
Student Welcome Lunch

We welcome 2nd year students from Carbondale with a picnic lunch in the 801 Courtyard. More details on the Hive.

Notification of a Potential Data Security Incident

Dear Madam/Sir: The Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, (“SIU”) is providing notice pursuant to 815 ILCS 530/25 in connection with an incident that may have involved the personal information of certain Illinois residents. This notice will be supplemented, if necessary, with any new significant facts discovered subsequent to its submission. While SIU is notifying you of this incident, SIU does not waive any rights or defenses relating to the incident or this notice. NATURE OF THE INCIDENT AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS TAKEN SIU recently discovered that an unknown, unauthorized third party

Physician Assistant, DMSc programs celebrate 2024 graduates & new students

The SIU School of Medicine Physician Assistant (PA) community kicked off August with three key celebratory events that showcased the dedication, achievements and future aspirations of its students and faculty.

Physician Assistant, DMSc programs celebrate 2024 graduates & new students

The SIU School of Medicine Physician Assistant (PA) community kicked off August with three key celebratory events that showcased the dedication, achievements and future aspirations of its students and faculty.

Physician Assistant, DMSc programs celebrate 2024 graduates & new students

The SIU School of Medicine Physician Assistant (PA) community kicked off August with three key celebratory events that showcased the dedication, achievements and future aspirations of its students and faculty.

Physician Assistant, DMSc programs celebrate 2024 graduates & new students

The SIU School of Medicine Physician Assistant (PA) community kicked off August with three key celebratory events that showcased the dedication, achievements and future aspirations of its students and faculty.
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