
Emergency Medicine offers the opportunity to see a wide range of clinical pathology in a face paced and active enviroment.  

The goals for the Year 3 Emergency Medicine Clerkship are in line with the new structure of the Year 3 curriculum:

  • Clinical Immersion
  • Coaching
  • Direct observation
  • Targeted feedback
  • Individualized Professional Development

At the end of the EM Clerkship, students should be able to:
•    Perform a focused, high-quality H&P, and generate a DDX and initial workup for a patient who presents to the Emergency Department with Chest Pain. 
•    Perform a focused, high-quality H&P, and generate a DDX and initial workup for a patient who presents to the Emergency Department with Dyspnea. 
•    Perform a focused, high-quality H&P, and generate a DDX and initial workup for a patient who presents to the Emergency Department with Abdominal Pain. 
•    Perform a focused, high-quality H&P, and generate a DDX and initial workup for a patient who presents to the Emergency Department with Altered Mental Status. 
•    Provide a basic interpretation of EKGs. 
•    Provide a basic interpretation of a Chest X-ray.
•    Demonstrate how to perform a simple interrupted laceration repair. 
•    Give an organized and focused oral case presentation for an undifferentiated patient presenting to the Emergency Department. 
•    Describe the unique challenges of managing a patient in Cardiac Arrest.
•    Describe the unique challenges present in the assessment of a traumatically injured patient. 
•    Demonstrate the ability to place a peripheral IV catheter.
•    Demonstrate the ability to place a patient on a cardiac monitor and obtain an initial set of vital signs.


Required Clinical Experiences

Patient Type/Clinical Condition
Clinical Setting
Level of Student Responsibility*
Chest Pain
Emergency Room
Emergency Room
Abdominal Pain
Emergency Room
Emergency Room
Medical Resuscitation Clinical/Simulation
Emergency Room
Altered Mental State
Emergency Room