filled by the remainder of the Administrative Council.

Section V. Meetings,  Quorum,  and Parliamentary Procedure

  1. Regular meetings shall be held once per month at the discretion of the members of the Assembly.
  2. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson upon majority vote of the Administrative Council, provided there is seven (7) days notice.
  3. A simple majority of voting members shall constitute a quorum for regular meetings, special meetings and Administrative Council meetings.
  4. Elections and formal actions may result by a quorum of those present and voting by absentee ballot.
  5. All official members have the privilege of the floor at regular, special and Administrative Council meetings; such privileges shall be exercised in a decorous manner.  The Chairperson will extend this privilege to all special interest groups or individuals, if previously placed on the agenda.
  6. Whenever strict parliamentary procedure is necessary Robert's Rules of Order (latest edition) shall prevail, except when in conflict with this Constitution.
  7. All Assembly meetings will be open to all interested parties unless an executive session is announced by the Chairperson previously.

Section VI.  Amendments

This constitution may be attended, repealed or amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and voting at a designated meeting of the Assembly.  Fourteen (14) days prior written notice of the proposed constitutional change shall be given to each member of the Assembly.

Section VII.  Ratification

This body shall come into being at the first formal meeting of the class officers, with general consent of all voting members, at which time this statement shall be changed to reflect the aforementioned action.  At this meeting, nominations of officers shall be held in accordance with Section IV of this constitution.  This meeting shall be conducted by the Chairperson.

Report Reinstated By:  Class Officers from the Classes of 1995-1998

Amended by: Class Officers from the Classes of 1998-2001

Amended by:  Class Officers from the Classes of 2004-2007

1.  Student Advisory Committee

      a.  Goals:

  1. Provide a forum for student concerns regarding professional behavior and the School of Medicine Honor Code.
  2. Evaluate the appropriateness of student complaints, and if deemed necessary, redirect to the Student Progress Committee.
  3. Serve students in an advisory capacity in matters dealing with ethical and professional behavior.
  4. Educate the student body about the School of Medicine Honor Code.
  5. Ensure confidentiality of all Student Advisory Committee (SAC) proceedings.

      b. Structure and Process:

  1. The Committee shall be composed of the seven student members elected to the Student Progress Committee and eight members elected at-large by their respective classes:  two-first year students; two-second year students; two-third year students and two-fourth year students.

One student is elected by the Year One Class to serve a four-year term to represent SIU School of Medicine.

Attendance at Committee meetings is at your discretion. If attendance at the meeting conflicts with a curricular activity that is mandatory or otherwise critical for your academic performance, you should consult with responsible faculty prior to that activity, to determine whether you should attend the activity, or if other arrangements can be made.  If a faculty member has concerns regarding your academic performance and ability to participate in this activity, this concern is referred to the chair of the faculty committee and the request made that you be relieved of responsibility on this committee.

Any work that is missed because of attendance at standing faculty committee meetings should be made up.

Student committee members in academic difficulty, defined by the Student Progress Committee or the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, may be relieved of their duties on all committees. Students who are required to repeat a year due to academic difficulties will not be allowed to hold a class office or committee chair position.

Admissions Committee

There are four student representatives on the Admissions Committee.  The year one class elects one student.  This representative serves a four year term and is responsible for regularly attending meetings of the Admissions Committee which are held in Springfield. In addition, the student representatives are responsible for evaluating the credentials of applicants and presenting them to the committee, as well as participating as a voting member in all committee decisions pertaining to the admission of individuals and general admissions policy.

Year One Curriculum Committee

Two students in the year one curriculum are elected by the entering class to serve a one-year term.

Educational Policy Council

This committee has one representative from each of the four classes. A year one student is elected to the committee when the class begins its year one and appointment is continuous until graduation.

This is the overall educational policy council for the School of Medicine and it meets in Springfield.

Executive Committee

The president of the student assembly organization is a member of the Executive Committee with vote.

Library Advisory Committee

One student is elected by each class to serve on this committee, which reviews the functions and services of the library and makes recommendations regarding acquisitions. Students rotate off the committee upon graduation.

Student Progress Committee (SPC)

The year one class elects one student to serve a four-year term.

The Student Progress Committee (SPC) is a standing School of Medicine committee which is responsible for monitoring the progress of all students through the curriculum. The SPC shall function under the Student Progress System as an advisory body to the dean.  The responsibilities of the committee are to monitor student progress, identify problem areas, assist students in dealing with these problems, and determine whether the established standards of academic conduct have been met. The SPC may delegate any or all of its responsibilities to an appointed subcommittee or subcommittees.

Information Management Policy Committee (IMPC) - 1 student for a 4-year term

Provide input for the class on information technology decisions that affect students.

Parking Committee - 1 student for a 1-year term

The Parking Committee must meet twice each year or as necessary to prepare and submit recommendations for needed revisions and additions to the regulations governing the use of parking areas and roadways for the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine and associated monetary use charges.

Traffic Appeals Committee - 1 student for a 1-year term

The Appeals Board shall establish its own procedures for due process (which must be approved by Associate Legal Counsel for the School of Medicine) for reviewing any parking violation that is being disputed by the recipient of the violation. The Board shall have the authority to affirm any sanction imposed under these regulations or determine no sanctions were required under these regulations.

Year Two Curriculum Committee - 1 student for a 1-year term 


Year Three Curriculum Committee - 1 student for a 2-year term 


The Year Three Curriculum Committee develops policy recommendations and monitors policy implementation during the third year of the medical school curriculum in accordance with LCME Guidelines. The Committee is responsible for coordination and oversight of the quality of education during the Clerkship experience. A high priority is placed on the continuing development and refinement of clerkship curricula. The Year Three Curriculum Committee resolves calendar issues and interdepartmental evaluation issues and is a forum for information sharing among members. The student members represent the class views to this committee, and has a voting seat on the committee.

Year Four Curriculum Committee - 1 student for a 2-year term


The Year Four Committee develops, maintains, improves and delivers the fourth-year curriculum. We establish and enforce policies concerning the electives program. We review and discuss special student requests. The committee reviews student feedback regarding each elective, reviews new electives and provides feedback to the individual departments and faculty members. The committee meets monthly. The student members represent the class views to this committee, and have a voting seat on the committee.

Student Transcripts & Student Progress

There is an “in progress” transcript showing your academic progress through the curriculum and an  official, permanent transcript available after you graduate or otherwise terminate enrollment. Both types of transcripts provide such information as your name, current address, date of birth, social security number, date of matriculation (with advanced standing or transfer noted, if applicable), and date of graduation (or exit, if applicable).

If you are on a leave of absence, transfer, withdraw, or are dismissed, such will be noted in the top portion of the transcript. Curriculum units completed up to departure are listed with performance  notations. 

The following guidelines are used in preparing transcripts:

  • When the goals for the entire Year One been satisfactorily completed, the official  transcript will show a grade notation for the year, with no notations for individual curriculum units.
  • When the goals for the entire Year Two have been satisfactorily completed, the official  transcript will show a grade notation for the year, with no notations for individual curriculum units.
  • For a student who transfers, withdraws, or is dismissed prior to completing the two full  years, only the units completed are listed and an overall “I” or “U” is noted.
  • Upon completion of each curriculum segment during Year One/Year Two a performance notation is entered, but only the final grade for the year is displayed on the transcript.. 

Transcript Notations

  • Transcript notations are as follows:
  • S = Satisfactory
  • I = Incomplete
  • U = Unsatisfactory

The “U” remains on the final transcript even after remediation when such remediation is substantial, that is, a repeat of the entire year one, a repeat of an entire year two course, or a repeat of more than half of an entire clerkship.

The number of weeks required to remediate is noted only for clerkship remediation.

It is hoped that this teaching system will accomplish several things.  First, it will identify early the rare student who is not suitable for medical school, thereby saving the student considerable time and money. More importantly, it will identify students who need extra help in order to satisfactorily complete the curriculum. In some cases, simple counseling or change of study habits is sufficient to achieve this. On other occasions, it may be that substantial, individualized curricular changes are necessary. For example, some students may require more than the standard time to complete the curriculum.  By early recognition of this fact, the extra time can be planned in a meaningful way. This is particularly important in year one and year two. Finally, it is hoped that this mechanism can provide valuable feedback to prior curricular units which may be helpful in program evaluation as the years go by.

Confidentiality is assured by the fact that only those directly concerned with entering the material into the record and the Associate Dean for Student Affairs and his/her staff have direct access to this information.  The latter communicates problems only to the necessary director of the next curricular unit in order that he/she may anticipate problems and prevent them when possible by means of extra work with the student.

Role of the Office of Education and Curriculum and Student Progress Committee

The responsibility for tracking and monitoring student progress is centered around the Office of Education and Curriculum for coordination and activation.  At the end of each curriculum segment, the Senior Associate Dean for Education and Curriculum monitors student files from each curriculum year to determine which students, if any, are in potential or real academic difficulty and counsels them accordingly.

Throughout year one and year two, the Student Progress Committee similarly monitors all students’ progress. At the end of year two, the Chair of the Student Progress Committee takes note of those students whose performance would indicate potential problems in year three These include those students deeply committed to the buffer period as well as others with individual deficiencies.

During the clinical years, monitoring occurs after each clerkship. When deficiencies are noted either in writing or through oral discussion, in any area of the student’s knowledge, ability or behavior, these deficiencies may be discussed not only with the student, but also with the director of the next clerkship for which the student is scheduled. In this way, deficiencies can be prevented from adding up and becoming more severe. By means of close monitoring, it is hoped that clinical problems will be detected early in year three rather than at its end or sometime in year four.



The Southern Illinois University School of Medicine offers a broad range of learning opportunities to prepare students for a variety of medical careers. An important educational experience for some students is participation in research. This Educational Policy Council (EPC) and the Research Policy Committee (RPC) support the following objectives, as delineated in this document:

  1. Encourage qualified students to participate in substantive faculty-supervised research and facilitate and recognize such participation.
  2. Establish requirements for elective credit for research activity.

General Comments

Qualified and interested students are encouraged to participate in mentored research projects. Although participating in research during medical school is not an academic requirement, personal involvement in a research project at this stage of career development has high educational value. Designing a project, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting the conclusions allows the student to apply prospective scientific thought processes, more fully appreciate evidence-based medicine, and experience the practical difficulties inherent in carrying a project to completion. This type of experience will also teach students to more carefully evaluate published articles in deciding whether to incorporate new findings into their clinical practice. Further, research experience may expand students' future career opportunities in the choice of residencies or careers in academic medicine.

Motivation to engage in a student research project may come from several sources. A student may simply want limited exposure to research in order to better understand the research process. Some students may welcome the opportunity to work with a specific faculty member or in an area of personal interest. Students may wish to pursue career development in basic or clinical research.

A medical student interested in research should first contact a faculty member who is interested in being a faculty mentor to discuss his or her interest in conducting a research project. Alternatively, students can contact the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs to be matched with a sponsoring faculty member whose research expertise is compatible with the student’s interest.

Types of Research Projects

Students may become involved in research at several levels. First year medical students can participate in the Mentored Professional Educational Experience (MPEE) program during the summer between their first and second years. Information about the MPEE program is available on the SIU and SIU SOM Websites. In other years, students in the third or fourth years may choose a currently available two- to four-week elective with a specific faculty member. Although this type of experience can be valuable, it constitutes only a  brief introductory exposure. Students may choose to pursue a research goal more extensively and without elective credit. This type of long-term project often is more rewarding and productive. Students should be aware that completion of a research project, including preparation for presentation or publication, may require time beyond that covered by elective credit.

Additional Degree Possibilities

In addition to the M.D. degree, some students may wish to obtain degrees that include research experience and training. For further information on this possibility, the student should contact the Associate Dean for Student Affairs.

Guidelines for Elective Credit for Research

Elective credit for any research activities, whether performed on school time or on personal time, requires prior approval of the Year 4 Committee. Students seeking brief (2-4 week) electives directly or indirectly related to research should apply in the usual fashion through the Year 4 Elective Committee.

Students seeking greater time allotment for elective research should follow the guidelines outlined in this report. All projects should have both scientific and educational merit. Choosing a major research elective is a privilege and a challenge, and marginal students would be better served by focusing on electives more clearly germane to graduation. Therefore, research electives will be reviewed for approval on an individual basis by the Year 4 Committee based on the criteria outlined below. Students will be held accountable for their projects in order to receive elective credit and must receive certification of satisfactory performance by the faculty mentor.

While recognizing that a “critical time block” is necessary to successfully complete a project, other electives are also important for a balanced medical education. Three months of uninterrupted research is considered to be a reasonable maximal time allotment. Elective research time can be combined with other part-time electives. Actual time involved, however, should be approved in advance by an individual faculty member as well as by the Year 4 Committee. With the agreement of the mentor, students are also free to pursue non- elective research activities on vacation or other personal time, and some students may choose to engage in part-time research throughout their medical school careers. Some students may choose a research elective in year four to complete an ongoing project.

Specific Suggestions for the Encouragement, Implementation, and Reward of Student Research

The faculty and the Office of the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs hold major responsibility for encouraging student research. Faculty members are responsible for supervising student research, while the major responsibility for regulating student research lies with the Year 4 Committee.

Students interested in a substantive research experience should contact the individual faculty members of their choice. After a specific mentor and research area are identified, the student must prepare a written project proposal with the assistance of the faculty member. This document should include a description of the project, a budget and budget justification, and a proposed schedule for completion of the project, as detailed later in this document. The length of the proposal may vary. If the student is participating in an ongoing faculty project, a brief summary of the project and the student’s proposed role in its completion is sufficient. For new projects, students are expected to submit a more detailed protocol. Students are strongly encouraged, but not required, to become familiar with the National Institutes of Health application forms and procedures. The proposal should be submitted to the Dean of Student Affairs, who will then forward it to the Year 4 Committee for assessment of educational merit and appropriateness of elective time requested. If not already approved as part of a pre- existing project, the proposal must also be approved by any other appropriate school committees such as the Springfield Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects (SCRIHS), Laboratory Animal Care and Use Committee (LACUC), Radiological Control Committee (RCC), and/or the Infection Control and Safety Committee (ICSC) before the project can begin. The medical student must complete all training and other approval processes required for the research project. To receive research elective credit, the student must complete the project to the satisfaction of the faculty mentor.

General Instructions on Writing a Research Proposal

The research plan portion of a proposal should be clear, specific and informative, with a well-defined problem and a well-defined approach to study the problem.

  1. The research plan should answer the following questions: 1) What do you intend to do? 2) Why is the work important? 3) What has already been done? The bibliography should be relevant and current, not exhaustive.
  2. Facilities: Indicate the facilities to be used, and briefly describe their capacities and capabilities.
  3. Lay research summary: In one paragraph, summarize in lay language he medical or scientific importance of the proposed research project to the public.
  4. Use of human or animal subjects and biohazards:  If the research plan proposes the use of human subjects, laboratory animals, radioisotopes, or biohazards, the proposal must be submitted to and approved by the appropriate committee(s) before the proposed research can be initiated, as follows: Springfield Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects, Laboratory Animal Care and Use Committee, Radiological Control Committee, and/or the Infection Control and Safety Committee, respectively. The Office of the ADRFA (545-7936) should be contacted to obtain the necessary forms and instructions for preparing protocols for review by these committees. These approvals must be obtained under the signature of the faculty mentor. Review by these committees can take place simultaneously with the review of the research proposal, but funds will not be awarded and final approval will not be given until all committee approvals are in place.

Review of the Research Proposal

The year 4 elective committee will review and must approve research proposals submitted for elective credit in order to determine the appropriateness of elective time required and educational merit.

Reporting Requirements

  • Mandatory: At the completion of the research project, the faculty mentor must certify that the student has performed satisfactorily. Both the student and faculty member must complete the appropriate paperwork for credit to be awarded.
  • Optional: Students are strongly encouraged to report on their research accomplishments in the form of an oral presentation at the annual Combined Research Symposium, which is planned and organized by the Office of the ADRFA. This event is held in the spring of each year. Presentations are judged, and awards are presented for the best medical student projects of the year.

    Revised August 2014



The SIU School of Medicine (SIUSM) encourages its faculty to participate in scholarly endeavors, particularly biomedical and behavioral research. The purpose of the Misconduct in Science Committee is to investigate allegations of misconduct of SIUSM faculty in proposing, conducting, or reporting research in a manner that seriously deviates from practices commonly accepted in the scientific community.



ARTICLE I: Name and Purpose

Section 1: The committee shall be named the Misconduct in Science Committee and will be referred to hereinafter as “the Committee.”

Section 2: The Committee is organized for the purpose of ensuring that the School of Medicine’s mission of research is conducted in an appropriate manner and that allegations of misconduct are investigated in an appropriate fashion.

Section 3: Misconduct is defined as fabrication of data, falsification of data, plagiarism, or any other practice that seriously deviates from those that are commonly accepted within the scientific community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research.

 ARTICLE II: Membership

Section 1: Voting members of the Committee are five selected faculty members who hold the rank of Professor in the School of Medicine. Attendance by proxies is not permitted. There are additional, non-¬voting ex-¬officio members of the committee. These are: Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs, a representative from the Office of Legal Counsel, a representative from The Springfield Committee for Research in Human Subjects (if necessary), a representative from Human Resources (if necessary)and administrative staff from the Office of the Dean and Provost.

Section 2: All members of the Misconduct in Science Committee shall be appointed by the Dean with consideration of the recommendations of the Faculty Council Committee on Committees.

Section 3: The term of a voting member shall be three years with an optional one-¬year extension. Terms may be adjusted or staggered to maintain needed continuity on the Committee. Terms may also be adjusted to accommodate particular circumstances such as the promotion of a member to Chair. Reappointment for one or two additional terms may be allowed.

Section 4: All members of the Committee shall abide by an agreement of confidentiality.

ARTICLE III: Officers and Organization

Section 1: The Misconduct in Science Committee shall be directed by the Chair, or in the Chair’s absence, another designated member of the Committee. The Chair will serve a three-¬year term that is renewable for one or two additional terms at the discretion of the Dean.

Section 2: On expiration of the term of the Chair, the Dean will decide on extension of the current Chair’s term, or will appoint a replacement, taking into account the recommendation of the Committee. Each year the Committee Chair shall forward a list of the positions and recommendations to the Committee on Committees of the Faculty Council.

 ARTICLE IV: Meetings

Section 1: The Committee will convene when legitimate allegations of Misconduct in Science are made, in order to hold an inquiry to determine whether an investigation is warranted. The Chair is empowered to convene these meetings as deemed necessary and may meet with Legal Counsel, the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs, or other individuals prior to convening the Committee.

Section 2: A majority of three voting members shall constitute a quorum. Voting members, including the Chair, shall have the right to vote on all motions and/or resolutions of the Committee.

Section 3: Votes will be recorded by a show of hands.

Section 4: Individual members will recuse themselves from votes on measures for which they might be perceived as having a conflict of interest.

Section 5: Official minutes will be taken by a member of the Dean and Provost’s staff at all meetings of the committee. The minutes will be distributed to all members prior to the next scheduled meeting of the Committee and approved or amended at that meeting.

Section 6: The deliberations of the Committee and all materials distributed as a part of the work of the Committee (including minutes) are to be treated as confidential.

 ARTICLE V. Functions and Duties

Section 1: Functions and duties of the Committee, are found under the Misconduct in Science Committee Policy and Procedures.

Section 2: The Committee will periodically review the School’s procedures and policies regarding Misconduct in Science, in conjunction with the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs and a representative from the Office of Legal Counsel, and when necessary, develop proposals for amending these procedures or developing new policies.

 ARTICLE VI: Amendments or Alterations of the Operating Paper

Section 1: Recommendations for amendments or alterations to the Operating Papers shall be presented at special meetings of the Committee. Approval requires a majority vote of the Committee membership. The Chair may vote on operating paper amendments.



I understand and agree that, in connection with the performance of my duties as a member of the Misconduct in Science Committee of Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, I will be engaged in activities of a confidential nature, including but not limited to, reviewing, investigating, and reporting misconduct in science at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine. I further understand that, in this capacity, I will be expected to receive and/or become privy to information of a confidential nature, including but not limited to, records, documents, research reports and related research documents and statistics which go to the issue of misconduct in science and other information of a confidential nature. I further understand that I will be called upon to evaluate such information, in part, by the application of laws, regulations and policies. I understand that my position as a member of this committee is one which demands the highest trust, and that policies and procedures, as well as, in some instances, specific statutes, regulations and governmental policies, protect the confidentiality of certain records and information which I will review by prohibiting their disclosure in any manner. In addition to any duty of confidentiality or nondisclosure imposed on me by specific statutes, regulations and governmental policies, I agree to keep secret, and not disclose to others nor make any personal use of whatsoever, either during my service on said subcommittee or at any time thereafter, of any said confidential information, and to hold any such documents and/or information, regardless of nature in strictest confidence. I understand that any violation of this confidentiality statement will subject me to disciplinary action, up to and including removal from this subcommittee and/or discharge. I further understand that my duty to maintain the information in confidence imposed hereunder shall survive my resignation or termination from this subcommittee.






Printed Name/Title: 




Witness Signature/Date: 

Approved: August, 2011

Objectives for graduation have a number of important functions. They provide:

  1. A description of the basic skills, knowledge, and behavior expected of graduates of the School of Medicine;
  2. A basis for evaluation of student performance;
  3. A guideline for developing and implementing the curriculum (see also Curriculum Guidelines);
  4. A basis for evaluation of the curriculum;
  5. A framework for life-long learning.

 SIUSOM Objectives for Graduation

view "Student Progress System Document (revised 5/22/17)"


  • Provide a forum for student concerns regarding professional behavior and the School of Medicine Honor Code.
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of student complaints, and if deemed necessary, redirect to the Student Progress Committee.
  • Serve students in an advisory capacity in matters dealing with ethical and professional behavior.
  • Educate the student body about the School of Medicine Honor Code.
  • Ensure confidentiality of all Student Advisory Committee (SAC) proceedings.
  • Structure and Process
  • The Committee shall be composed of the five (5) student members appointed to the Student Progress Committee and eight (8) members elected at-large by their respective classes: two (2) Year One students; two (2) Year Two students; two (2) Year Three students and two (2) Year Four students.
  • Elections for Year One students shall be held approximately one month following the election of other class officers, so there is ample time for students to get to know each other. Elections for Year Two, Three and Four students will be held at the same time as the regular class officer elections.
  • Students who have concerns/issues/allegations to be addressed by the Student Advisory Committee should first contact one of their class peer group members.  This person is responsible for convening the appropriate class peer group for review of the concern/issue/allegation.
  • Once a concern is transmitted to the appropriate student peer group, that group shall convene within five (5) working days to consider the concern/issue/allegation. If the relevant peer group is unable to reach consensus regarding what action, if any, is to occur, the entire Student Advisory Committee will be convened to consider the matter.
  • Either the relevant peer group or the Student Advisory Committee will consider the matter and decide to only advise the student who originally brought forth the concern/issue/allegation, OR refer it to the Student Progress Committee for appropriate action.