Resident Wellness Committee

The SIU Family Medicine Residency Wellness Committee is comprised of behaviorists, faculty and residents. Residency wellness is taken very seriously and a formalized plan is in place. Well-being may be positively increased by interacting with patients and colleagues at work, being intellectually stimulated and by feeling that one is making a difference/helping. In addition, self-care activities, including exercise, getting plenty of rest and connecting with others, are beneficial. 

We want our Family Medicine Residents to thrive, not just survive.  The plan includes: 

  • Balint, once a month.
  • Six hours to include massage therapy, lunch outings, and meditation.
  • Two half-days where Residents escape to the gym, self-defense courses, bowling, building beds, and other group fun.
  • Residents have regular “check-ins” with their advisors.
  • Handbook full of resources is available.
  • “Home base” six times per year which is a support group for each class.  
  • Wellness is incorporated into the residency curriculum; time is allotted for self-reflection and other skills.
  • Breaks scheduled on didactic days focus on well-being, examples include poetry, indulging in ice cream treats, and exercise sessions.
Practical Tactical Resident wellness day