
Daily Assignment and Resource Guide




Workshop on Wellness, Assessment and Resiliency



Workshop on Language and the Culture of Medicine


Dr. Reish:


-Boston Med video (begins at 2:53, , ends at 5:57)

Dr. Reish's ZocDoc page:

Reish page

Video Transcript:


Additional resources (not mandatory):

JAMA article: A Piece of My Mind: My Name is Not Interpreter

Reply: Microaggressions During Medical Training


Homework Assignment:

  1. Set Wellness
  2. Write a postcard
    • Visualize yourself in 6 weeks, when you are on your way to having met your SMART goal and have added a wellness habit to your routine.  Write a post card to yourself reminding yourself of your goals and vision. 
    • Postcards are found in your clerkship folder.  Please turn in your completed postcard Tuesday Afternoon at our workshop session. Your postcard will NOT be graded, but you must turn one in. 


Morning - Please complete the following

  1. Ethics in a Short White Coat (with Reflection essay, directions in the module)

  2. Informal curriculum readings



Workshop on the Informal Curriculum


Homework Assignment

Wellness Goals




Admissions Essay Exercise



Homework Assignment:

  1. Wellness Goals
  2. Letter of Gratitude

Resources about Gratitude (Optional):



  1. Watch:
  2. Do:

Instructions – The link takes you to the Harvard IAT (Implicit Association Test) site.  You’ll need to agree to its terms to enter, and answer some demographic questions at the end (it’s a research site, and they’re gathering data).  Once in, you’ll see a list of test you can take that will tell you about your individual bias on the subject.  They’re short, so take a few – you may be curious about several of the subjects.  You won’t be asked to share your personal results in public, but for the sake of a shared class experience, please take at least the race, weight and age IAT’s. 

Homework Assignment:

Guided Reflection on Personal Bias (All essays are submitted to the grader anonymously)

  1. What was your experience while taking the IATs?  Did you have an internal monolog as you were taking it, and if so, what was it about?  If you found differing degrees of difficulty depending on the associations, you were being asked to make?  What do you think was behind the challenges you noticed in reacting to the words/images?

  2. What biases did you uncover when taking the IAT’s?  What is your reaction to the results?

  3. These IATs are about your state of mind right now, in the present.  Think about the biases you found in different time frames.  What experiences do you think were present in your past that formed your current state of mind?  What situations can you anticipate happening in the future where you will need to be particularly aware of your biases? In particular, how might your biases affect your performance as a physician?



Workshop: Systematic Bias

Homework Assignment:

Wellness Goals