Medical Humanities


Welcome to the Department of Medical Humanities at SIU Medicine. Our role is to ensure critical dialog about health, health care and the human condition.

Our interdisciplinary team takes insights from the broad spectrum of humanities and applies them holistically and comprehensively to the teaching, research and service endeavors of our organization. We provide students, residents and faculty with knowledge of the humanities, encourage scholarly activity, and bridge the gap between humanities and medical care to better support our community.

anatomy books
SIU School of Medicine Commencement 2022
Mailey teaching students

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Think you have what it takes to live on Mars? Springfield emergency medicine physician Dr. Nathan Jones thought he did. And now he knows for certain. Late one night in 2023, Jones clicked a link on
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2024 Sangamon County Student Art Awards

Here are the young artists honored at the 2024 Sangamon County Student Art Awards.
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Medical school community displays creativity in 2024 Scope

SIU School of Medicine unveiled the 2024 edition of SCOPE at an awards reception April 12. The student-produced literary magazine contains short stories, poems and artwork from learners, faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the school.

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