Preparing for a Pandemic

A collaborative master’s program in public health lab science gives SIU graduate students the experience and versatility to step into vital roles in U.S. laboratories.

Aspects of a Learner - Prezley Duncan, MS

Published in Aspects Magazine, Summer 2018, Vol 41-3

SIU Students & Residents Honored for Research

Young researchers at Southern Illinois University School of M edicine show great promise as they pursued answers to scientific queries during the 28th annual Trainee Research Symposium held recently

Faculty Win “Innovator of the Year” Awards

Several Southern Illinois University Medicine faculty were among those honored as "Innovators of the Year" during the inaugural Illinois Capital Innovation Competition. The event, a partnership of the

Endometriosis: For one SIU researcher, it’s not just work, it’s personal

Endometriosis sufferer Dr. Andrea Braundmeier-Fleming talks about her personal history with the disease and how she is dedicating her career in biomedical research to helping other women with endometriosis pain.

Microbiomes may help improve diagnosis of endometriosis

A new process to identify certain microbes in women could be used to diagnose endometriosis without invasive surgery, possibly even before symptoms start. Our body’s microbes collectively create what

Advances in Sickle Cell Disease

Sickle cell disease is painful, leads to a high incidence of stroke and carries with it a much shorter life expectancy than the average person living in the developed world. Andrew Wilber, PhD, associate professor in the Department of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology at SIU School of Medicine, and his team are working to change that.

SIU School of Medicine Employees Honored for Service

Southern Illinois University School of Medicine honored 56 of its employees for their years of service at campus facilities in Springfield, Decatur and Quincy. The following employees included: 45

Five Graduate at Summer Commencement

Surrounded by faculty, family and friends, five Southern Illinois University School of Medicine graduate students received their diplomas at a summer commencement ceremony on September 22 at the South