HOSTS Program

Introducing HOSTS-LITE

HOSTS-LITE is a more simplified approach to the previous HOSTS (Helping Students To Succeed) program that was put in place for 4th year medical students during their residency interview season (typically October through January). 

The students can now contact the alumni office requesting a list of alumni mentors based on their chosen specialty. Thanks to our amazing alumni, we have compiled 19 specialty lists complete with alumni contact information, graduation year, residency location and current position. It is then up to the students to review the list and contact alumni to begin conversations as they see fit. 

What does a connection look like? Conversations can include information about the residency program, specific specialties, local hospitals and clinics, work/life balance, quality of life (e.g. local housing market, cost of living, local school systems) and any other pertinent topics.


If HOSTS-LITE sounds like a great opportunity for you, please email Simple as that!

Medical Students

If you are interested in participating in the HOSTS program, please see the student registration page and use the link to complete the form with the details of your residency interviews. Registration forms should be received at least two weeks prior to your interview date. If you have participated in the program by connecting with an alum, please fill out a brief survey about your experience.

If you are a 4th year medical student, we would like to offer our assistance in making your match day experience even more impactful! Once you know where you have matched, wouldn't it be great to connect with an alum who has already been there, done that?! That is where Match Connections comes in! Sign up here. We will search out alums who went through your residency program and request a connection for you. While we cannot guarantee success for every student, rest assured, we will do our best to make it happen. 

Want to learn more about HOSTS-lite or Match Connections?

Explore the details of the program in Question / Answer format. If you have additional questions, contact Kate Moore at