
Free prostate cancer screenings Sept. 13

DECATUR, IL Memorial Health, in partnership with SIU Medicine and Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois, will offer free prostate cancer screenings on Friday, Sept. 13, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at SIU Urology, 302 W. Hay St. in Decatur. The prostate screenings include a prostate-specific antigen blood test and digital rectal exam. More than 250,000 men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year. Prostate screenings are recommended for all men ages 50 to 69, African American men ages 40 to 60 and men with a family history of prostate cancer ages 40 to 69. No appointment is

Free prostate cancer screenings Sept. 13

DECATUR, IL Memorial Health, in partnership with SIU Medicine and Cancer Care Specialists of Illinois, will offer free prostate cancer screenings on Friday, Sept. 13, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at SIU Urology, 302 W. Hay St. in Decatur. The prostate screenings include a prostate-specific antigen blood test and digital rectal exam. More than 250,000 men in the U.S. will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year. Prostate screenings are recommended for all men ages 50 to 69, African American men ages 40 to 60 and men with a family history of prostate cancer ages 40 to 69. No appointment is
General Results

Medicinal Chemistry

Medicinal Chemistry is a discipline on the Edwardsville campus that encompasses organic chemistry and computational chemistry (molecular modeling) in order to design compounds with therapeutic potential. Students become experts in carrying out synthetic schemes and gaining a deeper understanding of biochemical pathways pertaining to their research project. Computational chemistry sits at the intersection of chemistry, biology and computer science. It aims to rationally design new chemical structures as potential medicines by visualizing how they bind the receptors or as improvements of
General Results

Medicinal Chemistry

Medicinal Chemistry is a discipline on the Edwardsville campus that encompasses organic chemistry and computational chemistry (molecular modeling) in order to design compounds with therapeutic potential. Students become experts in carrying out synthetic schemes and gaining a deeper understanding of biochemical pathways pertaining to their research project. Computational chemistry sits at the intersection of chemistry, biology and computer science. It aims to rationally design new chemical structures as potential medicines by visualizing how they bind the receptors or as improvements of
General Results

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology research strives to uncover fundamental biochemical and molecular mechanisms of cellular processes and disease. The Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Concentration offers MS and PhD degrees on the Carbondale campus. Students with graduate degrees in biochemistry and molecular biology are in demand in many occupational areas. Many of our graduates are employed by pharmaceutical or biotechnology firms. Several PhD graduates continue to advanced academic training as postdoctoral fellows or can expect to be employed by pharmaceutical, chemical biochemical or
General Results

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology research strives to uncover fundamental biochemical and molecular mechanisms of cellular processes and disease. The Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Concentration offers MS and PhD degrees on the Carbondale campus. Students with graduate degrees in biochemistry and molecular biology are in demand in many occupational areas. Many of our graduates are employed by pharmaceutical or biotechnology firms. Several PhD graduates continue to advanced academic training as postdoctoral fellows or can expect to be employed by pharmaceutical, chemical biochemical or
General Results

Flexible Curriculum

Science has increasingly become interdisciplinary and thus training that promotes knowledge across fields will prepare students for a successful future. All MBBS students in the thesis MS and PhD degree pathways will begin their graduate training by taking the following core courses. MBBS 500: Introduction to Scientific Communication MBBS 501: Advanced Scientific Communication MBBS 504: Fundamentals of Graduate Research MBBS 540: Responsible Conduct of Research While some Concentrations have required courses that are specific to their discipline (see below), the remaining credit hours can be
Internal Medicine

Pulmonary Embolism - Thrombus Removal With Catheter-Directed Therapy (PE-TRACT)

Active recruiting

The study is designed to identify the best way to treat pulmonary embolism- with blood thinners alone or blood thinners with catheter directed therapy.


Building dementia-friendly communities

Creating a community that better understands Alzheimer's and dementia fosters a better environment for all. One where shop owners understand unusual behavior, where waiters can provide more patience with a confused customer, and one where caregivers have allies and neighbors who better comprehend their situation. The Dementia Friends initiative is about turning your new understanding of dementia into practical actions, helping others in your community. An estimated 250,000+ people are living with dementia in Illinois. Every action counts. Led by Debbie Kuhns, program director at the Smith

The truth about time management for farm families

Balancing work and home life is a common struggle for many, but farm families face unique challenges that can make time management particularly difficult.
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