Biomedical Science Degree + MEDPREP Option

Students in the pre-medical and pre-dental (two-year) programs may consider the Master's Degree in Biomedical Sciences (BMS) degree. Due to the shorter (one year) duration of the pre-PA program, pre-PA students may  not enroll in the BMS degree while at MEDPREP. 

Master of Biomedical Sciences (BMS): Students in the BMS Degree Program with MEDPREP Option complete professional school preparatory coursework, and also complete graduate courses in physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, and biology. This is an attractive option for students interested in taking a "deeper dive" into biomedical science subject matter and earning a graduate degree while in MEDPREP. The BMS requires 30+ graduate credits in addition to MEDPREP pre-professional courses.

Students must have a 3.0 GPA and 3.0 science GPA from their undergraduate coursework to enter the master's degree option. MEDPREP applicants must be recommended for admission by the MEDPREP Admissions Committee and Director of Graduate Studies, and must also apply to, and be accepted by, the graduate school for graduate school admissions. 

Pros of the BMS Master's Degree option:

  • Earn a graduate degree as part of the MEDPREP experience.
  • Gain deeper knowledge and experience in an area of interest.
  • Qualify to apply for TA/GA positions in your second year (positions are limited and not guaranteed).
  • Qualify to apply for tuition waivers through the graduate school (TW not guaranteed).
  • Graduate standing may make it easier to obtain loans to finance your education.
  • Opportunity to obtain laboratory or educational research experience.

Cons of the Master's Degree option:

  • Higher courseloads and intense graduate work may distract from primary goal of obtaining professional school admission.
  • Graduate degree does not necessarily increase chances of medical/dental school admission - good grades and test scores are most important.
  • Graduate courses will not change your undergraduate GPA. Application services (AMCAS, AACOMAS, AADSAS) report undergraduate and graduate GPAs separately; applicants completing their master's degree will thus have two GPAs (an undergraduate GPA from before MEDPREP, and a graduate GPA from BMS+MEDPREP) on their professional school application(s). 
  • Higher graduate school tuition costs. Like Traditional Track students, graduate students are not funded in their first year, and like all MEDPREP students, are strongly discouraged from any outside work; the program is challenging and it is generally not possible to be successful while also working. 

The BMS Master's Degree is part of the larger Multidisciplinary Biomedical and Biological Sciences "Umbrella" Graduate program offered by the Southern Illinois University System. For more on the BMS Degree, please visit the Master's Degree in Biomedical Science page

Applying for the Biomedical Science Master's Degree

If you are interested in the BMS + MEDPREP Option, your first step is to apply to MEDPREP! All applicants that are are successful in gaining admission to MEDPREP are considered by the MP Admissions Committee for the BMS Option.

You will be notified in your Admissions Letter if you are Graduate Program Eligible. Typically, MEDPREP acceptees that are designated at Graduate Program Eligible have at minimum a 3.0 GPA and 3.0 science GPA, have completed all medical/dental school prerequisite courses, have completed at least one semester of biochemistry and additional upper-level science coursework with B grades or better, and, from a holistic review of the applicants profile, show readiness to take on graduate study. 

Graduate program eligible MEDPREP acceptees may choose to enroll in the BMS. This is an OPTION. Each year, many graduate-eligible students choose the traditional track because they feel it fits their situation better. Choosing (or not choosing) the graduate program is an individual decision: both the traditional and Master's tracks have advantages and disadvantages.

Please note: MEDPREP students in both traditional and master's tracks have strong records of success in attaining medical and dental school admission. The Master's Track is optional, and being in one or the other track does not necessarily impact your chances of professional school matriculation. 

BMS + MEDPREP Admissions Steps:
  1. Apply to MEDPREP (same as traditional track)

    2. If accepted, and designated as Graduate Program Eligible, you may choose the BMS + MEDPREP. 

    3. Students choosing the BMS +MEDPREP track will complete an SIUC graduate application. Students who choose the traditional track will complete an SIUC undergraduate application. At this time, the choice of tracks becomes irrevocable. Students may not move between tracks once the formal SIUC application has been been processed. 


Some of our recent graduates discuss the BMS option:


What made you decide to take the Master's program?


I decided to enter this program because it allowed me to increase my research experience, as well as study the biological principles that I love. Of course, you want to take some classes that will aid in preparing you for the MCAT, but there is also some volition involved. Furthermore, a lot of the classes you take will either help you on the MCAT or the in medical school.


I was able to interact with faculty that I would not have met if I did take the Master's courses. In addition, we had a mini-cohort between the of MEDPREP BMS students in our campus class and I loved that we had that bond.

What unique experience have you had in this program?

Kia: I really wanted to improve my science GPA and have more challenging molecular biology courses.

Ihuoma: Most graduate courses are open to all the students in the program however, it is a lot easier to find research opportunities with an in-house professor or campus professors as an BMS student.