Diagnostic Radiology Research

Each resident is expected to complete at least one research project during residency. Residents should identify a faculty preceptor and select a research topic within the first or second radiology year. The final project will be presented at the (fall) Annual Academic Radiology Symposium during the fourth and final year of residency. The project is expected to meet scholarly activity criteria suitable for publication and does satisfy the ACGME's common program requirement for presenting research at a national meeting. 

SIU allows one week (five business days) per year to attend nationally- and/or regionally-recognized educational meetings.  The program generously offers reimbursement for pre-approved travel, lodging, and tuition expenses for residents who present a paper or poster at a national or regional meeting. Expense reimbursement will be provided for one presentation of the same research project. Residents are encouraged to participate in research and present/submit as many projects as they desire. 

In collaboration with SIU Center for Clinical Research (CCR), research education is provided regularly during resident noon conferences.  The SIU CCR team is robust and has many great resources and tools for which residents have access and can take advantage.