Needlestick Information for Springfield Trainees

  1. Immediately wash the exposed site with soap and water.  
  2. Call employee health at the facility where the event took place.  The employee health nurse will provide you with instructions on what you need to do next.   
  3. Contact your employing hospital, if different than where incident took place, to let them know that this happened to one of their employed residents.  


Contact list for Springfield Trainees

Springfield Memorial Hospital

Colleague Health Services: 217-788-3459
Monday – Friday, 7:00 to 5:00 at 217-788-3459
After hours or weekend, contact number above.

Safety Events/ Memorial SENSOR:
DMH Quality & Safety: Cassie Hawk 217-876-6498
SMH Patient Safety: Sue McCarty 217-588-5175

St. John’s Hospital

Kim Kunz— Occupational Health Nurse               
217-544-6464 ext: 2048236 
Monday-Friday, 7:00 to 3:30  
After hours or weekend, contact house supervisor at 
217-544-6464, ext. 2051555

SIU Clinics

SIU Employee Health Nurse— Phone: 217-545-8970  Pager: 217-492-2446, Monday—Friday, 8:00—4:30 
After hours: 217-545-8000—ask for ID provider on call 
Halo: SIU Employee Health Nurse